/ / When the child starts to roar and what is the gagging?

When does the child begin to walk and what is the walk?

Having received "on hands" the long-awaited happiness -baby, you immediately face a lot of questions. The most difficult is the first year of life of the baby, since during this period it is especially rapidly developing and cognizing itself and the world around it. Most experiences occur when compared with other children. That is why we should not forget that before the year the concept of "norm" is extremely extensible and individually in everything. Therefore, many parents are concerned about the question of when the child begins to shudder, as well as moments related to this.

What is the goo

when the baby starts to roar

Walking is the second of three stages of preparation.to speech. The very first is a cry, and the third is babbling. These are different variations of individual and chanting sounds and growls: agu, aaa, ge, gee, ve, oh, heh, aga, uh, ah, khe, yyy, avu, etc. What is very curious, this set is practically the same for kids of different nationalities. Over time, the crumbs' repertoire is replenished with new intonations and sounds. Dealing with the question: “When does a child start to roar?” - you need to remember that this is a kind of communication that needs to be maintained. Probably, every mother remembers how the baby looks into her eyes and “purrs” in response. This skill in the future will be the basis of a variety of social contacts. Therefore, talk with your baby, and you will see with what pleasure he will answer you. At this stage, your intonation, articulation of sounds, rhythm, and only then - the meaning is mainly important for him.

When the baby starts to roar

child does not walk

On average, the child begins to walk from the monthor two. However, as mentioned above, each baby has its own norm. And someone can do it from 3 or 4 months. This stage of preparation for speech continues in the child for about six months, and then gives way to babbling.

Child does not walk

The reasons for the absence of rumble are different.One of the most serious is developmental delay. However, whether it is so or not, it is very easy to determine on your own, without going to the doctor. Any deviation can not be by itself, but only in the complex. Therefore, if the baby is all right with hearing, attention, reaction to adults and all steel, then the baby is just such a rule. The second, most common reason is our desire to rush things. Therefore, before you sound the alarm, you should give the baby time, as well as communicate with him more, and soon he will begin to answer you. Also, some kids just do not want to do this, but prefer to listen more and watch you.

The child has ceased to roar

the child stopped to roar
Quitting smoking is normal often.occurring phenomenon before the next stage - babbling. So, some kids go smoothly into this stage, while others fall silent for a while. This usually happens in 4-5 or 6 months. Again, each individually. Therefore, the recommendations remain the same: talk more with your child, sing, smile at him, and very soon he will respond to you with new sounds and melodies.

When the child starts to boom: summing up

The main bell about a serious problem isnot belated, in your opinion, walking, but the lack of response to sounds, communication with the baby. And if a child turns his head to you when you call him, smiles at you, screams when he feels bad, uncomfortable or boring, then he will start to do it when the time comes or just a desire.