During pregnancy planning orthe woman begins to worry about a lot of questions: when the first signs of pregnancy appear, at what time the tummy begins to grow, what can be done and what can not be done, and how many weeks the fetus begins to move.

It is generally accepted that mothers with a firstpregnancy, begin to feel the movement of the baby to 20 weeks. This date is well remembered, and it is even better to write down, and at a reception in consultation to inform the gynecologist. Starting from this figure and adding 20 weeks, you can get a fairly accurate birth date. But many mothers, not waiting for an exciting moment, are worried and interested, asking how many weeks a child starts to move, their friends, and make their case under some framework. But this can not be done categorically. After all, man is a non-ideal being, and there are no clear conditions for the processes taking place in his body and can not be. And therefore the figure of 20 weeks will give an error in the form of a week.
If the future mother is pregnant not for the first time, hersensations already on 16-18 weeks will let know about mobility of the kid. Gynecologists, calculating the approximate date of delivery, add 22 weeks to the exact date of the perturbations during the re-pregnancy.
There are several factors that influencehow many weeks the baby starts to move in different women. This process can affect the complexion: the slimmer the mother, the stronger and earlier will be manifested its relationship with the baby. After all, the uterine waters and the abdominal wall play a role

Moreover, each future mother individually and ondifferent terms begins to feel your child. However, in how many weeks the child begins to move, in general, all the same. It is to this age that the embryo develops limbs with which it begins actively and chaotically to move. At the same stage, a nervous system is formed, also involved in the mobility of the fetus.
By the 20th week the child reaches suchsizes, which freely reaches the walls of the uterus and begins to make itself felt. At this time, feel the "puzozhitelya" is very difficult, and the question of how many weeks the child begins to stir, is still relevant. And the young mums describe the first movements in different ways, comparing them with an inflated butterfly or a swimming fish. Within a month and the pope will be able to feel the obvious tremors inside the tummy.
By the third trimester, the baby's movements becomeless chaotic, and already at the 32nd week most of the children behave like newborns. They have their own schedule of sleep and wakefulness, basically similar to my mother's.

After the 32nd week, start counting the movementsbaby, they should be at least 10 a day. If you thought he was suspiciously calm, try eating something sweet or drinking cocoa. A good effect is given by a small physical load or gymnastics with the subsequent rest on the left side. Usually the fetus reacts very sharply to such manipulations. If after 6 hours the consumption of sweet did not lead to results, it is worth urgently to see a doctor to warn such a terrible diagnosis as pregnancy fading.
As we see, then, in how many weeks the childbegins to move, and then, on what date does this mother begin to feel, is not the same thing. But many pregnant women claim that their baby has declared about himself already at the 13th week, which practically erases the boundary between these concepts.