/ / Karelo-Finnish Laika: a description of the breed, reviews of the owners. Puppies of the Karelo-Finnish husky

Karelo-Finnish Laika: a description of the breed, reviews of the owners. Puppies of the Karelo-Finnish husky

Many varieties of hawks are well known andare loved in our country. Today we will tell about the merits of the Karelo-Finnish Laika, which is rare in the territory of Russia, although it is a native Russian breed of dogs. Experienced cynologists are sure that this is the most elegant and beautiful in its family dog.

karelian Finnish husky

Laika is small in size andvigorous and cheerful character. Several times representatives of this variety were on the verge of extinction, but thanks to the efforts of lovers and connoisseurs of these animals, it was possible to restore their numbers.

History of the breed

The history of the Karelo-Finnish Laika began in the middleXIX century. A dog appeared in Finland, when it was still part of the Russian Empire. Therefore, until now from time to time there are disputes between Finnish and Russian cynologists about the "nationality" of this dog.

Karelo Finnish Laika Dog Breed Description

Initially, the Finnish specialists decided to use thethis small but very active dog in the hunt for birds. She even got a proper name - a bird dog. However, hunting with Karelo-Finnish Laika showed that the dog can not cope with the tasks assigned to it. It was decided to improve the exterior for creating an exclusively decorative animal.

Over time, the Russian Empire collapsed.Finland gained independence, becoming a separate state. The countries dispersed, and the dogs remained in the Russian territory. They lived for a long time in Karelia, Leningrad region. Until a certain time, no one paid much attention to them until at the beginning of the 20th century they became interested in Russian hunters. As it turned out, this small, fast and agile dog shows excellent results in hunting a fur animal. In the middle of the 20th century, the Karelo-Finnish Laika breed was already interested in Soviet cynologists. She started to breed not only for hunting, but also for participation in exhibitions, as experts noted her outstanding external data.

Finnish Finnish Laika owner reviews

Nevertheless, in those years she still remainedMost cases are more working than a decorative dog. Gradually the popularity of this cute animal grew, but then WWII began, and the population of the Laikas almost disappeared. Our scientist barely managed to save her.

In the late sixties in the Soviet UnionThey held a large exhibition of hunting dogs, which also included this red-haired beauty. Her first exit was very spectacular. Eyewitnesses recalled that from this time on, the rapid growth of her popularity began. Although I must say that this only concerned the northern regions of our country. In the south and east of the country, the Karelo-Finnish Laika did not spread. Unfortunately, this situation has not changed today. For example, in Rostov-on-Don such a husk is almost impossible to buy, and in our northern capital the purchase and sale of Karelo-Finnish Laikas does not cause any problems. Moreover, since the seventies of the XX century in the Leningrad region this breed is bred, and by the factory way.


Karelian-Finnish Laika were excavated by Soviet cynologists for hunting game of game: squirrel, hare, wild boar, poultry, marten. These animals can be used to harass bears.

Finnish Finnish Laika Description

A keen mind, devotion and excellent external data over time allowed the use of these dogs as companions. Now they can be kept in apartments and cottages.

Karelo-Finnish Laika: description of the breed

These dogs are small in size, differrather dense physique. The weight of the dog reaches 15 kilograms, the bitches are slightly smaller - their weight does not exceed 12 kilograms. The growth of the dog at the withers is 50 centimeters, the bitches are about five centimeters below.


An important sign of the breed of Karelo-Finnish husky- quality of wool. The richer this red fur coat, which has a thick undercoat, the better. The smooth coat is emphasized, its uniform length throughout the body, the lack of even a small touch on the tail and hind legs is considered by experts as a lack of breed, although the standard does not give a clear definition in this matter.

karelo Finnish Laika reviews


Light color is an undesirable sign of the breed.What does this definition mean? In the Russian version of the standard, light wool is referred to as undesirable fawn color. Nevertheless, the wording "redhead of all shades ..." probably implies it. But there is another standard that the Karelo-Finnish Laika should match. Breeds of dogs (description) in it are slightly different from the Russian version. And mostly it concerns color. The international standard of the Finnish Spitz - the second name of the breed - clearly indicates that the coat should be painted red or golden brown, preferably a bright color. I must say that the bright red color is a visiting card of the breed.


Just want to make a reservation that the Karelo-Finnish husky- dogs are not for beginners in keeping animals. They are very intelligent, but they have a proud and independent, and sometimes stubborn character. Such a dog needs a morally strong, fair and kind owner, to whom she will be devoted to the last breath.

Karelo-Finnish Laika (owner reviews allowthis is to say) must be brought up from an early age. It is good, if this is handled by a professional or an experienced animal owner. Properly brought up dog obeys its owner implicitly, perfectly protects him and his property, becomes an indispensable helper on the hunt. But you should know that this proud dog will not forgive cruel or rough treatment to anyone: neither the trainer nor the master.

Training should be conducted strictly, butrespectfully. If you plan to raise an assistant for hunting, the puppies of the Karelo-Finnish husky are trained from a young age - 5 months. This should be done by experienced hunters. Training necessarily includes both the mastery of theoretical skills, and work in the fields.

the Finnish Finnish dog dog

With children, the Karelo-Finnish husky easily find a commonlanguage, but if your child is too small and can not understand what a living being is before him, then from the acquisition of such a dog should be abstained. Once again, we emphasize that the representatives of this breed have a complex character - they do not tolerate familiarity in any form, preferring only equal relations. But for a teenager, the husky will be the best friend and the perfect partner in noisy and fun games.


A luxurious red fur coat, as you already guessed,requires special care. It's pretty fluffy and long, so if you want your four-legged friend to always look good (and that's what all the owners want), he needs regular combing. Otherwise, the hair of a husky will roll down. The dog will have to cut, and the new coat will grow for a long time. To bathe your pet often does not follow, enough two procedures a year. In addition, it is necessary to follow the teeth, ears and paws of the animal. Ears should be cleaned regularly (as contamination). On the paws, huskies should cut their claws, especially if the dog is kept in the apartment.

the breed was Finnish Finnish husky

The Finnish Spitz often has tartar.In this case, gum disease can start, which, in turn, will lead to costly and long-term treatment. Therefore, from puppyhood, accustom your dog to brushing your teeth, then this problem will not concern you. But remember, that the husky "human" toothpaste is categorically contraindicated. Its use can cause an intestinal disorder. Special brushes and pastes for dogs are sold in pet stores.


If you decide to buy such a red-headed friend, thenyou need to know that you can pick up a puppy at the age of three months old. Do it better in a certified nursery. If you need a good hunting dog, do not forget to ask the breeder for the working qualities of the baby's parents. The ideal option - the availability of their diplomas for the bird and the beast. Assess the size of the puppy, as far as its body is proportional. Babe husky at this age should be muscular, well-fed, have a strong bones. The wool of a healthy puppy is very thick, fluffy, shiny. She should not have bald spots and dandruff. The eyes of the baby are clear and clean, the shape of the bite is like a pair of scissors.

hunting with Finnish Finnish Laika

And one more important question interests those whodecided that they needed just Karelo-Finnish Laika - the price of a puppy. If your city has a private breeder (with a good reputation), then the cost of the dog, most likely, will start from 30 thousand rubles. In a specialized nursery, the price of such a husky is up to 70 thousand. Before you go for a puppy, you need to contact the owners of the kennel. They will tell you when it's best done.

Owner feedback

Today, the owners of such dogs in our countryenough little. Nevertheless, most of them say that they are very happy to be the masters of these animals. Especially a lot of positive reviews leave the hunters. They think it's a great dog. Karelo-Finnish Laika is easy to learn, has an excellent hunting instinct, is obedient and uncomfortable.

A separate group of reviews belongs to the owners,which contain such a dog as a companion. Here the opinions are slightly divided. Most believe that the animal for this purpose is excellent - it is clever, faithful, accurate, almost does not shed, does not have a specific smell. However, there are also complaints about the stubborn and willful nature of their pets. The dog is very wary of strangers, though, does not show any aggression.