/ / Breed of dogs Norwegian Elkhound: character, nutrition, color and responses of dog breeders

Breed of dogs Norwegian Elkhound: character, nutrition, color and responses of dog breeders

A loyal friend of the Vikings, a brave watchman of farms andfarms, attentive shepherd shepherd and brave defender of bears and wolves, a passionate hunter and a companion of fearless travelers - all this is the Norwegian Elkhound, a breed of dogs whose history is more than six thousand years old. It is a friendly dog, endlessly devoted to man.

Norwegian Elkhound

From the history of the breed

Despite the centuries-old history, the breedThe Norwegian Elkhound was officially registered in 1901. From this moment the mass breeding of these animals began. Long before the beginning of the twentieth century, elk-like (as used to be called elkhound) was the national dog of Norway. She had an excellent scent, intuition, and individual tactics of pursuing the beast. These dogs were successfully used for hunting moose. Fearlessness of animals, endurance, hunting excitement allowed them to hunt and bear. Today, they are ideal assistants in the hunt for the wolf, lynx and small game.

Breed description

Norwegian Elkhound - the dog is not very large,rather average size. It is built proportionally. She has a round head, medium size, a broad forehead and a soft transition to the muzzle. Very mobile, triangular ears. Eyes small, almond-shaped, usually brown.


The Norwegian Elkhound has a luxurious fur coat,typical for northern dogs - gray hard wool with a light-silvery soft undercoat. This kind of cover is not terrible for any bad weather. On the neck of the animal is a lush wool collar. On the muzzle, the tip of the tail and the ears, the color of the coat is almost black.

Norwegian Elkhound breed of dogs

The color of this breed resembles the coat of a wolf - graywool with a light gray undercoat. Particular attention is paid to the animal's fur during moulting, which occurs seasonally, it is very active. The Norwegian Elkhound needs a weekly brushing and combing with a special brush, which minimizes loose hair loss.

As this dog is self-cleaning in a natural way, it can be bathed only in case of acute necessity.


Most often Norwegian elkhound, whose photocan be seen in our review, is prone to skin athere and joint dysplasia. It is necessary to monitor the dog's diet, and in any case not to overfeed it, because these animals are very quickly gaining excessive weight. Comfortably Elkhound feels in regions with a cool climate.


Elkhound is an independent being.Like other huskies, these dogs are independent and smart. But the most important thing is their quality - devotion to the owner. Elkhuunds have one more feature - they are extremely sensitive to affection and praise.

Norwegian Elkhound photo

The Norwegian Elkhound is a friendly animal.The dog is cheerful and cheerful, but self-respecting. From the earliest age the puppy needs a demanding, firm but affectionate approach. He gets on well with kids and adults, but is completely intolerant of cats and other pets. I would like to emphasize the special attitude of Elkhound to children. Playing with them, the dog shows such touching caution and accuracy that there can be no doubt that she can not even offend the child by accident. Such a dog is a great friend for children. To unfamiliar people is wary, but does not show aggression.

Norwegian Elkhound reviews

It is worth noting that it is extremely hardy andmobile dog Norwegian Elkhound (owners' reviews confirm this). She really likes to run on rough terrain. Elk laika is happy to go with the owner to a bike, walk or to any outdoor exercise. Elkhaound is a very clever dog. He instantly learns all commands of the owner.

The dog living in the family is very active, it is very attached to the owner. It is necessary to treat it affectionately, but firmly. Do not spoil such a pet.


The Norwegian Elkhound requires early socialization andlearning the basics of obedience. This dog is smart, she will strive to deserve the owner's praise. But do not relax - she needs a dominant owner, who himself sets the rules.

Training must be firm, fair and consistent. Rough and despotic methods will not succeed.


The Norwegian Elkhound is not the breed thatis adapted for living in an apartment. It requires physical activity, a large space, so it is best if the animal has a large fenced courtyard. Excellent dog will feel himself on the farm, where he will find a lot of customary work.

Elkhound is a great companion. Dogs of this breed have well proven themselves in guards, they are excellent watchmen, they are very skillful grazing cattle, and harnessed to sledges, they can carry cargo.

puppies of the Norwegian elkhound

Due to the thick, fleecy undercoat, the dog is hardtransfers heat, and on cold winter days and even in rainy and rainy weather, she feels very comfortable. In the summer days the elkhound loves to swim, from the sun rays it hides in a shady place.


The daily diet of this dog should be more thanhalf consist of meat. The animal spends a lot of energy, which must be filled with a full balanced feed. For this purpose, meat of low-fat varieties - rabbit meat, turkey meat, veal and chicken meat - is suitable. Do not forget about the groats - buckwheat, wheat, rice. The dog should receive vegetables daily in raw and boiled form.


In Norway, it is used for hunting for moose, inas a companion dog. The Norwegian Elkhound has a unique tactic - hunted down, and then driving the beast, he avoids his attacks and, barking out the moose, keeps him until the hunter comes. In addition, these dogs are used to hunt for a large beast - a wolf, a lynx, a bear.

An unusually developed flair allows the dog to feel the beast at distances of several kilometers. It applies a wide range of signals that are barked.

Norwegian Elkhound cattery

Elkhaund is an excellent watchman. In addition, these dogs have well proven themselves in agility, these are attentive and accurate shepherd dogs.

In Europe, these dogs are often used in nursing homes, where they brighten up the leisure of elderly and not very healthy people.

Choose a puppy

Puppies from the Norwegian Elkhound are born completely black. Gradually their wool gets a lighter shade. Growing up, the puppies change their color several times.

They are playful, behave like wolves in a pack. By the time of the first departure for hunting, they resemble charming plush cubs.

Acquire such a four-legged friendrecommend only an experienced and well-proven breeder. The Norwegian Elkhound breed is not very common in our country. A nursery that breeds these animals can not be found in every city. We can recommend you to such institutions in Tambov, Orel, Moscow, Rostov-on-Don, Chita.

Choosing a puppy

First contact the breeder and ask,when you can come to the nursery to get acquainted with the kids. Arriving at the nursery, pay attention to the conditions of adult dogs and puppies. In a good nursery they are in a dry, ventilated room without drafts. There is no unpleasant smell in it.

dog Norwegian Elkhound

Puppies should be active, do not be afraid of harsh sounds, play with their brothers.

The breeder will present all the necessary documents,will acquaint the buyer with the schedule of vaccinations and answer all his questions concerning the diet and content of the dog. Today such a puppy can be purchased for 60,000 rubles.

Norwegian Elkhound - owner reviews

As we managed to find out, all the masters who havehis house of this pet, are very satisfied with this acquisition. This applies not only to hunters who delighted with his aides, but also people for whom Elkhound - is attentive, loving and sensitive companion. Many owners note the cleanliness of the elkhound.