/ / Russian-European Laika: photos, description and description of the breed, owner reviews

Russian-European Laika: photos, description and description of the breed, owner reviews

There are few hunting breeds of dogs thatfit only the real Russian men, capable of rifling behind the shoulders for days to plow the taiga with a couple of biscuits and a piece of fat in a bowler hat. And one of them is the Russian-European husky. Not everyone has the patience to cope with it, but if anyone has started such a dog, he will be in love with the breed for the rest of his life.

History of blood

Russian-European Laika in the Snow

The Russian-European Laika was bred for hunting.In selection work for obtaining a new breed, aboriginal huskies of Finland, Karelia, Kostroma, Komi, Arkhangelshchyna and votyatsky dogs were used. In the USSR, the breed was approved in the sixties of the last century with the main reference black and white color and exterior that the breed got from the dog Putik. The dog was born from a bitch of West Siberian Laika and a dog from the Komi ASSR. This was a successful experiment of Soviet zootechnicians. Boiling mixture of the best qualities of almost all available in the Land of Soviets of Laeks at the outlet gave a universal dog for hunting most of the most popular game species. Of course, a dog is not a robot, every puppy is born with its character, which must be taken into account by the hunter, taking a fluffy lump in the house. And do not expect that one dog will be universal for every beast or bird.

Breed description

Russian-European Laika - a self-sufficient dog

The amateur because of prevailing black in color, even looking at the photo of the Russian-European husky, can confuse it with the East Siberian breed. This, of course, on the first, superficial view.

Russian-European Laika - a medium-sized dogsizes, with a dry constitution of the body. Moving, with an increased orienting reaction, has a temperamental temperament. Malice to man does not show. During the hunt, he walks gallop, rarely turning to the lynx.

Description of the Russian-European Laika begin withgrowth metrics. This dog is not large and not small - medium. The males at the withers are up to 58 cm, the bitches are up to 54 cm. The adults weigh from 17 to 22 kg. They live on average 13 years. Dogs of this breed have thick wool, from above straight, coarse, compacted with soft undercoat. A lush collar of the covering coat is decorated with a neck, a wit and shoulders. Wool is shorter on the head, muzzle and ears. On the hind legs it forms lush pants. The whole length of the tail is equally pubescent, the hair is slightly longer on its lower side, but without suspension.

Black-and-white or white-black colors are businesscard of the breed. Russian-European Laika can be as completely white, but with one black spot, and vice versa. But most of the representatives of this breed "wear" color in the ratio of ninety to ten or sixty to forty. Often, Russian-European husky puppies are born almost white, which is a positive factor for further breeding, to maintain the necessary white balance. In general, white husky in the hunt can better show themselves, the beast recognizes them against the background of snow not immediately. The advantage of black dogs appeared due to the tendency of keeping in urban apartments. Dirt on white dogs is immediately noticeable.

Defects of the exterior

In the classic description of the breed of Russian-European husky, in addition to the requirements for coloring, the following unacceptable shortcomings and defects are indicated:

  • Slimness or fullness.
  • The case is too massive.
  • Excessively elongated head, too pronounced or flattened foot.
  • Muzzle contusion, excessive length or roughness.
  • Large ears with a low landing, motionless.
  • Rounded ends of the ears.
  • Heavy stilted step.
  • Sloping croup, narrow or flat.
  • Tan marks on the head differ from the main color.


Puppy Russian-European husky gnawing strap

By the type of nervous poise they surpassKarelian-Finnish, but slightly inferior to West Siberian Laika. This is more than justified by unprecedented excitement, activity, endurance, excellent hearing, sensitive nose and vigilance. Russian-European Laika requires space, so keep them better in a private home, with the possibility of free movement on the backyard. The maintenance in a city apartment for them is unacceptable. A compromise is possible in the case of frequent and long walks with physical exertion. They need work to be able to throw out their accumulated energy, both physical and emotional. Therefore, if the dog is locked up for the whole working day in the apartment, by the evening the owner is waiting for "surprises" in the form of a gutted sofa, an armchair, torn off wallpaper, cracked slippers and leather shoes from haute couture. You can buy a cage, but this is an option, if this is not practiced daily. If the owner does not have time for long active walks with husky, it is better to think about choosing another breed. If there is enough time for walking, and the owner of the husky is not a hunter, then the dog's occupation becomes an option (agility, offense, and others). But nevertheless, none of the sports of dogs will quench the zeal of husky for hunting.

Characteristics of the Russian-European huskyis also indicated by negative qualities. They include self-will. During hunting, the husky can go far and do not go for a long time. There have been cases when dogs returned, but it is worth noting - themselves, on the third day. That is, the second negative quality - the propensity to escape. And the third is the voicelessness. This priceless quality on the hunt brings a lot of inconvenience in the city apartment. That again confirms the unacceptability of the content of Laika in the city.

If the house has children, huskies will be greatfor them friends, even for very young ones. They have low sensitivity to pain, which allows them to endure the molestation of children. Laika never offends the child, on the contrary, subconsciously they seek to protect and protect them.

A puppy of Russian-European huskies is taught to domestic animals, especially to poultry and rabbits, from an early age, in order to prevent "encroachments" in their direction in the future.

Security features

Russian-European Laika has protective qualities

Russian-European Laika - a dog distrustful ofstrangers, although active aggression to man does not have. If the detractor tries to get into the dwelling or the courtyard, he will surely be clouded. Only to fill up the villain on the ground and hold his neck until the host's approach, the kid will not.

Caring for the Russian-European husky

The unpretentiousness in the content becomes one of thethe main arguments of the hunters in choosing the breed. Keep them mostly in cages with a warm booth. In the apartments it is necessary to allocate a spacious place with your couch, and in any case not allow on the bed and the chair for the purpose of education.

Even if the dog has his aviary and yard withFence, where it can move freely, active walking is mandatory. It is also necessary to provide it with physical loads. It is not superfluous to maintain communication with her (it does not matter that dogs do not understand words). Otherwise, the husky will develop nervousness.

Although the dog and unpretentious in care, comb outa thick coat still have to. Bathing procedures are not necessary for her, bathing the laikas no more often than 2 times a year. But the ears and eyes need constant care and monitoring of the condition.

Teeth are cleaned twice a week, either with a toothbrush, or with a special fingertip. Otherwise, tartar, caries and, as a result, loss of teeth can develop. A dog without teeth is a disabled person.

The eyes of a healthy dog ​​are alive and shiny.Minor gray discharge in the corners of the eyes in the morning is an acceptable phenomenon. So the dog's body clears the organs of vision from dust. And yet you should monitor them, and for the prevention of weekly cleansed chamomile broth. In this case, the dog is not allowed to walk in the street until the eyes (the hair around them) are dry.

Claws are cut once a month.In general, the paws after each walk or hunt must be checked for damage. Unfortunately, broken glass, cans from canned food in the forest - this is the norm for our country. Not to mention the city. Since the husky must necessarily be taken out into the forest or field outside the city, the need for processing from ectoparasites is natural.

Working qualities

Russian-European Laika and the Bear

In the characteristics of the breed of Russian-European huskyfirst of all, its ability to work in the field. It is used almost for all kinds of game. Laiki work on a fur animal, a boar, a bear. Nataskana dog on the drill, waterfowl, including a swamp bird. Works on them like a spaniel does. Early maturity in work is quite a frequent phenomenon in the behavior of puppies of this breed. As a result of the appropriate training, in the eighth-ninth month, the people are looking for protein, wood grouses, almost on par with the older huskies.

The first dressings

The Russian-European husky begins with a 4-6months, since already in this period they show the makings of a hunter. In the absence of experience, the training of the Laika should necessarily refer to a specialist (natasciku). Be sure to have a course of behavior with the beast in the forest, since from the proper training during training depends the dog's life in real conditions on the hunt.


Puppy of the Russian-European husky in the grass

It is safe to say thatRussian-European Laika - a dog with good health. She is endowed with endurance, resistance to various types of diseases. Not yet found diseases transmitted by inheritance to huskies.

To the health of the dog survived, by all meansit will be necessary to provide him with a full-fledged paddock, to load him physically, to feed a balanced meal with enough vitamins and to give a lot of water. In this case, a metabolic disorder becomes unlikely.


What is the difference between the feeding of the Russian-European husky?Yes, nothing. Preferred natural food or dry premium foods. In natural food, 60 percent of the portion should be taken up by meat and by-products, the rest in a balanced amount - vegetables, cereals, vitamin supplements if necessary. It does not hurt to pamper sometimes with a sugar bone. Laika is indiscriminate in food, but this does not mean that it can be thrown into the bowl of garbage from the table.

The opinion of the hunters of the breed

Puppy of the Russian-European husky

At forums dedicated to hunting with dogs,there are many reviews about the Russian-European husky. Most of them are positive. Owners say that these are serious dogs. Not everyone dares to wind up, fearing aggression. But they do not show aggression, but behave very self-sufficient. They live in the majority of owners in open-air cages with booths. According to the owners, the husky's hair deteriorates due to poor conditions of detention. Proper training is also important. You can teach the dog not to pay attention to the chickens and other domestic animals. This makes it possible for poultry to walk freely around the yard. Many people say that huskies are good dogs, but not for keeping in apartments.