/ / How to behave after embryo transfer? In vitro fertilization. HCG after embryo transfer

How to behave after embryo transfer? In vitro fertilization. HCG after embryo transfer

There are more than 4 million babies in the world todayborn with a test tube. And this is a fairly large number of children. If the couple are diagnosed with infertility, then you do not need to despair. In our time, medicine has reached such a limit, when a child can be conceived and carried out artificially. And about how to behave after the transfer of the embryo, about the procedure itself, its features, stages and the subsequent behavior of the woman is written in this article.

how to behave after embryo transfer

Essence of IVF treatment

The essence of the method of IVF is as follows:the woman gets the required number of eggs. Then they are fertilized in specially created conditions with the help of sperm of the husband or the donor. And already finished fertilized egg is introduced into the uterus of a woman.

Treatment with this method lasts about a month and consists of four stages.

During treatment, you must strictly adhere to all the recommendations of the doctor. This concerns not only women, but also men.

Stages of IVF

1 стадия – стимуляция сверховуляции.This stage is carried out so that the chances of getting pregnant are high. In this stage, a woman takes special medications that contribute to the maturation of several follicles in her, from which several eggs are then extracted.

Stage 2 - getting the egg. The egg cell is extracted when it is fully matured.

Stage 3 - the fertilization of the egg. It is held in a special container, where they add the sperm handed in by the husband.

Stage 4 - the transfer of the embryo. Usually, to increase the chances, two embryos are transferred so that one of them is surely taken.

pregnancy after embryo transfer

Check for pregnancy after embryo transfer

Check for the occurrence of pregnancy is carried out by blood tests, as well as the results of ultrasound.

To determine pregnancy, the usual test afterembryo transfer using urine will not work. It may show incorrect information. It will be positive, but in fact it will be negative, or vice versa. Therefore, a reliable version of the definition of pregnancy - blood donation.

The analysis should be taken on the 12th day after the procedure.ECO. If the procedure is successful, then the hormone beta-hCG will be in the blood. That he is an indicator that the long-awaited pregnancy has come. If there is no hormone, then, accordingly, the pregnancy did not come.

There are cases when the level of hCG is insufficient andit is assumed that there is no pregnancy, but in fact it is proceeding quite successfully. In such a situation, it is necessary to conduct an ultrasound scan of the uterus, on which it will be already clearly visible whether the embryo has attached or not.

test after embryo transfer

Details about the analysis of hCG

HCG is a hormone produced by cellsembryo shell. Indicators of this hormone in accuracy show whether there is a pregnancy or not. HCG after embryo transfer is performed on day 12 after the IVF procedure. Carry it out by taking blood from a vein.

So, if the pregnancy is present, then the hormone levels rise twice every day. If there is no pregnancy, then the hormone level is normal or below normal.

In addition to detecting pregnancy, the analysis of hCG after embryo transfer can also determine other features or abnormalities in the woman’s or fetus’s body, such as:

- the presence in the uterus of two or even three embryos;

- the presence of the child's Down syndrome, other malformations;

- diabetes or preeclampsia in a pregnant woman;

- ectopic pregnancy;

- The risk of miscarriage or frozen pregnancy.

As you can see, such an analysis is extremely important and necessary forin order, firstly, to establish the presence of pregnancy correctly, and secondly, to recall myself in time and take certain measures to save a woman or a child.

hgch after embryo transfer

Behavior and lifestyle of women undergoing IVF procedure

How to behave after embryo transfer, shouldtell your treating doctor. After IVF, a woman should take care of herself so that the fetus is strengthened and the pregnancy begins. After this procedure, the expectant mother has about a month to strictly monitor their lifestyle, nutrition. Everything in more detail.

Regarding lifestyle, you can say that nophysical loads during this period can not be carried out. Even if, before IVF, a woman was involved in a professional sport, after the procedure any exercise is contraindicated. It is also impossible to lift weights above 2 kg, because the embryo may shift, which will subsequently lead to complications. With regard to sexuality, the answer is categorical - no sex for 2 weeks after the procedure.

Feeding women should be rational and healthy. No fatty, spicy, sweet foods. About smoking and alcohol in general should be forgotten, better forever.

It is very important at this time the emotional state of a woman. Any stress and nerves can play a bad joke with her. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to be nervous.

If after the procedure you have menstruation, then use only pads. In no case for this purpose do not use tampons.

in vitro fertilization Price

Embryo transfer: how to behave

1. Eat foods rich in proteins, vitamins and all essential trace elements (fish, meat, vegetables, fruits).

2. As a sedative medication, you can take the mood of valerian or motherwort. No chemical compounds should be consumed.

3. Walking in the fresh air is a must.You need to walk to your favorite park, square. Why walk? Because it is during this period that the embryo is well positioned, which will further lead to a long-awaited pregnancy.

4. Take your favorite thing. For example, knitting or embroidery. Such a pastime calms and adjusts to a good mood.

Now you know how to behave after embryo transfer, and be sure to use all the recommendations.

Increased basal temperature after embryo implantation and other signs of pregnancy

Some women start IVF procedures.worry about the fact that they have a fever. Their experiences are understandable, because during this period you can not get colds, because the embryo can not get along. Still, you should not be nervous about this, especially after embryos are introduced into the uterus. On the contrary, the temperature after embryo transfer is normal.

The fair sex afterIVF procedures should measure and record body temperature readings daily for two weeks, using an ordinary thermometer. If the temperature varies between 37-37.5 degrees, then the embryo is fixed, and after two weeks you need to pass a test that says that the long-awaited pregnancy has occurred.

In addition to increased temperature, signspregnancy can be seen by some changes in a woman’s body. For example, the mammary glands may swell, and the nipple halo will turn brown. The girl will begin to respond to odors. There may also be pain in the lower abdomen. Perhaps even intestinal upset.

All these signs will say that a woman will soon become a mother.

embryo transfer how to behave

IVF procedure fee

Such a procedure varies considerably in price, based on the country in which it is held.

In vitro fertilization, the price may be:

  1. In Russia, this method of fertilization will cost $ 3000-10000, depending on the complexity and characteristics of the female body.
  2. In Ukraine, such a procedure will cost less - $ 1,500– $ 5,000 if the clinic is normal, and more expensive - up to $ 20,000 if it is elite.
  3. In the US, IVF procedure will cost 12,000-15,000 dollars.

The effectiveness of the method of IVF

Беременность после переноса эмбрионов наступает not always. According to statistics, 40% of women who are trying to have a child with IVF, achieve a positive result. And this is the first attempt. It happens that you can not immediately get pregnant, but you need to try and continue. The result will definitely be in subsequent attempts. And already if a woman is lucky and she has given birth to a child with the help of IVF, then the second pregnancy can occur in her naturally. Often in 60-80% of cases this is exactly what happens.

temperature after embryo transfer

Factors that influence the success and subsequent positive results of the IVF procedure

  1. Age of the woman. The younger it is, the more chances for a positive result from the first attempt.
  2. Excellent quality sperm spouse.
  3. Optimistic married couple.
  4. The level of skill of doctors. This concerns the procedure for embryo transfer and the correct puncture.
  5. The timeliness of obtaining a mature egg.

Теперь вы знаете, как вести себя после переноса embryo. And if you decide on the method of IVF, then this is absolutely the right decision. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations of the doctor and take care of your nerves and your health. And if it doesn't come out the first time, then the result will be the second or third one. The main thing is to believe and be optimistic.