/ / Endosperm is a reserve nutrient of plant seeds

Endosperm is a reserve nutrient of plant seeds

In the course of botany, many different concepts are being studied. One of them is endosperm. What is it, what functions does the structure perform in the plant? These and other questions will be answered in this article.

Endosperm is part of the embryo

People have long been amazed at the ability of a tinyseed to give rise to the whole body. It turns out that this is due to its unique structure. The seed consists of an embryonic root, a stem, a kidney and a leaf. These embryonic structures are surrounded by a nutrient connective tissue. It is an endosperm. Outside the seed has additional protection - the skin.

This term comes from two Greek words "endo" - inside, "semen" - a seed. In fact, this is the stock of substances necessary for the development of the embryo tissue.

endosperm is

Importance of nutrients

Endosperm is a tissue that forms inthe process of fertilization. In terms of its chemical composition, it is the aggregate of carbohydrate starch, proteins and vegetable oils. Therefore, a person uses seeds as a source of energy and vitamins. But they retain their useful properties only in raw form. During heat treatment, the macromolecules of organic substances are destroyed.

So, half a glass of pumpkin seeds will providean organism half a day's norm of proteins and vitamins of group B, will prevent the formation of kidney stones and get rid of parasites. A grenade is a real elixir of youth. Saturating the blood with antioxidants, it prevents the aging process.

endosperm is part of the embryo

Endosperm of Gymnosperms

Nutritional plant tissue can be primary andsecondary. In gymnosperms endosperm is formed even before the process of fusion of gamete - fertilization. It develops from a megaspore, which is a mother cell with a haploid set of chromosomes. The primary endosperm is the tissue that forms in the ovule. As a result of its development, a female sprouting, or gametophyte, occurs.

endosperm what is it

Double fertilization of plants

In seeds of angiosperms endosperm is formedduring fertilization. In the course of this process, two sperm are involved, which are in the anther of the stamen. The ovary of the pistil contains one female gamete and a central embryonic cage. Fertilization occurs here. One sperm merges with the egg, forming a seed embryo. The other is connected to the germ cell. The result of the last process is the endosperm. This type of formation is called secondary. Endosperm is located around the embryo, warming and nourishing it, creating conditions for the germination of the seed.

How is it formed?

Endosperm is formed in two ways.In the first case, the fertilized nucleus of the embryo sac is divided many times. Formed structures are located along its walls. This type of formation of the endosperm is called nuclear. In this case, the nutrient tissue of the seeds is liquid. For example, coconut milk.

But in most angiosperms after nucleardivision takes place cellular. It changes the aggregate state of the nutrient tissue. In this case, during each division, cells are formed. So, if you collect the fruits of corn in the period of nuclear fission, it will be juicy and sweet. Then follows the transformation of simple carbohydrates into polysaccharides. This chemical transformation accompanies the cell division.

So, endosperm, which is nutritioussubstance of the seed embryo, performs the most important functions. These include providing the embryo with energy, vitamins and trace elements, transporting solutions of mineral substances from an adult plant. It is also important to regulate the process of differentiation of embryonic cells into organs, which is due to cytokinins of the endosperm.