Modern life dictates dynamic development, andthe flourishing of the industry invariably causes losses in the natural balance of man and nature. Increasingly, there are situations where a couple can not conceive a baby only by joint efforts. Sometimes the sentence sounds the diagnosis of one spouse, but even the absolute health of the partners does not guarantee that the union will be rewarded with a long-awaited child.
In what cases is IVF indicated
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)appointed no earlier than the survey will confirm the impossibility of conception. Attempts to treat infertility are often delayed for many years, but the unproductive duration of the process can only reduce the likelihood of a favorable outcome. Seeing the ineffectiveness of the measures taken, the couple has the right to insist on an IVF procedure two years after the start of treatment.
How is the development of the embryo
After fertilization, the egg is placed incomfortable fluid environment, approximate in characteristics to the natural maternal. The transformation of a normal egg into a zygote, that is, a single-cell embryo, does not yet make the process complete. Before embryo replanting with IVF, repeated cell division should occur under the constant control of the embryologist, marking each new stage of development of the organism.
Начиная со вторых суток от оплодотворения клетки, The doctor can already give a report on the compliance of the embryo with the norm parameters. Sometimes, if it is weak but viable, it is allowed to grow in an artificial environment before the formation of a blastocyst (this happens on the 6th day), and then it is introduced into the uterine cavity. Such a reinsurance is justified by reducing the risk to the mother, since it eliminates the formation of several fruits in the womb, and therefore minimizes the load on the body.
In normal cell division, the permissible periodExposure of embryos is three days. After that, part of them, but not more than two, is transferred to the patient's body, and the strongest of the remaining specimens are frozen in liquid nitrogen. But how does embryo transfer take place during IVF?
Preparing a woman for embryo grafting procedure
Making the decision to become a mother is not easymethod of replanting the embryo during IVF, is a sufficient reason for a woman to revise the dietary and daily regimen. It is from a healthy immunity and a strong nervous system of the future mother depends on how successful the procedure will be.
A few weeks before the date of extraction of the eggA woman is shown a protein diet with a minimum amount of fat and complete exclusion from the menu of sweet flour, as well as containing soy protein and genetically modified elements of dishes. It is recommended to drink more pure water, natural fresh juices without artificial additives. From fruit it is better to give preference to fresh pineapples (if not allergic).
Directly on the day of replanting the embryo in the uteruswith IVF, it is desirable to stimulate blood circulation in the pelvic organs, for which doctors advise the spouses to have sexual contact and only after, after the woman has performed hygienic procedures, get ready for implantation.
За два часа до назначенного времени подсадки a woman needs to take a piroxicam tablet. Going to IVF, it is better to calm down, remember that the technology of embryo replanting with IVF is painless and not traumatic.
Embryo replant procedure
Женщина не видит, как происходит подготовка embryo transfer, so she may not know that before implantation, the embryo shell is intentionally damaged to facilitate the release of the egg. The procedure is called “hatching” and it is mandatory.
Итак, как происходит подсадка эмбрионов при ЭКО?After talking with the doctor, the woman assumes a comfortable position on the gynecological chair. At the same time, it is better for her to relax and close her eyes, rather than worry, watching how the embryo replanting is done. With IVF, patient readiness to be calm is important. A catheter that a doctor inserts into the cervix, guided by ultrasound observation, does not cause serious discomfort if the pelvic muscles are relaxed and immobile.
Judging by the numerous female reviews, replantingembryo during IVF passes, as was indicated in the preliminary discussions: painlessly and in an atmosphere of careful attitude of the staff. After removal of the catheter, the patient is asked to lie down on the couch on his back and spend a little less than an hour in this position. During this time, the embryologist will examine the viable embryos remaining in the catheter tube and, if the patient agrees, send them to a cryogenic freeze.
What is cryopreservation
Having obtained the prior consent of the couple, from amongfertilized cells, only strong and robust specimens are selected, those that can survive under stressful conditions of subsequent defrosting. The more embryos to undergo cryopreservation, the more chances a woman will have to resume the IVF procedure in the next attempts that may occur after years.
Germ cell freezing occurs at extremely low Hg, strictly -1960WITH.Since the procedure of treatment with liquid nitrogen and the subsequent rehabilitation of the embryo - a kind of hard hardening in the conditions of an irreconcilable struggle for life, often repeated replanting of embryos during IVF using thawed cells is more successful for a woman.
Adaptation after replanting
Since the moment a woman leavesmedical office, for her the most important in the next three days becomes peace. The regimen after replanting an IVF embryo for 72 hours provides for practical immobility of the patient. Even with a rare rise in the toilet room, the physical support of the husband is desirable in order to reduce the flow of blood to the pelvis to a minimum. Water treatments on the first day are contraindicated!
A diet is previously negotiated with the doctor, butif a woman is healthy and has no special requirements, then after embryo replanting with IVF, you can eat everything that used to be, but with an emphasis on organic foods, and, of course, without including coffee, fatty foods or large amounts of flour in the diet.
After three days of bed rest, the stage begins.moderate activity. Without sudden movements, a woman can carefully perform basic household activities, walk on the street, avoiding any worries. At this stage it is important to drink plenty of clean, non-carbonated water.
In the first days after embryo transfer, the womanoften faced with the problem of increasing the temperature, but if you remember the essence of the intervention in the body, the reaction of the immune system will become clear. The thermometer should not be lowered if the mercury column does not rise above 37.60. It is necessary to give the body its own "learn" new information and reconcile with the fact. In the nearest visit to the doctor such a phenomenon is recorded and analyzed.
You need to carefully treat the appointed injections.In total, there will be three drugs (with a standard prescription): two injections of Utrozhestan on the night after the procedure, one injection of Progesterone on the morning and a total of five injections (according to a painted schedule) of Fragmin responsible for the normal circulation of blood in the pelvic organs. "Fragmin" can be excluded from this list, if the coagulation results show that the blood coagulability of the patient does not deviate from the norm.
The behavior of the body as a consequence of the IVF procedure
Panic of women when they face phenomenaafter puncture, seeming incomprehensible to them, due to the low information content. Below is a list of such phenomena, as well as options for the correct reaction to them:
- Pulling, obsessive pain in the lower abdomen after the procedure, as in menstruation, is the absolute norm. Take nothing extra should not be.
- Vaginal discharge in the form of a pinkish liquidon the 6th-12th day after the embryo transfer, it is an expected and desirable phenomenon, which indicates that the implant is fixed on the wall of the uterus. Normally, if this kind of bleeding lasts no more than 4 hours. The physician should be informed about the situation and conduct an examination in order to properly assess the patient's condition.
- Excessive bleeding or thick discharge indicates an unsuccessful infusion and the need for urgent hospitalization. In rare cases, urgent measures taken save the pregnancy.
Exactly two weeks after the puncture is performed.human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) test. Results are issued on the same day, and a woman can congratulate herself if the concentration of this important hormone is increased. Sometimes a hCG test requires a repetition after 72 hours; such control is due to the presence of mild concentrations.
Seven days after donating blood for a hormone (withaffirmative) is carried out ultrasound, stating the occurrence of pregnancy. After another 14 days, the second is prescribed - to assess the development of a fixed fetus.
In the case of a negative hCG, medication is discontinued to maintain the IVF result.
Critical days, which should go on the 5-7th day, serve as a certain indicator of a failed attempt at replanting.
What can affect the outcome of replanting
Often complicating embryo attachment tothe wall of the uterus are fibroids. Replanting of an IVF embryo in this situation is carried out in such a way that the zygote does not end up near the tumor, which tends to grow. Other important conditions for the favorable survival of the embryo in the maternal organism are the correctly chosen time (usually on the 20th day of the cycle) and the optimum maturity of the fertilized cell. If other terms are established by doctors, it should be taken calmly, as the body does not always work with clock accuracy, and nuances that take into account the woman’s personality can determine a good outcome.
But even in the case of a negative test one should notassume that the joy of motherhood is not for you - the real success rate after the first attempt rarely exceeds 45%. You may have to change your diet a little or give up bad habits if this hasn’t been done before, and be sure to try again using germ cells after cryopreservation.