/ / Breathing exercises for preschoolers: the goal

Respiratory gymnastics for preschoolers: goal

Every year respiratory viral infectionsprogressing, mutating time after time and reducing sensitivity to pharmacological drugs. Children of preschool age are particularly prone to catarrhal diseases and their complications.

Old infections in the new shell

breathing exercises for preschoolers

In the modern environment in terms of gassedair and food with various additives the immunity of babies weakens every year. On the autumn and spring outbreaks of disease can not speak. Pneumonia or bronchitis, accompanied by a few years ago, high fever, cough, runny nose, today are asymptomatic. Doctors diagnose such acute diseases with difficulty, and, as a rule, a lot of time passes before the infection is detected. By that moment, she is hosting in a small carrier, it is difficult to treat, and the rehabilitation period until complete recovery is delayed for several months. A weakened body of a child is not able to restore health on its own, therefore it is necessary to take urgent measures to strengthen it. Respiratory gymnastics for preschoolers, the purpose of which is to raise immunity and strengthen the general body, as well as in the prevention and reduction of diseases, is a great way to help your child cope with them. Every year more and more parents pay attention to the complexes developed by specialists for the fight against viruses and infections.

Respiratory gymnastics as a way to strengthen the immune system

Respiratory gymnastics for preschoolers is,first of all, a set of exercises designed for the development of the muscle groups responsible for the breathing process. In addition, such exercises help the child to saturate the brain with a sufficient amount of oxygen, which, in turn, will help improve the mental activity of the baby.

exercises breathing exercises for preschoolers

Секрет заключается в правильном носовом дыхании.After all, the nose serves as a kind of filter against the ingress of dust or other particles into the nasopharynx when air is inhaled. When foreign micro-bodies hit it, it immediately blocks them, enveloping them with mucus. Subsequently, it dries to form crusts (kids call them “goats”).
For the correct passage of air through the noseSpecial exercises of respiratory gymnastics for preschoolers are used, with the help of which kids' attention is focused on deep nasal inhalations and exhalations through the mouth. At the same time, in combination with breathing exercises, pronunciations of viscous vowels and hissing consonant sounds are used during exhalation. These can be sounds “a”, “sh” “c” and others.

Health Benefits of the Body and Intellect

Breathing exercises for preschoolersdeveloped in various game and verse forms. In the process of doing exercises, each cell of the body is filled with oxygen. Proper breathing simplifies the supply of oxygen to the brain, which means faster and more understandable assimilation of surrounding information. In addition, proper breathing begins to stimulate the heart, restores the nervous system (for hyperactive children), even the digestive organs such exercises will help in the absorption of food.

breathing exercises for preschoolers goal

To strengthen the immune system and help withRecovery from colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, as well as in the post-rehabilitation process uses breathing exercises for Strelnikova preschoolers. At the same time, the singer herself recommends this gymnastics not only to children, but also to adults. In addition, breathing exercises allow the vocal cords to be developed to allow singing. In his book “Respiratory gymnastics for children”, Krasikova I. S offers very interesting exercises. In more detail we will examine the methods of A. S. Strelnikova, since they show really impressive results.

Respiratory gymnastics for preschoolers on the recommendations Strelnikova

Mrs. Strelnikova’s methods are very unusual.Her system is not based on the general work of breathing "inhale-exhale", but on the nature of breaths and their quality. The exhalation of a singer is defined as the inevitable consequence of inhalation, which is formed by itself. Strelnikova hypothesized that during inspiration the chest does not expand, but, on the contrary, shrinks. Therefore, in the system there are bends, turns, chest grip.

The results of classes in Strelnikova can notgo unnoticed. In addition to obvious improvements in the complex with traditional medicine in the treatment of chronic diseases of the nose and throat, bronchi and lungs, there are noticeable positive results in the fight against diabetes, heart disease, diseases of the nervous system.

breathing exercises for preschoolers

Three "whales" breathing exercises Strelnikova

Respiratory gymnastics for preschoolersbegins with 3 basic exercises that are performed by the “soldier’s step”. They are a kind of warm-up that prepares the respiratory system for the main complex.

Warm-up exercises

1. Exercise "Palm". We become exactly.Hands along the body, while from the elbow they are raised up the palms of themselves. If you put your hands correctly, you will get the “Give up!” Pose in a relaxed state. Then inhale the air through the nose and firmly squeeze the cams, as if trying to catch a bug. Only hands come into motion, all other parts of the body must be motionless. We make four short breaths (we smell it) and quietly exhale through the nose or mouth. We make such breaths four times, then we rest for 3-5 seconds. In total it is necessary to do 24 times in four breaths. The total number of repetitions of this exercise will be 96 times.

2. Exercise "Donuts". The pose is the same as in exercise 1, only the handleswhile not bent at the elbows and clenched into cams. We inhale and unclasp our fists, as if pushing a certain object away from ourselves, and, throwing it on the floor, exhale. We make 8 such breaths, rest for 3-5 seconds and repeat 11 more times.

breathing exercises for preschool children

3. Exercise "Pump". We stand straight, legs slightly apart, armshang freely along the torso. We slightly tilt the body forward, the neck should not be tense, the head freely lowered, the back slightly rounded. When tilting inhale slowly, exhale when straightening. We make 8 breaths, as in the previous exercise, 12 repetitions.

In total, the main complex includes 14exercises that are desirable to do in three approaches. Breathing exercises are best suited for preschoolers after sleeping in the morning before breakfast and in the evening before dinner. You can practice after eating, but not earlier than in an hour. Before going to bed, gymnastics is categorically not recommended, as it nourishes the body with oxygen, which contributes to the additional charge of the body with energy.

Respiratory gymnastics in preschool institutions

In kindergartens holding breathing exercisesreally necessary. They can be performed during morning exercises, in special classes with a speech therapist, during gymnastics after a quiet hour, on walks. Maybe such breathing exercises for preschoolers in verses or with illustrations, which helps the child not only to treat the respiratory system, but also to develop memory and thinking.

breathing exercises for preschoolers in pictures

When performing exercises it is necessary to adhere to the following rules:

  • inhale only with the nose with the mouth tightly closed;
  • shoulders do not rise;
  • you can not make a sharp and fast exhalation;
  • you can not inflate the cheeks.

When performing breathing exercises needmonitor the condition of children. In case of rapid breathing, paleness (reddening) of the face, trembling and tingling of the hands and feet, the exercise should be stopped. Then you need to put your palms together, bring it to your face and breathe deeply in them 2-3 times.

In kindergartens a teacher and a speech therapist maypractice breathing exercises for preschoolers in pictures. With the help of funny rhymes, countings and images, it is easier for children to master incomprehensible movements, and if you practice with light melodic music, the exercises will bring not only tangible results for the immune system, but also improve the psychological state of the kids. At home, parents can also practice these types of breathing exercises.

Some breathing exercises

one.Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the waist. Hands go up - inhale, tilt to the side - exhale, return to the starting position, without lowering the hands - inhale, tilt in the other direction - exhale. Return to the original position.

2. Stand straight.Clasp your arms around your shoulders (crosswise) and tilt your head slightly. Dilute hands to the maximum distance, trying to turn the shoulder blades as far as possible, lift the head and inhale. Back to the starting position again, relax your hands and breathe out.

breathing exercises for preschoolers after sleep

So different breathing exercises

Many gymnastic exercises illustratePictures. Respiratory gymnastics for preschoolers are thus more easily perceived by children, as pediatricians, speech therapists and psychologists believe. For the child, first of all, the parents' attitude is necessary, and many children do not fully understand the movements and sounds that adults are trying to convey to them. When looking at the bright colorful pictures of a child, a kind of “subconscious imagination” is connected, and he himself understands how to do this or that exercise really correctly.

Respiratory gymnastics for hardening the lungs

There are also many exercises for hardening the lungs. Here are a few of them:

one.One nostril closes with a finger, the second child breathes for 4-6 seconds for each nostril. A total of 10 breaths are made for each, alternately closing one nasal passage, then the second. It turns out this way: they closed one nostril, inhaled, exhaled, changed the nostril, inhaled, exhaled. And so on 10 times.

2. The child breathes in, slightly covering the wings of the nose with his fingers. Then slowly exhales the air, while already tapping on the nose so that the air comes out jerky. It is worth making 10 approaches.

3. The baby takes a deep breath, as he exhales, taps his fingers on the nose, as in Exercise 2, and loudly utters the syllables “ba-bo-bu”, “ba-bu-be”.

Respiratory breathing exercises

Respiratory gymnastics for preschoolers in verseis not only exciting, but also a useful activity. Most often the rhymes are enclosed in bright pictures. Thus, the baby not only hears, but also learns to visualize the exercise process. Below are a few rhymes for breathing exercises:

1. Inhale the aroma of pine (take a deep breath, as if it smells like something tasty)

And the breath is harbored (breath is held),

And now we exhale (exhalation happens with the stretching sound “a”),

We rest, rest. (break 10 seconds)

Exercise is repeated 3-4 times.

2. We are tickled by something there (4-5 small, sharp breaths are being taken)

I want to sneeze all of us! (sharp exhale, imitating sneezing, bending forward)


Exercise is repeated 3-4 times.

Each mother and teacher, who has a sense of rhythm, can write several exercises in her own poems, based on basic knowledge of the use of breathing exercises.