/ / Breathing gymnastics Buteyko: the essence of the method, exercises, reviews

Buteyko breathing exercises: the essence of the method, exercises, feedback

Probably, many have heard about K. P.Buteyko and his miraculous methods that helped thousands of people cope with various diseases. Their path to recovery is very difficult, as is gymnastics itself, but we will tell you everything from the very beginning.

Recognition and discovery

Respiratory gymnastics Buteyko got herrecognition in the days of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The Ministry of Health has officially adopted this system. True, this took far more than one year, and almost a full thirty years. But in the end, Buteyko breathing exercises became internationally recognized.

Buteyko breathing exercises

Popularity and first successes

What is the famous system, and with what reallydoes she help cope? Respiratory gymnastics according to the Buteyko method helps to cure various broncho-pulmonary diseases that have become so common in modern life. She deserved special popularity when she gave results in the fight against asthma, increased the immunity of children, who, before using this system, picked up various colds almost every two weeks. After such successes, doctors from different parts of our planet began to study it, and later clinics began to open around the world.

Causes of disease

Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko discovered thatcarbon dioxide deficiency in the lungs leads to asthma attacks in asthmatics. What caused this? Hyperventilation leads to carbon dioxide deficiency, that is, too many deep breaths in a short period of time. They saturate your blood with oxygen to the very limit. An inactive lifestyle can also lead to a lack of CO2. Therefore, Buteyko’s breathing exercises are designed to teach people to avoid attacks of suffocation. It is not easy - but possible.

Buteyko breathing exercises

Acquaintance with the course

Respiratory gymnastics by Buteyko methodIt is a combination of various exercises for which no special technique is required. Alas, there is one drawback - on your own you are unlikely to master this course entirely and will do everything in accordance with the standard. Therefore, for training should contact the experts.

Buteyko breathing exercises - exercises

• The first exercise is considered to be introductory;on the principle of lack of air. Hold your breath. Not for long. Then you need to breathe quietly and shallowly, thereby maintaining as long as possible the state of lack of air. If you need to urgently inhale a large portion, then start over.
• The second exercise must be performed while walking. Clamp your nose and go. Then we restore our breath. As soon as it returned to normal, we repeat this procedure again.
• Третье упражнение производится посредствам shallow breathing, that is, not only due to the lungs, but also due to the whole organism. We advise you to perform it for beginners for three minutes, gradually increasing the load and time to ten minutes.

Note that respiratoryButeyko gymnastics is applicable both for children (from the age of four) and for the elderly. We conclude. This system has almost no age limits.

Buteyko breathing exercises

Preparation for the course

But do not rush to extremes. From the very beginning, it is necessary to study the Buteyko method. Breathing exercises should begin to perform with preparatory exercises so as not to harm your body.

Расскажем об одном из них.You need to sit on a chair, put your hands on your knees, straighten your back. Now relax and start breathing in small breaths, as if afraid to take an extra sip. Exhaling through the nose, you need to be careful. Since exhalation should be virtually invisible. After this, a feeling of lack of air will gradually build up in your chest. So it should be, do not be alarmed. This is an introductory breathing exercises Buteyko. Exercises should be performed within ten minutes.

Body behavior during exercise

Everything would be just perfect if our bodydid not resist this method. But, as you know, the disease passes only through pain. What does it mean? Buteyko breathing exercises will cause you pain, disgust, soon you will get tired of it and you will want to forget all the exercises, like a bad dream. But it is absolutely impossible to do this. It is necessary to try hard. Try to wait out this moment of denial, and soon your body will get used to such loads, and you will feel better.

Help for asthmatics

Buteyko breathing exercises for asthma
Asthma is a disease that causesasthma attacks. They can last from a few seconds to several hours. Buteyko breathing exercises with asthma always caused controversy. Why? On the one hand, breathing exercises that are performed correctly, and even under the guidance of an experienced specialist, are beneficial rather than harmful. This method has helped many asthmatics to refuse to take hormonal drugs and improve their lives. But experienced scientists and doctors argue that you should not refuse to take drugs, you should reduce the dose, as breathing exercises are unpredictable: one gets better and the other worse.

Respiratory gymnastics Buteyko: reviews

On the official websites, various forums, people write about the miraculous nature of their healing thanks to this system.
• Some patients note that at one timethey decided to get rid of the obsessive cough that always manifested itself with the onset of winter time. As a result, having done the necessary exercises, people could not only forget about this ailment forever, but also lose a few extra pounds, as well as improve their overall well-being.
• Другие люди тоже решили попробовать, после чего left your reviews. The Buteyko breathing exercises helped some people a week later, after the start of the exercises. The cough began to disappear and the choking attacks ceased. But some patients note that they had to go through a very strong stage of resistance. Their body did not want to take this system: tears and red eyes, choked cough. The good news is that in the end they achieved their goal.
• Some people who have triedmethodology, shared one secret. The Buteyko method helps to fight not only respiratory diseases, but also with obesity. The work of the gastrointestinal tract due to this system returns to normal, those extra pounds disappear. The state of health only improves, and those familiar with surprise note changes in a person.

 Buteyko breathing exercises [

Doctor's comments

Even doctors tell how this gymnastics helped their patients to get rid of cough, which did not want to leave them after the flu.

One medicine worker wrote a very helpful review.unusual, because he decided to try the method on himself. He confessed that he had no time to do all the exercises, as recommended. The doctor did them once a day. But, despite such rare occupations, the attacks of suffocation became less significant, with some he could quite cope himself, and gradually his health began to return to normal. Therefore, now he has plans to struggle with laziness and do exercises in accordance with all the rules. After all, the result will not keep you waiting!

Another discovery made by a patient who sufferedfrom severe allergies to cats. When meeting with these creatures, he began to suffocate and blushing eyes. After a month of classes was already behind, he went with his family to visit. Having spent there quite a long time, the patient felt fine, and after all a fluffy cat was walking nearby.

Buteyko breathing exercises reviews

How to remove the pain?

One instructor who teaches the techniqueshared the secret of using this method of treatment in the form of an ambulance for your body. As soon as pains in the stomach or in the gastrointestinal tract begin, she needs to do Buteyko exercise within twenty minutes, and the pain will definitely subside. How strange, but it works! Also, the pain disappears in the joints.

Patients who were trained shared withpublic how dramatically their lives have changed. They learned how to breathe properly, and then taught to this and the whole family. This method has helped them all get rid of extra pounds, bring their well-being back to normal and improve their mood for the rest of their lives.

breathing exercises

The teacher of one of the medical schoolsshared his opinion on this system. Buteyko's exercises helped him get rid of the symptoms of chronic rhinitis, which had haunted him for more than twenty years. After some time, he noticed that his fatigue had decreased, his body became more enduring. And after some time, osteochondrosis began to retreat. There is evidence of positive results in children who have suffered from bronchial asthma from an early age. Their regular guests were: allergic reactions, asthma, skin rashes and itching. Practically from birth, children constantly took medicines to sustain life. Soon, doctors recommended the Buteyko method. Some time has passed. There were noticeable improvements on the face: asthma attacks no longer visited children, skin itching subsided, the state of the body as a whole improved, medications were no longer used.


Many people all over the planet praise the Buteyko method- breathing exercises. And, as it turned out, for good reason. It helps people to cope with many diseases, to improve the general condition of the body, and this is all without drugs and some unusual methods. Therefore, if you still think whether it is worth wasting your time on such things, the answer is unequivocal - it is worth it!