/ Why does the child sweat when sleeping?

Why does the child sweat when sleeping?

If you notice that the child sweats when sleeping,First of all, it is necessary to understand why this happens. Of course, if the baby sweated after the night once, there is nothing terrible in this, and it can not be any alarming signal. But if this is repeated regularly, you, most likely, should think about and reveal why this happens.

Microclimate in the children's room

child sweats when sleeping

Does the child sweat when he sleeps?The first thing we recommend is paying attention to the temperature in his room. Remember what happens to an adult when he is too hot? That's right, he's sweating. Children have the same reaction. It is generally believed that high for a baby is considered to be above 20 ° C. Unfortunately, many parents, trying to protect the crumb from hypothermia, forget about it. No less important is the humidity: it should be within 40-70%. In addition, it is desirable to select bedding and sleepwear from natural fabrics that have good hygroscopicity.

Viral infections

This is another, quite common reasonWhy the child sweats when he sleeps. Sweating in sleep often indicates a disease of a viral origin in the initial stage. If the reason for sweating is precisely this, it is better to see a doctor as soon as possible to prevent its development.

the child sweats strongly when he sleeps

Increased excitability and sensitivity of the child

Удивлены?By the way, this is often the only reason that a child sweats when he sleeps. For sensitive and emotional children contraindicated mobile, noisy games and bright emotions before bed. To calm the agitated baby, you can bathe it in a bath with sea salt. You can also use herbal baths: adding valerian or mint, you will help your child to calm down and tune into a dream coming.

Can sweating be a sign of rickets in dreams?

Virtually all forums meeta reference to the fact that sweating during sleep is one of the signs of rickets. Is it so? Yes, indeed, this can be one of the symptoms of developing rickets. To prevent the development of this disease, you should consult a doctor. If your fears are confirmed, most likely, the child will be prescribed to take vitamin D. However, you should not be frightened in advance. As a rule, rickets are accompanied by other symptoms: the dream of the baby becomes restless, during the waking period it becomes very moody, cries for no reason, does not want to eat, hair falls out, etc.

Other reasons

baby when sleeping sweats head
There are other reasons why the child stronglysweats when he sleeps. As a rule, any diseases are determined by the presence or absence of other, characteristic for them, symptoms. For example, if you notice that the baby has started to lose weight, lose weight, it is likely that you have a visit to the endocrinologist - in combination with sweating it can be a sign of hyperthyroidism or other disorders in her work. Heart failure can also be the reason why a child sweats when he sleeps. The head in a dream can sweat and because of the taking of any medications. In all these cases it is better to contact the appropriate specialists who will be able to diagnose and help the baby get rid of existing problems.