Immediately after birth, babies have manyproblems, and chief among them is the inexpediency of getting used to a completely new world. Against this background, there can be many uncomfortable situations for both the child and his parents.

About a dream
If a woman wants to understand why she sleeps badlybaby day, she should understand a few simple truths that relate to the rest of such small children. First, the sleep of any child is individual, and there is no need to panic if the baby needs much less time to sleep than the neighbor's child. It should be noted that the sleep of a newborn is also changeable, today the baby may not sleep during the day, and tomorrow at night. So it is not known what is better: when the child will be awake in the daytime or in the dark.

So, if a baby sleeps badly during the day, there isThere are several common reasons why this may occur. The first is the uncomfortable setting for sleeping a baby. A child may be hot if he is too warmly dressed or covered, or it may be cold if the situation is opposite. The baby can also be uncomfortable because of the huge amount of extra things in the crib - blankets, pillows, and possibly toys. A place to sleep a baby should be empty - a mattress and a blanket, nothing else. Before the year, the child does not even need pillows. Another reason why a baby sleeps badly during the day may be that he has just a full diaper and is wet for him.
Reason 2
What else can disturb the baby?The processes that occur in his body can also interfere with the sleep of a newborn. If the baby does not sleep well during the day, it may have colic: the tummy hurts and swells up. The growth of teeth can begin - it also disrupts the baby’s sleep, especially when the first teeth appear.

Reason 3
If the baby does not sleep well during the day, then perhaps thisis due to the immaturity of the nervous system of such a small child. He is easily overworked and cannot calm down so quickly. And when the child wants to sleep, his body is still in an excited state, although his eyes are closed and the baby is ready to move into the realm of Morpheus. This can significantly affect the sleep of the child.
What to do?
The first thing to do is figure out whyThe baby sleeps badly in the afternoon. And only after that try to get rid of the cause. But what can be done on the basis of general recommendations? If the baby does not sleep well during the day, the mother can try to rest with her child, falling asleep near the crumbs. Most parents who practice joint sleep, say that their children do not have problems with sleep. Babies sleep well also on a walk, so why not spend a nap in the street? You can try to bore the child to the maximum with communication, so that he, as they say, is cut down.
Sleep rules
If the baby does not sleep well during the day, you need to entercertain rules. First, you need to develop a sleep mode for your karapuz. Mom can by trial and error find the ideal time when the baby really gets tired during the day and his body is ready to shut down completely. Also, the child should always sleep in one place, the mattress should be quite hard, the child does not need a pillow. They also sleep well in cool rooms with a normal level of humidity. Observing all these simple conditions, you can forget about the bad dream of your baby.