/ / The baby sleeps badly - is there any cause for concern?

The baby does not sleep well - is there any cause for concern?

The newborn baby is the main sourcejoy for young parents, but at the same time it is with him that all their worries are connected. Parents are not yet accustomed to the daily routine of the child, they do not understand why the baby does not sleep or cry, when to feed and how often it should be done. Calmness and self-confidence come with time, and any troubles end up with rewarding experience.

Why do you need enough sleep?

Здоровый крепкий сон является основным child well-being indicator. It is believed that a newborn baby should sleep until it is awakened by a feeling of hunger, but since this is an ideal option, this is not always the case. If the baby does not sleep well, even if it is not hungry, this indicates that something is bothering the baby (for example, heat or a wet diaper). For a small child, sleep is extremely important, because it is in a dream that new knowledge and skills are formed, the information obtained during wakefulness is processed. The long and deep sleep of the baby also provides the mother with an excellent opportunity to get some sleep or just to relax, do homework or your favorite hobby.

Problems with sleep - is there or not?

Nevertheless, children do not always sleep well.Bad sleep is expressed both in slow and difficult falling asleep, and in that the baby wakes up quickly, which can occur both in the daytime and at night. Short-term sleep does not bring satisfaction, because if a baby does not sleep well, then he just physically does not have time to sleep, and therefore, he feels constantly tired and overwhelmed, will be capricious and constantly cry.

In order to assess the degree of sleep disturbance,First of all, it is necessary to calculate the total amount of time that the child sleeps per day and verify the result obtained with statistical data. Of course, you should not rely on these indicators as the ultimate truth, because all children are different, and the lack of need for a long sleep can be an individual feature of a particular child. It is possible to say that an infant sleeps poorly only if its sleep lasts less than 16 hours a day, although the average infant sleeps about 18 hours a day.

Should I worry?

If the child sleeps little, but he is active enoughand does not express obvious signs of anxiety, then the mother should not worry. But in the event that there are any external signs of trouble (except for a short sleep), the child should be shown to a pediatrician who will tell whether this condition is the norm. The doctor may also prescribe some additional tests and advice from related professionals, such as a neuropathologist.

How best to fall asleep?

Существуют несколько рекомендаций, которые help to put the child to sleep, even if usually the baby does not sleep well and does not give rest to the parents. First of all, you need to stack a child without light, even during the day it is better to close the windows with curtains during sleep. You should also instill in your child a certain ritual that will become a signal for fast bedtime, for example, play with the child at the same time every day, then take a bath or sing a song. Over time, the child will get used to these actions, will be subconsciously ready for the dream to follow the song. Even if your mother does not have a voice or desire to sing, you can use soothing music or recording lullabies. The temperature in the room should not be too high, quite often the baby does not sleep well due to stuffiness. Since thermoregulation in young children is imperfect, it is better to let the room be a little cool.

In any case, a bad dream in a child is notthe reason for the tragedy, over time, everything will return to normal and the baby will choose a regime of the day that suits him. You should not worry too much about a couple of hours of lack of sleep per day, but it is always better to consult with a specialist once again.