/ / Good night, babies, or How to be if a newborn baby does not sleep well

Good night, kids, or How to be if a newborn baby does not sleep well

All young families are nervous before the appearancebaby and worry that they are waiting in front of long sleepless nights. However, the opinion that a newborn baby does not sleep well is only partly true. By nature, the dream of just emerging babies takes a significant period of time. If your baby behaves restlessly, and you can’t lay him down for a long time, then there must be your reasons for this, which must be found and solved.

Lack of maternal experience often preventsobjectively assess the well-being of the child. Before we say that the newborn sleeps poorly, it is necessary to determine the normative indicators. The first three months, the duration of sleep healthy baby is not less than 16 hours. Further, up to six months, the duration should take about 15 hours. After six months - 13 hours. When the baby is one year old, his sleep time is reduced to 12 hours.

newborn baby does not sleep well
Why a newborn baby doesn’t sleep wellno doctor will say. Root causes can be different, ranging from individual characteristics, increased excitability, changes in nutrition and ending with colic, changeable weather, stuffiness and the appearance of teeth. Some of these reasons can be solved by following the tips below.

Перед тем как уложить ребенка спать днем или in the evening, ventilate the room well. To make your baby sleep better, hang a cloth bag filled with lavender, valerian root or hop cones at the head of the crib. Baths with a decoction of soothing herbs will also help improve sleep.

the newborn sleeps badly
Ошибочным для многих молодых мам является желание protect your baby from all extraneous noise. But, having become accustomed to absolute silence, children can wake up from the slightest sound. Eliminate active games and strong impressions in the evening.

If the newborn baby does not sleep well, perhapsit is worth reviewing his diet. Try to have dinner at the baby was dense. Instead of motion sickness, try to just lie down next to and sing a lullaby. Be sure to adhere to the daily routine, observe all bedtime rituals - bathing, massage, feeding, etc. At night, having heard the cry of the child, do not rush to approach the bed. Wait a while, the baby can calm down and fall asleep on their own.

how to put the baby to sleep in the afternoon
An important factor is the environment.To interfere with a healthy sleep can, for example, variegated wallpaper and too bright light. Sometimes a newborn baby does not sleep well on a bed too spacious. Children feel more comfortable in a small space. Remember that for nine months in his mother’s close tummy, the baby didn’t know what could be different. A good way to imitate familiar sensations is swaddling. In addition, in this way it is possible to exclude the possibility that the kid will hurt himself in a dream by accidentally touching his eyes or face with a pen.

In general, the adaptation of the newborn to sleep at nighttakes three to four months. During this time, you can try these methods or show imagination and come up with something of their own. After all, each child is unique, and therefore, the solution of the issue must be individual. We wish you a good and healthy sleep for your baby and good night for you.