/ / The effectiveness of management decisions as a criterion of social partnership and social responsibility of entrepreneurship

Efficiency of management decisions as a criterion of social partnership and social responsibility of entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship plays one of the centralroles in the development of the modern economy, ensuring the appropriate quality and efficiency of management decisions, a certain stability in development, increasing the flexibility and adaptation of the national economy to external conditions, contributing to the diversification of the country's economic system through the development and implementation of innovative technologies. In the conditions of transformation of the traditional economy, entrepreneurship becomes the subject of not so much economic as social relations. Therefore, the interaction of business structures and the state acquires a consolidating nature and is a combination of formal and informal principles, tools and institutions that ensure the effective efficiency of management decisions, coordination, implementation of joint strategic goals and the development of transparency. An analysis of the international experience of partnership between the state and the business sector on the path to transition to a new type of economy allows us to structure their cooperation in three areas. The first is functional, implying the establishment and development of interaction in areas that determine access to production factors and markets. The second is sectoral, interpreted as the development of joint activities and programs to improve the business climate and remove constraining barriers in specific sectors of the economy. And the third is regional, which includes the formation of plans for the development of individual production clusters.

From the activity and effectiveness of cooperationpublic institutions and the business sector depends on the social efficiency of management decisions, social climate, sustainability and openness of the economy, the importance of public goods is expanding. This is especially evident in the fields of education, science and culture. Creating a modern legal framework for entrepreneurial initiatives is the primary state task in connection with the rapid expansion of new sources of information, means of communication and the intellectualization of economic relations and other factors determining the effectiveness of management decisions.

As the complexity of tasks increaseseconomic development is increasing the role of non-economic elements of the system. The control of society and the social responsibility of each force both entrepreneurs and state institutions to take public priorities into account when making decisions, to correlate private interests and the interests of the country.

The effectiveness of management decisions todaydetermined by the optimal, sustainable and harmonious balance of existing interests and incomes. The formation and development of a new paradigm of the economy forms not just generally accepted rules and norms, but determines such conditions of interaction between entrepreneurship and the state, which, on the one hand, establish responsibility to society, and on the other, allow society to regulate the effectiveness of management decisions by controlling all subjects economic relations, including state institutions. The balance of duties and responsibilities is not in a stationary state, but dynamically changes in accordance with the evolution of society itself.

Contemporary research in the field of socialpartnerships indicate a stronger correlation between the success of the enterprise and its contribution to the social development of society. In addition, it can be argued that social responsibility in the modern economy becomes pragmatic. Despite the fact that charity events are not aimed at making a profit, their implementation contributes to the emergence of additional benefits: strengthening trust and reputation, stabilizing the business environment, creating a positive image of the company.