/ / Polycarbonate greenhouse - reviews of practical and durable material

Polycarbonate greenhouse - reviews about practical and durable material

Engaged in growing vegetables or loveto plant flowers all year round? Then you just thought about building a convenient and practical greenhouse, because it allows you to manage the whole year. Polyethylene is cheap, and serves not for long, glass is more durable, and the price “bites”. The golden mean is still found - polycarbonate greenhouse. Reviews gardeners allow us to say that this is a great solution for agriculture. The industry offers high-quality and fairly durable material, which rightfully took a leading place in the construction of auxiliary facilities.

polycarbonate greenhouse reviews

The merits of a new invention

The chemical formula of such a material is quitecomplex, but that is what gives it such unique qualities. It is transparent and allows you to skip up to 95% of sunlight, while blocking the ingress of ultraviolet harmful to cultivated plants. Polycarbonate is created in such a way that it can pass a lot of heat into the structure, while there is no loss of the useful energy of the sun. Such a coating of the structure perfectly refracts the light and effectively diffuses it over the entire area of ​​plantations.

Polycarbonate greenhouse, reviews claimthis will serve you from 15 to 50 years without major repairs! You do not have to dismantle it for the winter, the material perfectly withstands hail and snow, is resistant to strong gusts of wind and is not afraid of any moisture. Having erected such a strong structure, you will be able to grow everything you need all year round - it will withstand a temperature difference of -50 to +100 degrees. If you live even in the northern areas, this design will suit you completely.

What can be built from polycarbonate
polycarbonate greenhouses sizes

The scope of application of this polymer is quiteextensive, and in agriculture, the material has become simply indispensable economical option. Firstly, it is easy to work with it: it can be cut and assembled with the help of bolts and self-tapping screws, and secondly, lightweight profiles are used during installation, which reduces the cost of construction. Such a structure is being built very quickly, and right on your site. It is light, while it is characterized by density and stability.

Polycarbonate greenhouses (sizes of suchStructures can be chosen at their own discretion) do not have strict restrictions and standards. You can not worry if the structure is low or short, you can always dismantle it and increase the necessary sections. The material surpasses glass by almost 200 times, and is inferior in weight by 16 times, and you do not have to worry about its fragility. Even if it is broken, you will not get hurt, because it does not break up into small sharp fragments.

Despite the many advantages of the newinventions, some consider the high cost of polycarbonate greenhouses a disadvantage. Their prices really differ from obsolete polyethylene or ordinary glass. But, having analyzed the advantages, you will understand that this is a profitable acquisition. Durability, thermal conductivity, transparency and excellent strength will justify your costs.

polycarbonate greenhouse reviews

Cover flaws

Polycarbonate greenhouse, reviews thisconfirm that there are practically no serious flaws. Do not use abrasive and cutting tools in the care of the material, you can clean it with a brush and a regular rag. Avoid contact with the surface of various organic acids and solvents. The polymer can be damaged and begin to crumble; do not work with such tools even near the greenhouse.

Be careful with fire - polycarbonate is easyignites, however, when burning does not emit harmful toxic gases. It burns with “streams” that do not splash out, but immediately rush down and cool down very quickly. Polycarbonate greenhouse receives only positive feedbacks when properly used.