The United States of America is a country inwhich harmoniously developed all sectors of the economy. A huge role in its development had agriculture and industry. The USA supplies the world market with a huge amount of food and other results of its production activities. At present, although agriculture is developing faster, it is still a little behind the growth rates of other spheres of state activity.
It should be noted that in the material spheregood results were achieved in mechanical engineering and chemical industry. The USA is the main supplier in the world market of such synthetic products as rubber, detergents, fibers, plastics and others. Chemical enterprises for the most part operate on waste products from the coal and metallurgical industries, which are located in the north of the country. Therefore, for more efficient production, synthetic plants are also located in this part of the United States. In addition, the Gulf Coast, rich in deposits of oil, gas and sulfur, also houses a huge number of chemical enterprises on its territory.
US industry - a giant, which is baseda country's economy. Currently, this democratic state is a leader among the suppliers of electricity to the world market. It should be noted that the coal industry has lost its position. The reasons for the decline in production are associated with the development of scientific and technological progress, which allowed associations such as the fleet, housing facilities and railways to reduce the amount of fuel used. Mining and processing spheres are developed equally well, and excellent logistic solutions allow you to deliver the necessary raw materials in the shortest possible time.
Without too much pathos, it can be argued thatmechanical engineering is one of those production spheres that are 100% developed in the country. It is not surprising that many plants have their branches abroad. The US auto industry manufactures all types of machine tools, equipment and machinery: airplanes, rail cars, locomotives, cars, military and agricultural vehicles, etc. For the most part, such enterprises are located on the coast of the Pacific Ocean and from the northeast side of the state. High-tech industries, which include radio, aviation, aerospace and other industries, also have a huge weight.
US auto industry concentratedin itself almost 40% of the labor resources of all spheres of production, both material and non-material. A feature of the development of this industry is the consumption of a relatively small percentage of all state production resources with high performance. That is, the automotive industry has a very low capital intensity. The intensive way of development of production (introduction of new techniques, technologies, development and advanced training of workers, improvement of means and methods of labor) provides a favorable basis for the engineering industry to continue to develop at a galloping pace.
A huge role not only for the state, but also forthe entire global market is played by the electronic, textile, food, fuel and energy, and metallurgical industries of the USA. This is not to say that this country has vast inexhaustible resources. But thanks to the coordinated work of all spheres of production and the tireless introduction of the latest developments, the US production activity can boast of its intensive growth.