/ / Creating an interior cafe

Creating an interior cafe

Visitors to cafes and restaurants for a long time do not gothere just to satisfy the hunger. Guests want a new experience or an unusual atmosphere. Create the perfect atmosphere of comfort will help you choose the right furniture and accessories.

At the stage of choosing furniture, an idea has already been formed orconcept of cafe. Creating the interior of a cafe, you need, first of all, to have an idea of ​​who the target audience of this institution is. Couples on romantic dates or students who spend time between couples, or parents with kids, or it will be a place for business talks or business lunches. Whatever the idea of ​​an institution, you can buy furniture for a cafe wholesale, for example, here: mebelcafe.ru.

The cafe does not use ordinary furniture.As a rule, it is more durable, designed for intensive operation. For small bars there are very compact furniture sets. If the cafe is designed for a respectable clientele, then sofas or armchairs should be encouraged to stay longer in the institution. Paradoxically, comfort is even more important when deciding to re-visit than tasty food. And for youth cafes there are very colorful and reliable chairs made of metal and plastic. Glass, chrome parts and multi-colored plastic are the basis for creating a high-tech style that young people love so much. But again: no matter how unusual and stylish the chair is if it is uncomfortable to sit on it, the visitor at the cafe will not return.

Ideal skin is still consideredartificial skin substitute. He serves for a long time and is easy to care for. Very cozy interior can be created using furniture made of natural wood and rattan. This kind of furniture shows itself very well in open areas. A beautiful comfortable rattan chair and soft plaid beckons guests to enjoy a cup of cappuccino or a glass of wine.

Bar counters of non-standard shapes and sizesalways can be ordered individually. Thus, you can use the entire useful area of ​​the rented premises. In addition, it is possible to choose the colors and textures of the decors used to your taste. You can find the right furniture for a cafe, having even a very small budget. But it's important not to get too carried away with the idea of ​​saving. Interior - the face of the institution. The purchase of cheap low-quality furniture can increase costs, since the failed or lost-looking products will have to be changed as soon as possible.

The interior will be complemented by good dishes, tablecloths, coverson chairs, decorative cushions on sofas, candles, curtains, reproductions or photographs. A cozy atmosphere, smiling waiters, delicious food - and the cafe wants to come every day. And this is not the goal of a novice restaurateur.