Live in a beautiful and cozy home dream everything, justconcepts of beauty in people are different, and that someone seems to be a wonderful and original decision designer, the other person will cause only bewilderment. If the design projects do not wake up enthusiastic emotions in you, you can create an interior with your own hands and get exactly the atmosphere that meets your inner aspirations.
There are only two prerequisites thatin fact, they can influence the development of the project. This is the availability of money and lack of money. If you have to limit yourself in the budget, then taking into account this limitation, you need to select all the components of your future decor. However, the financial side does not affect the start-up phase of development, because first you create the interior with your own hands in the form of a sketch, on paper. It can be a drawing or a diagram with explanations. Not everyone has the talents of the artist, the main thing is that you clearly understand the result. If there is an opportunity to create a computer model of the future interior, it is very good, if not - not a problem. Creating an interior of the house with your own hands, you embody your own desires, but there are hidden pitfalls.
Как быть с опасениями, что результат окажется не is it as good as you imagined it to be? And suddenly you will be uncomfortable or uncomfortable? To do this, you can arrange running tests of the main idea. For example, you are developing an environment almost completely devoid of textiles. Many people are irritated by abundant curtains, folds, bedspreads with frills. To test the absence of textiles is not difficult - just clean it and live it like this. If it turns out that the feeling of comfort has increased, you are on the right track. You can change the idea and create a new interior with your own hands, and in the style that suggests a minimum of textiles. If, on the contrary, you are a fan of materials of different texture, and all kinds of bedspreads, capes and pillows are indispensable components of coziness, it is also easy to simulate without resorting to radical changes in the house.
You can try the power of lighting, a new colorscale. If the test is successful, then it makes sense to implement changes in life. After creating the sketch, you need to draw up a work plan that will lead to the desired result. Perhaps, there will be enough decorative changes - sometimes the decor of the interior with their own hands is limited only by rearranging furniture, changing curtains, lamps, and instead of glass vases in the room there are conceptual forged figures. If you are a supporter of capital decisions, then the creation of a new interior will begin with the dismantling of the old one, and further on the points: new wallpaper or painting of walls, ceiling, new furniture. Completely renovated interior with their own hands can do in a tidy sum, but at the same time cheaper than the invitation of a team of specialists.
After the list of works that will be requiredspend to create the interior of your dreams, you can start calculating the number of supplies. This is already a kind of estimate, on which you will be guided during the creation of the interior. In order to be able to keep within the calculated amount, the result of the estimate must be multiplied by two: as experience shows, in case of independent calculations, usually attendant trifles escaped attention, for example, the amount of the wallpaper was carefully calculated, but forgot about the wallpaper glue.
In addition to the methods described above, there isA great way to see if you really should rely on your own strengths in creating an interior. If you are able to create a cozy interior of the working corner, and they are actually convenient to use with undeniable aesthetic merits, then you can take up the apartment as a whole. If the experience with one corner of the room has failed, it would be wiser to invite the designer and delegate interior issues to him. Of course, while expressing their wishes.