/ / We choose the equipment for a summer cafe: the necessary minimum and a complete set

We choose the equipment for a summer cafe: the necessary minimum and a complete set

Summer cafe is a great idea for a seasonal business.However, in order to make this enterprise profitable, you should carefully think over the concept of the future institution and take into account all the attendant nuances. What equipment for a summer cafe is necessary, and what can I refuse at first?

Choose the format of the institution

Equipment for summer cafe
Summer cafes are different, and each of themis aimed at a certain category of visitors. Some are designed for a quick snack and rest, while others can organize a full meal or a romantic evening. Do not forget about the popular format "cafe-night disco". Depending on the concept of the institution, a menu is formed. It can only have drinks and ready-made snacks or own meals. Accordingly, the equipment for the summer cafe should be selected depending on the needs of the institution and the operations performed by the staff.

Required minimum

Equipment for summer cafe summer cafe
Which menu items are most in demand in warmseason? It's true, it's ice cream and chilled drinks. Accordingly, the work of the summer cafe will require refrigerators. No less popular in the summer heat is draft beer and low-alcohol drinks in the factory packaging. Kegi and related equipment are offered in seasonal rent by many suppliers of foam drink. Attention: for the sale of alcohol in the cafe will require a special permit. The accompanying goods to beer are ready-made snacks: a variety of crackers, chips, snacks. Such products usually do not require special storage conditions, however it will not be out of place to decorate the shop window. In addition, the actual equipment for the summer cafe - electric kettle and microwave. If you want to offer guests several positions of coffee, a coffee machine will be a useful purchase.

Kitchen equipment for summer cafe

Summer cafe equipment
Significantly expand the audience of visitorscatering establishments can be increased by increasing the number of menu items. Even in a relatively small area of ​​the summer cafe you can successfully equip the kitchen. Very popular are shish kebab and other dishes cooked on the grill. What equipment for a summer cafe to choose for cooking such food? It will be enough to have one plate and a large brazier or an electric grill. You will also need a separate refrigerator in which you can store food. An excellent purchase will be a fryer - this device will allow you to prepare a large number of different snacks and side dishes, in particular, the favorite "many French fries". The equipment for summer areas of summer cafe should ensure compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards. First of all, it is necessary to solve the issue of supplying water for washing food and dishes, equipping the corresponding zones. It is also important to organize a toilet for staff and visitors. A good option - booths, dry closets, they are of low cost and convenient to transport.

Decoration of the "hall" of the summer cafe

Furniture for summer cafe
Seasonal catering institution canbe open on a landscaped veranda, an open area or under the dome of a special tent. If the cafe does not have a roof, be sure to think about protecting the guests from the sun, acquire in sufficient quantities special large umbrellas or arrange a common canopy for the whole territory. It is also important to think about isolating the cooking area from the "hall." It would be superfluous and the installation of a bar counter, if the waiters serve the visitors, this element of the interior can carry a decorative function and hide the bar equipment from the guests. What furniture for summer cafes fits best? The most common are plastic or wooden tables, chairs and benches. The advantages are obvious - ease of care, mobility, convenience of storage. Another important issue is the choice of dishes and accessories for serving dishes and drinks to guests. For establishments of a category "bistro" the optimum decision becomes use of disposable devices, glasses and plates. If the cafe is positioned as a place for mental rest and prolonged gatherings, it makes sense to purchase a beautiful glass or plastic utensils intended for reusable use. As you can see, summer cafe equipment requires not too expensive and it is possible to start business in this area with a small starting capital.