/ / What winter tire pressure should be

Which tire pressure in winter should be

Tire pressure in winter should be checked at leastonce within two weeks, as well as with a sharp drop in air temperature. Plant manufacturer of the machine indicates in the recommendations for use, how much pressure in the tires in the winter should be in this car. Properly inflated tire, optimizes fuel consumption and contributes to safe driving. It would seem that small deviations from normal values ​​can lead to such consequences as uneven tread wear, and, accordingly, further reduce the service life of tires.

It should be remembered that at low temperaturestire pressure also decreases. For example, if the tire pressure is 2 bar at a temperature of +20 degrees C, then at 0 degrees C this value will drop to 1.8 bar. Thus, if the tire inflation process occurs at low ambient temperature values, the pressure standards specified by the manufacturer should be observed. While pumping tires in warm rooms, it is necessary to increase the pressure in the winter tires of the car by an average of 0.2 bar. It is thus possible to compensate for the difference due to low temperatures.

No need to install winter tires onlyon the axis that is leading. Many motorists in an effort to improve the traction properties of your car make a similar mistake. Despite the seemingly reasonableness of such a decision, such an installation option for winter tires is not capable of providing optimum traction properties for wheels in winter.

In turn, there are certain subtleties inquestion: "What pressure in tires should be in winter?" Based on logical reasoning, we can make a certain conclusion that in case of low-profile tires installed on a car, it is recommended to siphon them a little so as not to make a "bump" on wheels. Also, due to the slight pumping of the wheel, the grip characteristics of tires with an icy road surface significantly increase, thus it is possible to improve the dynamic properties of a car.

In the case of installing rubber soft type is veryIt is important to ensure that tire pressure in winter is not too low. Low pressure ratio for such rubber contributes to the rapid wear of tires and their transformation into "rags". It also creates a fairly high percentage of the probability that the wheels will burst on the road. It should be remembered that pumping the wheels, you increase the load on the suspension of the car.

In winter, tire pressure should be checked inon average once a month. In order for the accuracy of the measurements not to be affected by various factors, you should wait until the tire becomes cold. When driving, the degree of pressure can rise to 20%, based on this, all measurements are advised to make after at least two hours after the end of the trip.

There is a common opinion:"On slippery pavement, you need to reduce the pressure in the wheels in order to improve the grip properties of tires." This statement is fundamentally wrong due to a decrease in the specific pressure on the road surface, due to an increase in the contact area with the road, the grip characteristics of tires on a slippery road deteriorate by an order of magnitude. Another reason why you should not reduce tire pressure is a possible risk if you hit an unevenness and damage the rims due to the lack of elasticity of the tire itself.

Измерить давление в шинах можно с помощью special instrument - pressure gauge. It is better to purchase this device together with the pump. In general, make sure that the tires in your car are moderately inflated is necessary, especially in the cold period of the year, because this will ensure optimal grip and a smooth ride.