/ / How to pump up the bike wheels? Useful recommendations

How to inflate the bicycle wheels? Useful recommendations

How to pump up the wheels of a bicycle, every owner of a two-wheeled iron horse knows. However, how to do the job correctly, do not even understand some experienced cyclists who ride for years.

How to pump a bicycle wheel with a pump, how much pressure should be in the tires, how often should the procedure be resorted to? All these questions concern the avid cyclists.

How to determine the level of pressure in the tires?

how to pump up a bike wheel
There is a common "old-fashioned" waywhich allows you to evaluate the pressure in the wheels. It consists in pushing the tire with the fingers. If the rubber practically does not bend, then the pressure is normal. However, the method is rather inaccurate, because some people are able to prick nuts with their hands, while others cannot even flatten a piece of clay in their fingers.

A more reliable way to determine pressure inwheels - use a pressure gauge. When performing a task using the device, it is worth counting the number of strokes by the pump until the optimum level is reached. This approach will tell you how to pump up the bike wheels the next time, even without access to the gauge.

Why is it important to maintain high tire pressure?

Сразу же стоит заметить, что не стоит бояться pump the wheels. The upper limit for most tires is quite high. Therefore, extra efforts usually do not lead to tire rupture. It is much worse to ride a flat tire, because in this case the likelihood of punctures and other damage increases, which may lead to the need for repair or replacement of the bicycle chamber.

What else is threatened by riding on half-flat tires andunwillingness to understand how to pump up the wheels of a bicycle? Due to insufficient pressure, tire damping capacity deteriorates. High-speed driving on uneven ground, movement on sections with rough terrain - all this can lead to the formation of so-called eights on wheels, damage to the rims.

To what level should the wheels be pumped?

how to build a bicycle wheel
The necessary pressure in tires of a two-wheeled vehicle depends largely on the nature of the road surface on which the movement occurs:

  1. How to pump up bicycle wheels for comfortrides on even hard surface? In this case, it is necessary to create a higher pressure in the tires of the order of 3.5 atmospheres. Insufficient pumping of the wheels will lead to an increase in the contact area of ​​the wheels with the road and, accordingly, to a decrease in driving speed.
  2. How to pump up a bicycle wheel when preparingvehicle to ride on the ground? It is worthwhile to establish tire pressure, which is slightly above the minimum and is about 2.6 atmospheres. Softer wheels will dampen vibrations when in contact with bumps. Among other things, increasing the area of ​​contact with the road will increase grip during descents and sharp turns.

Getting Started Wheels

how to pump a bicycle wheel
Inflating bicycle tires occurs in the following sequence:

  • Releasing the tire nipple, you must completely release the air from the wheel.
  • The pump is attached to the nipple, the wheel is pumped to the desired level.
  • During operation, the pump is disconnected from time to time to check pressure with a pressure gauge.
  • At the end, the pump is retracted to the side, a protective cap is screwed onto the nipple.

Similar actions are done with the second wheel. The tire will be considered inflated optimally when the pressure level is exceeded by about 5-8% of the value noted on the tire.

The main thing - do not forget to count the number of strokes to achieve the required level of pressure. In the future, it will save you from unnecessary trouble and will save a lot of effort.

How to pump a bicycle wheel without a pump?It would seem to cope with a similar task unrealistic. However, when there is no standard means for tire inflation at hand, you can use a home-made compressor from a vacuum cleaner with the function of reverse air injection. The main thing is to find a suitable hose for this and securely isolate all the connections of the home-made device.

How often should bike tires be pumped up?

how to pump a bicycle wheel without a pump
Если в наличии имеется добротный новый горный a bicycle from a reputable manufacturer, the need to "refuel" tires with air can be forgotten for several months. Over time, with regular driving, the wheels will gradually lower. In fact, riding a flat tire may seem even more comfortable, especially when driving on rough terrain. However, this decision will adversely affect the condition of the rims.

In case of excess of tire pressurethe latter may burst or explode. Therefore it is worth regularly to check the condition of the wheels with a pressure gauge. For a mountain bike - several times a week, for a road model - after each trip.

If you follow such simple recommendations,trips will be much nicer, easier and more efficient. In the end, timely pumping of the wheels and maintaining the optimum level of tire pressure will eliminate the need to carry a favorite bike on your own shoulders.