/ / "Lukoil Genesis": characteristics and reviews. "Lukoil Genesis Synthetics" for cars

"Lukoil Genesis": characteristics and reviews. "Lukoil Genesis Synthetic" for cars

The modern market for lubricating productscars is rich in various offers. Domestic manufacturers are not lagging behind their western competitors. The quality of their compositions fully complies with high European requirements. This allows the use of domestically produced oils in engines, transmissions and other nodes of various vehicles.

One of the products in demand in our country is Lukoil Genesis. Reviews The composition and its basic qualities should be considered before purchase. This will make the right decision about the possibility of using this lubricant in vehicle systems.

general characteristics

Considering reviews of "Lukoil Genesis"high quality should be notedpresented series. It includes a line of synthetic and semi-synthetic lubricants. Products submitted are supplied to the market by Lukoil Lubricants Int. Its oils are known for acceptable quality and reasonable price. This explains the high demand for this product.

Lukoil Genesis Reviews

When creating a series of "Genesis" manufacturertook into account the requirements of leading machine-building enterprises. The advanced scientists of research centers in Austria, Finland and Romania worked on creating the formula of oils for engines, transmissions and other vehicle assemblies.

Independent laboratories gave reviews of oil "Lukoil Genesis" (synthetic) 5W40 in 2015 Other types of lubricants were also investigated.Scientists agreed that the presented oil can be poured into the crankcase of not only Russian-made cars, but also vehicles of American, European, Asian engineering organizations.

The basis

It should be noted that in the series of products "Genesis"included both synthetic and semi-synthetic compounds. They differ in a number of operational characteristics. Synthetic oils contain a completely artificial base material. It is characterized by high fluidity, low oxidizability. These are the most durable, hardy compounds. They are used for new engines that operate in loaded conditions.

Lukoil Genesis Armatek reviews

Semi-synthetic also includesartificial mineral components. This approach to the production allows you to reduce the cost of production. The presented funds are used for cars with mileage, the engine of which is created according to the new model. Such compositions are suitable for medium load conditions of the motor operation.

Pure synthetics are in great demand in our country. One of the most sought after products in this category is "Lukoil Genesis Armatek". Reviews experts and drivers about the presented tool will be discussed below.


The “Genesis” series, as already mentioned, includes several separate products. They differ in cost and performance. For example, oil (synthetic) "Lukoil Genesis" 5W30, reviews about which there is in various sources, under the brand name "Armotek" costs about 450-500 rubles. per liter.

Oil Lukoil Genesis Armatek Reviews

Among the synthetic means of the series should also highlight the oil "Advance". The cost of this oil is 26-310 rubles. per liter. They differ in the composition of additives and scope.

For a very cold climate, the company offers the Polartec product. This is the most fluid oil. Its cost is 640-730 rubles. per liter. Also popular according to reviews, oil "Lukoil Genesis" 5W30 "Slaritek", "Glydtek" are about 430-530 rubles. per liter.

Semi-synthetic oils are cheaper. They are sold at a price of 240-270 rubles. per liter. The choice depends on the type of motor.

Synthetic series

Reviews of oils "Lukoil Genesis Armatek", Polartek and other synthetic series speakabout the high stability of the compositions. This is a high-tech tools. Their quality remains consistently on top, not yielding to their competitive counterparts. They also fully comply with environmental standards, adapted to the conditions of domestic roads.

Oil Lukoil Genesis 5w30 synthetics reviews

Technologists who conducted the study of compositionsIt is claimed that the composition includes the amount of sulfur, phosphorus, and calcium and zinc that is allowed by the standards. These additives are necessary to increase the effectiveness of the remedy. Additional components have a detergent effect on the mechanisms.

Synthetic oils lubricate wellsurfaces, preventing premature destruction of the motor, even when starting in severe frost or heat. Synthetics do not need to change often. This is an economical tool. With its use reduces the consumption of gasoline.

Properties "Genesis Armatek"

A certain set of technical characteristics has oil (synthetic) "Lukoil Genesis" 5W30. Reviews About the brand "Armatek" leave technologists who investigated its composition in the laboratory. Declared by the manufacturer requirements are fully true.

Lukoil Genesis 5w30 reviews

The presented composition is intended for enginescars of a new type of design. The viscosity index (kinematic) at 100ºС is 12.9 mm² / s. In this case, the ignition temperature of the composition is determined at the level of 232ºС. Only high-quality compounds can boast a similar result.

Good base numbercharacterized by motor oil "Lukoil Genesis Armatek". Reviews of technologists say that it is at the level of 10.2 mg KOH / g. Sulfate ash is also within acceptable limits. It is equal to 1.2% of the mass. Such results of the research demonstrate the majority of synthetic oils of foreign manufacturers, which today are presented to the domestic buyer.

Application area

Reviews of "Lukoil Genesis Armatek" и прочих разновидностях говорят о широкой сфере the use of lubricants presented by the brand. The selection is made in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer's instructions. Synthetic is not suitable for engines with high mileage, designs of the old type. Otherwise, their work may be disrupted.

Oil Lukoil Genesis 5w30 reviews

Motor oil manufacturer providesfeatures of the work of modern engines, transmissions, other automotive components. Therefore, a specific lubricant is provided for each type of system. Motor oils are designed for a large list of gasoline, diesel engines. They were also developed taking into account the peculiarities of the operation of structures with turbocharging.

Не предназначены продукты серии «Генезис» для systems with particulate filtration. Most often, the presented consumables are poured into the engines of "Audi", "Volkswagen", "Renault", and even "Porsche" and "Mercedes". The manufacturers represented allow Lukoil oils to be used in their engines.

Viscosity class

Exploring reviews of “Lukoil Genesis Armatek” 5W40, as well as other types of represented compositions, it should be noted such a feature of the compositions as all-season.

Продукция компании «Лукойл» представленной серии used in the mechanisms at any time of the year. Change the lubricant in the winter and summer is not required. The only thing that the manufacturer requires is to correctly relate the viscosity grade of the agent to the environmental conditions.

Lukoil Genesis Armatek 5w40 reviews

All products comply with SAE standards.In accordance with these standards, it is necessary to consider for which climate zone the product is intended. SAE 0W40 oils are suitable for the coldest areas. For the middle band of our country, products with a viscosity grade of 5W40, 5W30 are quite suitable. Most often used in these conditions, according to reviews, oil "Lukoil Genesis Armatek". In the southern areas, you can pour into the crankcase oil type 10W40.

Negative feedback

Exploring reviews of Lukoil Genesis 5W30, 0W40, 10W40 и прочих разновидностях синтетических means more often positive statements of drivers. However, there are negative opinions about the products presented. Experts believe that negative reviews are given by drivers who have purchased a fake or incorrectly picked up the type of lubricant.

Such users claim that the oil"Genesis" is constantly fading. It must be poured frequently into the system. This situation is possible if the motor has a large mileage. Fluid synthetics easily penetrate microcracks. To avoid this, it is recommended to use other categories of oils.

When buying a fake engine will workunstable. Noise may appear. Power may also decrease. In the cold, this tool will not allow to start the car. In some cases, an unlicensed remedy can destroy the motor. Therefore, it is necessary to purchase lubricants only from reputable reliable implementers.

Positive reviews

Most drivers leave positive reviews of Lukoil Genesis. This product combines high quality and reasonable price. The motor, when pouring such a lubricant into it, works quietly, at full power. Its momentum is stable. Speed ​​is getting faster.

The system is clean throughout the life of the oil. There is no soot, soot. Consumption of diesel or gasoline is significantly reduced. Oil does not need to be changed often. This is an economical product.

Высокие технологии, которые применяются при creating a series of "Genesis", increase environmental performance tools. Exhaust fumes become less toxic. All systems are well protected from damage and scoring. In cold winters, you can easily start the engine. That is why many drivers in our country choose products "Lukoil". Its price remains much lower than its competitors.

Having considered reviews of Lukoil Genesis, as well as the main qualities of the presented series, we can note its high quality and competitive price. This product in our country is in high demand.