/ / Oil "Lukoil Genesis": reviews. Characteristics, tests

Oil "Lukoil Genesis": reviews. Features, tests

High-quality motor oil present on the market.special products for cars, many manufacturers. In order not to get lost in this variety, it is necessary to understand the difference between all consumables. Also, when choosing a tool, the recommendations of the manufacturer of automotive equipment must be taken into account. Only in this case it is possible to ensure the normal functioning of the system.

One of the popular products is Lukoil Genesis. Reviews technologists and users about the presented series of tools will help to draw conclusions about their composition and quality. What are the main characteristics endowed with this motor oil will be discussed further.

Features of the series

One of the modern, high-tech tools for car systems is Lukoil Genesis. Reviews about the presented tool indicatehigh quality of this consumable. Lukoil Lubricants Int. offers domestic consumers cheap European-quality motor oil.

Lukoil Genesis reviews

Серия «Генезис» разрабатывалась на основе высоких requirements of European engineering concerns. His formula was developed in the company's research centers in Finland, Austria, Romania. The composition was tested in field and laboratory conditions. The presented oil was able to receive approvals and permits for the use of global automotive manufacturers.

Many buyers are attracted to oil Lukoil Genesis price. In addition to the affordable cost, the presented tool is not inferior in its operational characteristics to world analogues. High quality also stimulates demand for the presented product.


The Genesis series includes many varieties of motor oils. This diversity allows each motorist to choose the best option for themselves.

The series “Genesis Advance” costs about 250-300 rubles./ l. It includes synthetic and semi-synthetic oils of various viscosity grade. Oil "Genesis Armotek" is also made entirely on a synthetic basis. Its price is about 450-500 rubles / l.

Lukoil Genesis price

The Lukoil Genesis series is in great demand.0W40. It is called Polartek. The series can be purchased for 650-750 rubles / l. "Glidetek" and "Slaritek", which have a viscosity class of 5W30, cost about 450-550 rubles / l.

Semi-synthetic oils series "Lukoil Genesis Premium" can be purchased at a price of 260 rubles / l. Each submitted composition differs base oil and a set of additives.

The basis

Presented oils differ primarily in the basic composition of the oil. Today, both synthetic and combined with mineral components are used Lukoil Genesis. Price will differ in accordance with the qualities and characteristics of the base.

Genesis Armatek Lukoil

Synthetic oils today are the mostmodern, high-tech component. These artificial substances that have high fluidity and durability. Synthetics are used to produce the most expensive types of consumables. Such tools are used in highly loaded operating conditions in new-class engines.

Полусинтетика имеет в своем составе как artificial and mineral oils. This approach reduces the cost of funds. However, the duration of operation of the composition is somewhat reduced. Mineral components are less fluid. They are used in engines with mileage. To select the right composition, you must read the instructions of the motor manufacturer.

Features of synthetic agents

Synthetic series "Lukoil Genesis" 5W30, 5W40,10W40, etc., are distinguished by certain features. This is the most technologically advanced products. Its qualities meet the highest requirements of manufacturers of automotive vehicles, as well as environmental standards.

Lukoil Genesis characteristics

The composition of synthetic oils are permissiblestandards for the amount of phosphorus, sulfur, zinc and calcium. Additives prevent mechanical destruction of moving parts, reducing their friction. They collect pollution from the surfaces of the system and resist oxidative processes. Thanks to this action, synthetics can be used in the engine for a long time. It does not need to be changed frequently or topped up.

In the loaded driving conditions on domesticit is synthetic that is able to reliably protect the motor from adverse effects. Standing in traffic, starting the engine in cold weather, heat, the driver can be sure that the mechanism is reliably protected from destruction.

Synthetic Composition Test

To conclude on the quality of the composition, a number of tests and studies were conducted by independent experts. Consider the properties of synthetics can be an example of "Lukoil Genesis Armatek. This composition is allowed to use in the newest models of passenger car engines.

Lukoil Genesis test

The density of oil at a temperature of 15 ºС is846.8 kg / m³. The kinematic viscosity index was studied at a temperature of 100 ºС. It was 12.8-13.3 mm² / s. The result obtained corresponds to the requirements of international standards.

The composition has a high base number of 10.1 mgKOH / 1g. It speaks about the durability of funds. It prevents corrosion. Sulfate ash, which was detected during testing, was 1.3% by weight.

Flash point was set to high.level It was 236 ºС. Pour point depends on viscosity grade. Therefore, for certain climatic conditions, it is necessary to acquire funds with the necessary fluidity. Test "Lukoil Genesis" showed that the manufacturer specified characteristics correspond to reality.


Considering characteristics of Lukoil Genesis, It is necessary to pay attention to semi-syntheticgroup of funds. It has high performance. But there are some differences. The composition of semisynthetics includes a different set of additives. This is necessary to compensate for the shortcomings of the framework.

Lukoil Genesis 0w40

In addition to those presented for the synthetic seriesadditives, the composition of semi-synthetics also includes boron. This element allows to improve the functional properties of the oil. The balanced formula of means allows them to compete with more expensive, eminent brands.

Semisynthetics are distinguished by high detergents.indicators. The motor stays clean. Even under loaded operating conditions, the system is protected from wear. Semi-synthetic oils can be used in engines with run. All-season compounds ensure reliable functioning of mechanisms in different climatic conditions.

Semisynthetics Composition Test

Independent labs testedLukoil Genesis 5W30, 10W40 semisynthetic products and other varieties. To understand the features of the presented compositions, one should consider in detail the test of one of the popular products. This may be, for example, "Genesis Advance 5W40".

Lukoil Genesis Premium

Product density at a temperature of 15 ºСmakes 850 kg / m ³. In this case, the kinematic viscosity at 100 ºС is in the range of 12.7-13.1 mm² / s. This is a good indicator. The properties of the composition comply with international requirements. This is one of the new developments of the company "Lukoil".

Alkaline number is also quite high.It is 10.9 mg KOH / 1 g. Sulfate ash is 1.1% by weight. The flash point is 228 ºС. Means stiffens at a temperature of -42 ºС. These are reliable, high-quality oils that can be used in systems of domestic and foreign production.

Application area

"Lukoil Genesis Armatek" и прочие разновидности моторных масел необходимо apply clearly in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer. Synthetic compounds can not be poured into the engines of the old model. This can lead to their destruction.

Choosing the optimal type of oil you needtake into account the conditions of the climate zone. In accordance with this indicator, an oil with the required viscosity grade is purchased. This will ensure a reliable start in the cold, as well as prevent the lubricant from running off the parts in the heat.

При выборе средства необходимо учесть, для каких engine designs designed this or that oil. Most often, the presented series is used in gasoline and diesel engines, in systems with turbocharging, of atmospheric type. For designs with a particulate filter, the presented series is not suitable.

Genesis oil is recommended by such well-known manufacturers as Audi, Renault, Mercedes, Volkswagen, Porsche.

Negative feedback

Reviews of "Lukoil Genesis" there are both positive andnegative. The opinion of drivers and experts indicates the high quality of the product. Negative reviews may be associated with the acquisition of a fake or the wrong choice of lubricant class.

Some drivers say it is necessaryconstantly add oil to the crankcase. This situation is possible in the presence of faults in the motor system or when pouring synthetics into an old-fashioned engine.

In some cases, drivers notice a decreasemotor power. It starts up badly, noise and vibration appear. If the driver poured into the crankcase fake, this situation is quite possible. Non-original composition may damage the car system.

Positive reviews

In most cases, reviews of the oils "Lukoil Genesis" positive. These tools significantly increase the performance of the motor. It is quieter. The car picks up speed faster.

The motor remains clean for the entire duration.operation. On the mechanisms there is no soot. Significantly reduced vibration levels. Fuel and maintenance costs are reduced. This leads to savings in family budget.

Users indicate an acceptable cost of funds. At the same time, the quality of the oil is not inferior to the more expensive counterparts. These are high-tech compounds that are suitable for various engine systems.

Having considered the main characteristics of oils "Lukoil Genesis", reviews Professionals, drivers, can be noted acceptable cost and high quality of the products.