/ / "Lukoil", "EKTO Diesel": reviews, specs, reviews

"Lukoil", "EKTO Diesel": reviews, specs

Since 2015, the market has a new grade of fuel"Lukoil" - "EKTO Diesel", reviews of which among experts and consumers are mostly laudatory. And it's no wonder, because EKTO Diesel is a product of a new generation whose quality exceeds the strictest Russian and European norms.

Fuel of the future

Under the brand name EKTO Diesel, Lukoil producesdiesel fuel of the Euro-5 standard with improved characteristics. The Russian industry is obliged to produce fuel of this level of quality from January 1, 2015. However, the chemical giant has been supplying the product to the filling stations of St. Petersburg, Leningrad and Kaliningrad regions since October 2014.

This year, Lukoil will be the "EKTO Diesel" inKaluga, Moscow, Perm and dozens of other major cities of the country. To switch to the production of diesel fuel "Euro-5" the company invested considerable funds in the construction of new processing facilities at its enterprises. Innovative technologies of industrial processing of oil of the enterprises of "Lukoil" have allowed to lower the maintenance of sulfur in mark "EKTO" to 8-10 mg / kg. For comparison: this is six times less than the analogous indicators of the standard Euro-4.

Lukoil ecto diesel reviews

Overtaking time

Historical fact:The first batch of low-sulfur diesel fuel, corresponding to "Euro-5", was produced by Perm refinery "Lukoil" in 2004. This became possible after the renewal of technological equipment and the introduction of methods for deep oil refining. However, innovative products of the highest quality were mainly shipped to the EU countries, where in fact there was not the branded equivalent of Lukoil, EKTO Diesel. The feedback from foreign partners was very positive, the product was in demand. The Russian consumer was deprived of the opportunity to use DT of a new generation.

As they say in the administration, Lukoil has overtaken"local time". To a diesel car park of the country such a high fuel standard at that time was completely useless. A product of this quality would not completely burn in the cylinders of old cars, because the fuel and engine standards should be correlated.


While the car market was preparing for the arrival of "EKTO Diesel"("Lukoil"), the company has since the beginning of 2005 started selling diesel fuel "Euro-4". This became, without exaggeration, a breakthrough in the domestic fuel market. Its use reduces harmful emissions into the atmosphere 5-8 times (depending on the type of chemical compounds). But the most important characteristic was that in the diesel fuel "Euro-4" 40 times less sulfur than in diesel fuel, corresponding to the GOST of 1982. Sulfur and its compounds are the main enemy of the fuel system of the engine.

diesel oil sulfur content


Diesel fuel of the fifth generation in principlediffers from its predecessor by the reduction in the amount of sulfur. Its content is measured in units of "p.p.m." - "the number of parts per million". If in the "revolutionary" for Russia DT "Euro-4" mentioned substance is present in the amount of 50 p.p., in the products of "Lukoil" "EKTO Diesel" sulfur content in general beats all records - no more than 10 p.p.m. That is ten (and less) particles per million. Due to this, the total amount of harmful emissions into the atmosphere when using DT "Euro-5" decreased, in comparison with "Euro-4", almost in half. By the way, in the countries of the European Union the ecological standard "Euro-4" was introduced in 2005, and "Euro-5" - in 2013. The Russian market is only a little behind the global trends.

Improving the characteristics of EKTO Diesel (Lukoil)

Reviews of motorists about the use of "diesel"The fifth generation speaks of the concern of some drivers with a very low concentration of sulfur. It is known, and experts confirm this, that sulfur and its compounds, in large quantities present in the previous diesel fuel, played the role of a kind of lubrication in the engine cylinders.

This property of the substance is known andRussian petrochemists. As they say, there is no thin without good: sulfur compounds at least in some way turned out to be useful. Only this benefit was blocked by harmful influence on other engine systems and on the surrounding nature. Diesel fuel "EKTO" ("Euro-5") does not contain sulfur. In return, Lukoil used a specially developed and tested set of additives, which provide an excellent lubricating effect.

ecto diesel

EKTO brand

Introducing a new standard to the market, in the companythought how to present innovative products to customers. The fuel corresponds to the standards adopted in Europe, it would be more logical to sell it as a DT-Euro-5. However, since this is an improved fuel, it was decided to conduct its branding. As a result, the brand from "Lukoil" "EKTO Diesel" was born.

Reviews of marketers and sales statistics showed,that it was a good decision. Buyers pay more attention to the branded product than to the depersonalized Euro-5. The word ECTO means that the fuel is obtained as a result of the addition to the DT of the fifth generation of a special set of HiTEC 4661 additives from British company Afton Chemical, which increase the individual qualities of standard fuel. In our case:

  • better clean and lubricate the engine;
  • reduce the concentration of harmful impurities in emissions to the atmosphere due to more complete combustion.

Under the name "EKTO" is sold and diesel fuel, and gasoline. The brand is in demand, in the last half of the year its sales have increased by one third.

Resistance to freezing

One of the key claims to cheap diesel fuel isRussian drivers are as follows: in the cold diesel engine starts badly. As the practice of using Euro standard "Euro-4" showed, in the cold period, car owners do not have problems with this type of fuel. Experts assure that the production of "Lukoil" "EKTO Diesel" in the winter also ensures easy start of the engine at any temperature.

In cold conditions, the working capacity of diesel fuel determinesdepressor-dispersant, that is, a diluent, additive. From its concentration, the temperature range of the application of "combustibles" depends, this also applies to the product of the firm "Lukoil" ("EKTO Diesel"). The freezing point depends on the fuel class. In accordance with the requirement of the Russian standard from 2005, in different regions of the country the company we are considering "offers a winter DT of different classes - from the first (with the use temperature to -26 degrees), to the fourth, which works even at -44 degrees.


Benefits of fuel from Lukoil EKTO Diesel

The characteristics of the new product lead to the exploitation of cars to a new level. When using EKTO fuel:

  • improves the burning process;
  • increases the life of the engine;
  • noise and vibration are reduced;
  • the possibility of premature clogging of soot filters and failure of on-board diagnostic systems is excluded;
  • the start-up is easier and the time of the power unit's transition to operating mode is shortened;
  • reduces corrosion of engine parts;
  • the amount of carbon deposits on the nodes of the cylinder-piston group, fuel equipment decreases.

Market conditions

It is significant that Lukoil began to promotethe market is diesel fuel of the highest European standard, and not gasoline. The quality of gasoline in general in the country begins to "pull up" to European standards. This was demanded by the fleet of cars that has been renewed in recent years. But the market DT is very wide palette: from quite decent fuel to archaic diesel fuel, corresponding to GOST 1982, which has not been canceled yet.

For example, at the Ukhta refinery (the Republic of Komi) alreadyfor a long time could launch DT "Euro-5", but consumers, first of all railway workers, ask: give better simple diesel fuel. That is, in this region, high-quality diesel fuel by the domestic market is still not in high demand.

ecto diesel Lukoil reviews


Which "diesel" to produce - modern or the one inwhich contains hundreds of times more harmful impurities - manufacturers decide themselves, depending on technological capabilities and market needs. The consumer increasingly demands better fuel. This turned out to be EKTO Diesel (Lukoil).

Reviews of many drivers say, albeit aboutsmall, but real improvement of the motor, trouble-free operation in winter, saving on maintenance. The second group of car owners does not see a big difference in comparison with the Euro-4. But we must not forget that the "Euro-5", due to the low concentration of sulfur, is more useful for the engine and at the same time it is safer for the environment and human health. The effectiveness of HiTEC 4661 additives is proven by practice and comprehensive research. They are used by the leading petrochemical corporations BP, Shell and others.

Target group

Drivers of trailers, urban passengerbuses, mini trucks and minibuses, which are used mainly by modern Western cars, are vitally interested in the product of NK "Lukoil" "EKTO Diesel". Reviews (usually positive) of this category of citizens are most interested in the company.

Owners of cars are alsoconsumers of quality DT. It's no secret that many Western manufacturers refuse to supply diesel "light cars" to the Russian market precisely because they can not guarantee the reliable operation of their products on our diesel fuel. And those that supply cars with diesel engines, set a half the mileage (i.e., drivers will need to pass twice as often), or else they take off the new car from the guarantee.

While the sales of the product we are consideringare limited to megacities and cross-border transit cities, as consumers are "truckers" and owners of modern diesel cars, that is, residents of mostly large cities. In the outback of DT "Euro-5" is not in high demand.

Lukoil ecto diesel 2014

Modern fleet of vehicles

Diesel of the XXI century is more durable, more economical,greener than its gasoline counterpart. In the West, it is not accidental that it is preferred by more than half of car buyers. In France, there are 70%, in Britain - 38%. In Russia, this figure, according to various estimates, is 2-5% (sales of commercial vehicles with a diesel engine - 30-35%). The entire Russian fleet of cars with the appropriate engines today hardly exceeds 15%. But it is predicted that the process of "diesel" of the country is not far off. That is, the trend is indicated. Accordingly, with the advent of a larger number of cars with modern diesel engines, the demand for EKTO Diesel products will increase.

A look into the future

No sooner appeared on the product of the fifthgeneration, as journalists were interested: is there already work on new types of DTs of the sixth and subsequent levels of quality? Do you expect new cars with even more advanced, more economical and environmentally friendly motors? According to chemists, in the next few years a drastic change in the composition of the diesel engine, which would allow talking about the appearance of a "diesel engine" of a new standard, is not foreseen. Accordingly, the product "Lukoil" "EKTO Diesel", whose passport meets the standards of the fifth generation, as well as its counterparts, the next decade will de-facto dominate the market.

Oil refiners stopped at the devil, take a stepfor which - the task of the science of the future. But there is no limit to perfection. Scientists are working on improving individual qualities of diesel fuel. In the near future, improving the environmental friendliness of DTs throughout the world will, obviously, only introducing new methods for a more complete removal of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. And to further damage the environment, diesel engines must be improved at the same time.

diesel fuel in diesel fuel in Kaluga


Perhaps the manufacturer is too ahead of time,offering ordinary domestic motorists a product from "Lukoil" "EKTO Diesel" 2014-2015 year of release. But the company notes that petrochemists are used to working ahead of the curve, given the current situation and forecasts. Moreover, many changes in our country are taking place in a leap. And it is better to prepare for them beforehand.

Special technical regulations limiting step by stepimport into Russia of cars, power units of which do not meet the increased requirements of environmental standards, was adopted in 2005. A similar document, regulating the quality of automobile fuel, appeared in 2008. According to experts, it was these documents that spurred Russia to officially join the "chase" of European environmental standards. Although the terms of compulsory transition to the production of DTs of the Euro-5 standard have been postponed, high-quality fuel is necessary for Russians.