/ / Endometrial hyperplasia: what is it? Causes, symptoms and treatment methods

Hyperplasia of the endometrium: what is it? Causes, Symptoms and Methods of Treatment

The proliferation and change of the mucous membrane of the uterus- A fairly common problem faced by many women. That is why questions about why endometrial hyperplasia arises, what it is, and what its symptoms are, become extremely relevant. After all, it is known that some forms of this pathology can be regarded as a precancerous condition.

Endometrial hyperplasia: what is it and why does it occur?

endometrial hyperplasia what is it

For a start it is worth noting that this diseasemay have different forms. Sometimes there is only a proliferation of glandular tissues, while in some women, along with this, the formation of fibrous structures, including polyps and cysts, is observed. There is atypical endometrial hyperplasia. What it is? This form of the disease is the most dangerous, as it is accompanied by the formation of atypical cells and, therefore, increases the likelihood of the appearance of malignant tumors.

The causes of hyperplasia may be different.But, according to statistics, most often the disease is diagnosed in women, in whose body hormonal changes are observed - adolescents and mature women in the menopause period are at risk. In addition, any endocrine system diseases, including diabetes mellitus, thyroid lesions, etc., often lead to this result.

There is also a genetic predispositionwomen. On the other hand, hyperplasia can be the result of gynecological procedures, including curettage of the uterus. The same result is caused by inflammation and some other diseases of the reproductive system, including myoma and polycystic disease.

What are the symptoms of hyperplasia?

complex endometrial hyperplasia

Occasionally a similar disease occurs.asymptomatic. But most often women complain of a weak bloody, bloody discharge that usually appears between the menstrual periods. In addition, complex endometrial hyperplasia may be accompanied by massive uterine bleeding, with large clots in the discharge.

As is known, the endometrium of the uterus providesimplantation and further development of a fertilized egg. Any changes in this layer of the uterus lead to impaired reproductive function of the female body. Indeed, it is hyperplasia that most often causes infertility. Therefore, the disease needs treatment.

Endometrial hyperplasia and its treatment methods

Of course, in the presence of a similar disease to a womanappropriate treatment is needed. However, first, some tests and tests are carried out that help to assess the patient's state of health, determine the degree of development of the disease and, of course, find out its causes. In any case, only the doctor knows why endometrial hyperplasia occurs, what it is, and how dangerous the disease is, so you should not self-medicate.

Depending on the results of diagnostic procedures, treatment is prescribed, which can be both conservative and surgical.

Как правило, для начала используется гормональная therapy. Over the next few months, the woman takes certain hormonal contraceptives that help normalize the levels of estrogen and progesterone.

endometrial hyperplasia operation

Unfortunately, not always with the help of hormonesYou can get rid of a disease called endometrial hyperplasia. The operation is indicated in severe conditions, as well as in the event that conservative treatment does not bring the desired result. During the procedure, the doctor removes the overgrown endometrial tissue. In the most severe cases, cutting the uterus. After surgery, hormonal treatment is necessary, which reduces the risk of recurrence and complications.