/ / Endometrial hyperplasia: treatment of boron uterus

Endometrial hyperplasia: treatment with a harrow

Today, unfortunately, a hugeA number of women suffer from various genital diseases. The worst thing is that the vast majority of such patients are quite irresponsible for illnesses. In fact, these diseases require immediate referral to a female gynecologist to a good gynecologist, since the consequences of a neglected disease can be the most unpredictable. Complicating the situation can also be the fact that not all women's diseases have clearly expressed symptoms. For example, a change in the structure of the uterine mucosa, as well as its composition, causes such a disease as endometrial hyperplasia. Treatment of this disease should be prompt in order to avoid serious consequences, but this is prevented by the fact that hyperplasia usually does not manifest itself at all.

Endometrial hyperplasia is none other thanan increase in the mucous layer of the uterine wall above the norm. Usually, quite healthy representatives of the weaker sex have an increase in the endometrium during the menstrual cycle. This is necessary so that at conception the fertilized egg without any problems would be accepted by the prepared uterus. If there was no conception, then the enlarged mucosa is separated from the walls and removed from the body along with the blood and the unfertilized egg. If malfunctions occur in the normal operation of this system, then the endometrium can increase much more than the norm, which indicates serious violations.

Any disease of the genitals in women canlead to such a serious complication as infertility. Especially often this leads to endometrial hyperplasia. The treatment of this pathology depends primarily on its type. There are glandular, cystic, atypical and focal hyperplasia. In fact, any of these varieties is a tumor, only if the first two types consist of benign cells, then the last two are malignant. They just create a huge threat to health and are subject to surgical intervention.

Many women with different "women"disease, known grass with the interesting name boron uterus. Endometrial hyperplasia is also treated with its help. Treatment of folk remedies in general has now become quite common and, moreover, effective. Use boron uterus for medicinal purposes is recommended in the form of tincture, but not decoction. To do this, per 100 grams of dry grass is taken half a liter of alcohol. It can be replaced with vodka or brandy. Next, the mixture should be well infused. This should also be done correctly. It is impossible to leave the tincture in the light, you should place the container in a dark room and periodically mix the contents. After two or three months, you can use the tincture at least three times a day, one teaspoon. Using these recipes, you can get rid of many ailments. Among them is endometrial hyperplasia.

Herbal therapy is certainly not the fastest.the process of getting rid of the disease. Surgeons will cope with it much faster. As a rule, they resort to the method of scraping damaged areas of the endometrium. Usually, during such operations, the patient loses a fairly large amount of blood, which can significantly weaken the entire body. Therefore, the first thing a woman should think about after surgery is the restoration of normal hemoglobin levels. Nettle tincture can help in this, which has a powerful effect on the body and allows you to recover in a short time. In any case, self-medication is not worth it. It is best to at least consult with an experienced gynecologist.