/ / Polyp endometrium: what is it? Causes, symptoms and treatments

Polyp endometrium: what is it? Causes, Symptoms and Methods of Treatment

Polyps are smallbenign lesions of the uterus. In most cases, they do not carry a serious threat to life, but in some situations their intensive growth is fraught with complications, including infertility and uterine bleeding. So why the endometrial polyp is formed, what is it? How is this disease treated?

endometrial polyp size

Polyp endometrium: what is it?

A polyp is a benignstructure formed as a result of intense uncharacteristic growth of endometrial tissue. Neoplasms can be either single or multiple. A characteristic feature is the presence of a leg, with the help of which the growth is attached to the wall of the uterus - this is where the accumulation of blood vessels occurs, thanks to which the cells are nourished.

Such neoplasms may have differentsizes. The endometrial polyp is formed from both glandular and fibrous tissues. There are also adenomatous tumors that contain atypical cells, often the presence of such a polyp equates to a precancerous condition. That is why with such a pathology requires careful diagnosis.

Endometrial polyp: what is it and why is it formed?

In fact, there are many reasons for the formation of a similar structure in the uterus. Here are some of them.

  1. Quite often a polyp develops as a result.disruption of normal hormonal levels, in particular with an increase in estrogen levels and a simultaneous decrease in the amount of progesterone. In addition, the appearance of a polyp may be associated with a malfunction in the functioning of any endocrine gland. For example, women with thyroid disease and diabetes mellitus often suffer from this problem.
  2. In some cases, the cause is a gynecological procedure, including diagnostic curettage, the installation of an intrauterine device.
  3. Spontaneous abortion, abortion, and childbirth, in which the placenta has not been completely removed, also often lead to the appearance of polyps.
  4. The disease can be the result of a chronic inflammatory process in any of the organs of the small pelvis.
  5. A decrease in the body's immune defense, as well as constant stress, can also trigger the growth of such a neoplasm.

endometrial polyp what is it

Polyp endometrium: what is it and what symptoms are accompanied?

Immediately it should be said that the main signsdiseases depend on the size of the polyps. If the tumors are small, then the polyposis may be completely asymptomatic. In the future, there is a violation of the menstrual cycle. For example, periods become more abundant and painful. In addition, often a small bleeding occurs before the onset of menstruation.

Intensive polyp growth affectspatients feel like they complain of a constant pulling pain in the pelvis. Often, you can notice uncharacteristic vaginal discharge. As already mentioned, a growing polyp can lead to infertility.

how to treat endometrial polyp

How to treat endometrial polyp?

Чаще всего единственным возможным выходом is removal of the polyp surgically. During the operation, the doctor cuts out the necessary tissues, scrapes the uterine mucosa, and then burns the trail from the neoplasm with liquid nitrogen or a laser beam - this makes it possible to prevent a relapse. The tissue removed during the procedure is sent to the laboratory for analysis - it is necessary to confirm that there are no atypical cells in the samples. Naturally, it is important to determine the cause of the appearance of such a neoplasm and eliminate the risk to health. And since most often the appearance of these structures is associated with hormonal disruptions, the appropriate drugs are used in therapy.