/ / Epithelium In Urine: Causes And Possible Consequences

Epithelium In Urine: Causes And Possible Consequences

The overwhelming majority of the population of our countryregularly undergoes mandatory preventive medical examination, one of the components of which is the analysis of urine and a swab of genital organs. With the procedure for the delivery of tests is familiar to almost everyone, but far from everyone knows what and for what purpose doctors are looking for in the urine and in the smear.

The analysis of urine is taken to determine in it the amount of extraneous and natural components, such as protein, sugar, sand, narcotic substances and, of course, epithelium.

Epithelium in the urine
Epithelium - this is the cells that make up the outer,skin of the human body and organs. Ureters, kidneys, bladder, urethra - all these components of the urinary system are lined with a special, own epithelium. And, of course, its individual cells can be excreted along with urine.

To know if there is an epithelium in the urine is very important.You also need to know its quantity and type (renal, flat or transitional epithelium). This is necessary in order to determine how healthy the organs of the urinary system are, whether urgent treatment is required.

Of course, in a small amount of epithelium inurine should be. Normally, 10 cells can be in the field of vision, but not more. In the absence of diseases of the organs of the system, only flat epithelium can be detected in the urine. His absence indicates that a visit to a doctor is inevitable.

But if the analysis shows a kidney or transientepithelium in the urine, then everything is much more serious. Presence of the first speaks about such problems of kidneys, as an intoxication, glomerulonephritis, infringements of blood supply. The presence of the transitional epithelium speaks of inflammatory diseases such as cystitis or pyelonephritis.

Because many of the diseases of the urinary tractthe system is difficult to detect at an early stage, and in a neglected state it is very difficult to treat, to pass urine for analysis and to check the epithelium in urine is necessary regularly. Attention to your own body can help prevent many health problems.

Epithelium in the smear
The procedure for taking a swab from the genitals alsoknown to all who underwent a preventive examination. It is absolutely safe and painless. The aim of smear analysis is to identify pathogens and determine the number of natural organisms and epithelium.

As in urine, the flat epithelium in the smear should be. His complete absence can talk about the atrophy of the genitals, with which you need to start fighting as early as possible.

In women, a swab is taken from the walls of the vagina and withcervix, and in men - from the walls of the urinary canal. As in women, men should have epithelium in the smear. Norm of epithelial cells - 5-10 pieces in the field of vision.

Epithelium in the smear, norm
The delivery of a smear should be treated responsibly,since if certain rules are not followed, the analysis results may be distorted. So, before going to the doctor is not recommended to urinate for 3-4 hours, and intimate relationships should be avoided within a day before the test.

After swabbing for men is normal to feel some pain and a burning sensation when urinating, and women may experience spotting with traces of blood.