Urine is one of the body's biological fluids,which characterizes the state of the excretory system of the body. There are several varieties of urine tests that characterize the state of the excretory system at different levels.
Normally urine should be light strawcolor, transparent, without foreign inclusions. In the urine there should be no red blood cells, and the presence of leukocytes is allowed up to 5-6. Protein also should not normally be in the sediment, the glucose test should normally be negative. Sometimes in the urine may be present mucus - this may be the result of not too thorough hygiene of the genitals or a sign of the disease.
Phosphates in urine should normally be absent.Their presence indicates a violation of the kidneys. The presence in the urine of calcium phosphate and magnesium can be proved by heating urine and adding acetic acid. If the fluid becomes turbid, but the bubbles do not form, then there are phosphates in the urine.
According to statistics, phosphate in urine more oftenare found in women, while the urine reaction changes toward more alkaline. With increasing parathyroid function, phosphate accumulation takes place in the renal parenchyma, which then enters the urine and is removed.
Phosphaturia can be a congenital disease,which is diagnosed even in newborn children. It should be noted that the congenital form of this disease is much heavier than the acquired one.
Phosphates in urine can be present as a consequenceinfectious process in the kidneys, then it will be called false, true phosphaturia is observed in parathyroid gland disease. At the moment, false phosphaturia occurs much more often than true, and as a rule, it proceeds more favorably.
Phosphates in urine during pregnancy - enoughfrequent violation of the norm. In this case, the urine of pregnant women becomes turbid, the number of leukocytes increases, red blood cells and an admixture of pus may appear. With a normal pregnancy, the number of salts decreases, because most of these compounds are used to build the fetal bone structures. If the phosphate is present in the urine of a pregnant woman, it means that the woman has impaired renal system.
At the same time, the risk of formation of small stones inkidneys, which is very dangerous during pregnancy. Phosphaturia itself is not as dangerous in pregnancy as a disease or a condition that provoked it. Therefore, initially you need to find the reason for the presence of pregnant phosphate in the urine, and only then talk about this or that treatment.
Phosphates in the urine can be a consequence of a violationfood behavior. For example, if a person abuses green vegetables or just greens. In this case, the phosphaturia will be temporary. When restoring the diet, it passes. In this case, the function of the kidneys practically does not suffer. Most often, the syndrome of temporary phosphaturia is observed in vegetarians or in mono-diets.
Phosphates in urine: treatment
At its core, the presence of phosphate in the urine is notdisease, and syndrome, so the main treatment is to eliminate the cause of the disease. If this is an innate pathology, then it is necessary to compensate for this condition with a diet. Patients are also assigned physiotherapy, symptomatic and restorative therapy.
You need to control your diet of drunk fluids. Patients with phosphaturia should know that it is necessary to drink 1.5-2 liters of ordinary water per day.
The greatest danger of the presence of phosphate in the urine is the formation of kidney stones. Due to this, patients can have urolithiasis, which is much more dangerous than phosphaturia.