/ / If a protein is found in the urine, what does it mean?

If a protein in the urine is found, what does it mean?

The human body is constantly changing, and very often it is overtaken by certain diseases. What if I have a protein in my urine? What does this mean and how to cope with the problem?

protein in the urine what it means

About the disease

Each person has a protein in the urine.This is normal, it should be so. However, there are situations when its accumulation exceeds the permissible values, and then one can already speak of a disease such as proteinuria. Simply put, understanding why there was a protein in the urine, what does it mean, it is worth noting that this is the wrong work (pathology) of the kidneys. If its values ​​in the test material exceed 50 mg per day, it is already possible to sound an alarm. However, proteinuria can be true (really associated with pathology), false or functional (not related to renal disease).

Functional proteinuria

I would like to elaborate onfunctional proteinuria, because if a person has a true proteinuria, it is unlikely that he will not know anything about this disease. So, why do seemingly healthy people can have protein in the urine? What does this mean and what is it fraught with? The reasons for its increase can be as follows: prolonged hypothermia, stress or depression, prolonged insolation (exposure to open sunlight) and even physical activity (especially in weightlifters). Protein can also grow after consuming raw milk and eggs in large quantities on the day before handing over its own biomaterial for research. Incorrect indicators can also be obtained from a person who incorrectly collected the material, especially for women. The protein can get into the container if the bladder, ureter, urethra is inflamed, and also if tests are collected during menstruation. And one more main reason for increasing the protein in the urine is the pregnancy of the lady.

the norm of protein in the urine during pregnancy


Many women who have gone through sucha difficult stage, like pregnancy, know that the protein in the urine is not good. But what exactly does this mean? So, to appear in high numbers in the analyzes, it can as a result of the difficult work of the kidneys, when they simply do not cope with their duty, and the protein in unsplit form can be excreted through the urine (the new physiological condition of the lady is to blame). Influence on protein may also be an early toxicosis, the consumption of certain foods that may give undesirable results in the analyzes. But besides simple and not terrible reasons, he can testify about such diseases of a woman as gestosis or nephropathy, which pose a threat even to the baby. Therefore, if the protein norm in the urine during pregnancy is slightly exceeded, it means that you need to retake the analysis, adjust your own diet, and closely monitor blood pressure and the appearance of edema.

the protein in the urine of the child causes


It is also important to find out why theprotein in the urine of the child, the causes and ways of treating the disease. So, it is worth noting that it is very important for babies to periodically take certain tests in order to identify at an early stage the ailments that can develop in a child's body. But it also happens that a child (older age or adolescent) has orthostatic proteinuria, which is completely harmless to the body. To determine it, you need to collect two portions of urine: the first morning, the next - throughout the day. If the protein is not detected in the first, everything is fine. To survive because of its rise in the afternoon is not worth it. If, in analysis, a small child has a protein in his urine, what does it mean? This may indicate a kidney disease. However, before making a diagnosis, any doctor will recheck the tests to accurately exclude the error.