/ / Signs of kidney disease

Symptoms of kidney disease

Many believe that pain or tingling in the backAre the first signs of kidney disease. However, this is a completely wrong opinion. Back pain can cause osteochondrosis, muscle strain, shingles, and some other diseases.

But then how to know that the cause of pain is precisely the kidneys, not the spine or muscles? What are the symptoms of kidney disease likely to indicate their inflammation?

Manifestations of kidney disease usually have commonsigns associated with the amount of urine being separated. The process of urination and urination is called diuresis. In a day, a healthy person should allocate up to 1800 ml of urine. Of course, this number is affected by the surrounding conditions, and some diseases. The most part is allocated in the afternoon. Only in heart patients the process is activated not by day, but by night. This is due to the fact that the state of the kidneys, when a person with a sick heart occupies a horizontal position, promotes their activation.

The causes of kidney disease are different. Oliguria (decreased urination) can be caused by heart failure, glomerulonephritis, poisoning with nephrotoxic poisons contained, for example, in fungi.

In case of kidney disease, first of all, it is brokendiuresis. Urine can stand out significantly less, which, as a consequence, causes swelling. Symptoms of kidney disease - swelling on the face, arms, legs. Sometimes they are pronounced, and sometimes barely noticeable. To learn that the body has swelled, it is possible, having pressed a skin a finger. If there is a deepening in the tissue, you should think about consulting a nephrologist.

Anuria, i.e.complete absence of urine - a sign of acute inflammation caused by a tumor of the prostate or kidney, obstruction of the renal artery, stones in the genito-urinary tract, acute poisoning or narcotic intoxication. The absence of urine leads to rapid intoxication of the body. If the patient does not provide timely assistance, an early death awaits.

Symptoms of kidney disease may not manifest itselfonly in a decrease, but also in an increase in the amount of urine that is separated. Pollakiuria - increased urination and formation, sometimes up to 10 liters per day. It is caused by sugar or diabetes insipidus, other severe, often irreversible, diseases. However, in the case of a patient undergoing treatment with oliguria or anuria, an increase in the amount of urine may be a good indicator.

The signs of kidney disease are sometimes confused with signs of other diseases. So frequent urination most often indicates inflammation or infection of the genitourinary system, the presence of stones in the ureters.

Darkening of urine is the brightest sign of liver disease (eg, hepatitis), blood or bile ducts.

If urine is redder, traces of blood appear in it,it makes sense to suspect the presence of urolithiasis or a kidney tumor. Chronic glomerulonephritis also can cause redness of urine. It should be noted that among non-specialists there is often an opinion that the kidneys can be "chilled", and then the urine will turn red. This is not true. It is practically impossible to chill the kidneys: they are in the depth of the body, their temperature never falls below 37.5 °. But to cause an exacerbation of chronic glomerulonephritis or another chronic disease, hypothermia is quite capable.

A symptom of kidney disease is renal colic:a condition in which a person feels an intolerable pain on one side of the abdomen, which is strongly given to the pubic region and limb. This condition requires immediate medical attention.

Other vivid symptoms accompanying kidney disease: fever and pressure, general increased weakness, fatigue, sudden weight loss.

In any case, the slightest indisposition, caused by any reasons, should lead to an immediate meeting with the doctor, timely examination and treatment.