Many people are wondering whyFolic acid is necessary for women. In fact, without this vitamin the body of a woman begins to function poorly, so the fair sex begins to notice negative changes in all areas of her health. In this article we will answer the question about what folic acid provides for women, and also find out what are the indications for its use, and we will figure out how to correctly take it. Carefully read this information in order to protect yourself as much as possible.
Why the body needs vitamin B9
Many people simply do not ask the question,that gives folic acid for women. And in vain, because this vitamin is so important for the body, and in this case is practically not produced in it. It comes with the help of some food products or vitamin supplements. Doctors recommend all women of childbearing age to constantly take such supplements, as well as plan their diet correctly.
So, let's look at the functions of vitamin B9:
- mitosis and proper DNA replication;
- the successful course of pregnancy, as well as the correct formation of the internal organs of the child, especially with regard to the laying of the neural tube;
- also folic acid is involved in the process of blood formation and improves overall metabolism;
- regular application of this vitamin will significantly increase the level of the immune system and protect the heart and blood vessels from various pathological processes.
In what foods can you find folic acid for women
Note that if you eat properly,your body will accumulate the necessary amount of folic acid. However, for this it is very important to know in which particular products the given element is contained in the greatest quantity. In the first place are vegetables (especially cucumbers), fruits and fresh herbs. Also a considerable amount of this element can be found in eggs and liver. Meat, of course, also contains vitamin B9, however in very small quantities.
Try to eat as much as possiblefresh vegetables and greens. A very large amount of folic acid is found in all kinds of cabbage, asparagus, spinach, lettuce and parsley. Do not deny yourself the pleasure of eating a banana, apricot or citrus. Also doctors recommend eating legumes and nuts regularly.
And do not forget that the maximum number ofvitamins is contained precisely in thermally unprocessed foods (of course, food of animal origin is an exception). Therefore, try to eat raw vegetable salads daily.
The main indications for use
It is very important to understand why women are prescribed folic acid. After all, its lack will simply disable the whole organism. Let's consider the main indications for use:
- this vitamin is able to have a positive effect on the whole organism as it is able to increase immunity and improve metabolic processes in the body;
- also folic acid has a positive effect on the organs of hematopoiesis and the blood itself, which means that it reduces the risk of anemia;
- also vitamin B9 provides a woman a safe pregnancy and properly forms the fetus.
Folic acid before pregnancy planning for women
The female body in this vitamin needsof all ages. However, most of all it is necessary for the representative of the weaker sex in the planning of pregnancy. Folic acid is able to normalize the work of the hormonal system and increase the likelihood that the pregnancy will still occur, and the fetus will be formed correctly.
In fact, the very frequent reason thatpregnancy does not occur, it is precisely the lack of vitamin B9 in a man or a woman. That is why it is very important to start accepting this element for those people who want to have a child. Doctors recommend to drink vitamin complex not only to women, but also to men.
Importance of taking folic acid during pregnancy
Folic acid for women during pregnancyis extremely necessary. According to statistics, a large proportion of pregnancies are unplanned. And this suggests that the body of a woman was not completely ready for motherhood. Not all women take enough food containing folic acid. And this suggests that pregnancy can be accompanied by problems from the very beginning. After a lack of vitamin B9 can provoke premature birth, improper development of the baby, placental abruption and many other problems.
Inadequate amounts of folic acid can have a negative effect on the formation of the nervous system of the baby, as well as lead to heart disease and improper limb formation.
Also folic acid (indications for usefor women described in this article) is able to eliminate the negative impact on the body of various pharmaceutical products, which is also very important for the health of the baby's future.
Once again it is worth repeating that whenPlanning for pregnancy folic acid should be taken by both women and men. Representatives of the stronger sex need to do this in order to improve the quality of sperm.
Determination of the correct dosage
It is very important to determine the correct daily ratefolic acid for women. Note that this element is poorly absorbed by the body if it enters our body with food. For example, to replenish daily supplies, a woman should eat about twenty to twenty-five asparagus stems every day. Despite the benefits of food, nevertheless everything needs a measure. In addition, proper nutrition is not cheap. Folic acid from vitamin supplements is much better absorbed by the body and is produced in the necessary dosages.
Consider: excessive consumption of alcohol-containing beverages, hormonal drugs, as well as oral contraceptives contribute to the rapid elimination of vitamin B9 from the body.
Dosage of this element should be selectedonly the attending physician, relying on the individual characteristics of your body. It is very important that the dosage is selected correctly. Most often, doctors recommend that women take 0.1 grams of this substance per day. However, if there is a deficiency of vitamin B9, then its amount can be increased to 1 gram. However, please note, only the attending physician can decide whether to increase the dosage. Do not self-medicate at all, as you can cause very serious harm not only to your health, but also to the health of your future baby.
It is very important to understand how to take folic acidacid for women. Depending on the dosage, as well as the purpose of the pill, you should drink two or three times a day after meals. Wash down with plenty of water.
Folic acid for female beauty
In fact, vitamin B9 is very important forbeauty of a woman. After all, it can prolong youth and improve the condition of nails and skin. Its regular use reduces hair loss and strengthens the nail plates. Also, the additive is able to significantly improve the condition of the skin, slowing down their aging and preventing the formation of pigmented spots.
What is folic acid for mature women?
In fact, vitamin B9 is able to significantlyimprove the condition of a woman during menopause. In some ways, it can replace estrogen-containing hormonal drugs that help reduce the severity of menopause.
Folic acid prevents the onset oftides, and also relieves pain, reduces sweating and normalizes the emotional state. Also, the element normalizes the work of the cardiovascular and nervous system, which makes the woman calm and balanced.
Women's comments on the use of vitamin B9
Reviews about folic acid for womenconfirm that this substance is really indispensable in the body of the fair sex. Doctors always prescribe this vitamin to women planning to become mothers, and also directly during pregnancy. After all, this vitamin plays a very important role in the female body, improving the course of bearing the child, and also correctly forming the body of the future baby.
Women who regularly take sufficientthe number of products containing vitamin B9, or vitamin supplements, in which this element is included, notice how the mood improves, the immune system strengthens, insomnia disappears, in general the level of health increases. However, it is very important not to overdo and take the remedy exactly in those dosages that were prescribed by the attending physician.
Doctors also recommend taking folic acidacid and men who want to become fathers, because it significantly improves the quality of sperm, which means that the probability that a child will be born with pathologies decreases.
Take care of yourself, love yourself and take care of yourself, and then your body will begin to take care of you. Folic acid is an indispensable component of your health.