/ / Perforated ulcer - what is it?

Perforated ulcer - what is it?

The perforated ulcer develops more often in men, especially after 40 years. The causes of this extremely dangerous complication of ulcers are:

- stressful situations,

- heavy physical activity,

- serious errors in nutrition,

- exacerbations of a seasonal nature,

- use of tobacco products,

- taking alcohol,

- trauma when probing the stomach.

Against the background of long-term hormone intake, with frequenta heartburn in the anamnesis at the patient the perforated ulcer of a stomach can develop. Patients have complaints of increased pain in the abdomen, increasing weakness. But perforation can occur suddenly. In this case, it is necessary to immediately apply to a medical institution, since this condition is mortally dangerous.

At the initial stage, there is a sharp pain, likeafter stabbing. With a stomach ulcer in patients, the pain appears in the left side or near the navel, with ulcers of the duodenum - in the right hypochondrium. Pain can be given in the right shoulder, in the collarbone, under the right scapula. But after a few hours of clear distinction, the pain no longer exists. The patient is worried about dizziness, severe weakness, nausea. The skin is pale, covered with a sticky cold sweat. The tongue is dry, with a touch. The patient lies on his side, the abdominal muscles tense. He presses his knees to his stomach and tries to lie still. Because with the slightest movement the pain intensifies, and it can reflexively cause vomiting. The tension of the abdominal muscles is noted. Laboratory blood counts are normal.

In the second stage the perforating ulcer is characterized byimaginary well-being and improvement of the patient's well-being. Pain is dulled, pressure, pulse and temperature are normalized. But this external improvement of the condition indicates a catastrophic internal change: acute pain subsides because atrophy of nerve endings occurs and after 8-12 hours from the onset of the disease, peritonitis develops with high temperature, tachycardia, followed by a decrease in the pulse and a drop in blood pressure.

In the third stage, the pain is diffuse,worries all over the stomach. Blood and stomach contents enter the abdominal cavity, irritating the peritoneum. In the body, intoxication develops, which provokes frequent vomiting, exhausting the patient.

The abdomen is swollen, the intestinal peristalsis is notis listened to. The radiograph shows the accumulation of fluid and air under the diaphragm in the form of a sickle. When percussion blunt sound over the liver region disappears. Tympanic sound over the area of ​​the intestine in the abdomen becomes a pulmonary sound over the area of ​​the chest in the right side of the human body.

A gut ulcer of the stomach, the symptoms of whichit is necessary to know every person to react correctly and call an ambulance on time, is considered one of the most dangerous complications of peptic ulcer. If there is a suspicion that the patient has a perforated ulcer of the stomach, you must immediately seek medical help. Count on the apparent improvement can not be, because you can miss the moment and then the disease will take a serious turn, which can end tragically.

The perforated ulcer is treated only operatively instationary conditions. During the operation, the stomach tissue is taken for biopsy to exclude the cancer tumor. If a person can not be delivered to a medical facility for a number of reasons (a person is in the mountains, in a forest where there is no transport or in bad weather), it is necessary to inject atropine subcutaneously to reduce the formation of gastric juice and to suck the contents of the stomach through a probe inserted into the nasal passage. But this is a forced temporary measure.

Perforated ulcer after surgeryrequires long-term in-patient treatment, adherence to a strict diet and rehabilitation measures. The patient needs bed rest, daytime sleep and rest for the first 10 days. Several months after the operation, it is required to adhere to a special diet, to avoid certain foods and beverages.