/ / Computed tomography or MRI - what is better and what is the difference?

Computer tomography or MRI - which is better and what's the difference?

A huge number of diseases and injuries can notbe diagnosed for symptoms only. Very often, patients who seek medical help are prescribed computerized (CT) and magnetic resonance (MRI) tomography. What are these studies? Computed tomography or MRI - which is better? These questions are worth understanding.

The essence of computed tomography

CT scan - diagnostic method proposed in 1972year Scientists have developed it due to the fact that conventional radiography had drawbacks. She allowed the specialists in the examination of a particular patient to receive only one shot. Computed tomography has a lot of advantages. First, due to this diagnostic method, a series of images can be obtained. Secondly, there are no shadow overlays in the images. Thirdly, CT has a higher sensitivity than conventional radiography.

Computed tomography is based on the use ofx-ray radiation. When using this diagnostic method, a special tomograph is used. This is a complex software and hardware complex, including:

  • Gentry (moving part of the apparatus containing scanning equipment);
  • high voltage generator;
  • operator console;
  • computing system.

computed tomography or MRI which is better

Indications for computed tomography

CT imaging bone better than other techniquesthe cloth. That is why this diagnostic method is used in identifying various injuries and fractures in people who are ill. For example, a person turned to a doctor with a question: “Which is better - an MRI or computed tomography of the spine?” If there is an injury, a specialist prescribes a CT scan. This study allows to study the condition of the vertebrae, processes, intervertebral discs.

Computed tomography is also prescribed in the following cases:

  • if you suspect a stroke;
  • finding a person in serious condition;
  • the presence of contraindications for MR imaging.

CT may be administered using contrastsubstances. It is introduced into the body of the examined patient in order to improve the differentiation of the internal organs from each other. The contrast agent also makes it possible to clarify the nature of the pathological structures found and to reveal those changes that cannot be seen in the course of a regular study.

computed tomography or mrta which is better when determining tumors

Contraindications to computed tomography

So, computed tomography or MRI - which is better?In CT, as with any other diagnostic method, there are contraindications. A study carried out without contrast and with contrast is not assigned:

  • pregnant, because X-rays have a negative effect on the fetus;
  • too full of people, because in the technical characteristics of tomographs there are indications of the maximum mass that devices can withstand.

У компьютерной томографии, проводимой с введением of a contrast agent, there are additional contraindications. These include allergies, kidney failure, various thyroid diseases, severe diabetes, myeloma, and the serious condition of the patient.

What is magnetic resonance imaging?

Another diagnostic tool is MRI.This survey method was founded in 1973. Computed tomography or MRI - which is better? Answering this question, one can single out several advantages of magnetic resonance imaging over CT:

  • excellent resolution;
  • the possibility of obtaining cuts in different planes;
  • high contrast images.

The main plus of magnetic resonance imagingis that there is no gamma radiation on the person being examined. This is explained by the fact that MRI is based on the phenomenon of nuclear magnetic resonance, and not on x-rays. To conduct magnetic resonance studies use a completely different scanners. MRI devices consist of magnets, gradient, shimming and radio frequency coils, cooling systems, systems for receiving, transmitting and processing data, and shielding systems.

what is better mrt or computed tomography of the spine

Indications for magnetic resonance imaging

MRI is prescribed to people with evidence. These include:

  • various inflammatory processes;
  • congenital diseases, developmental abnormalities;
  • injuries;
  • vascular disorders;
  • neoplasms.

computed tomography or mrta which is better for the spine

Computed tomography or MRI - which is better withdetermining tumors? This question is asked by many people. Magnetic resonance imaging perfectly visualizes soft tissue. Bone structures do not affect the quality of the resulting images. That is why doctors with suspected neoplasms prescribe MRI.

Contraindications to magnetic resonance imaging

When answering the question:“Computed tomography or MRI - which is better?” - It is worth noting that magnetic resonance imaging may also not be prescribed to all people. The absolute contraindications of this diagnostic method include:

  • availability of non-removable electronic devices;
  • the presence in the body of metallic foreign bodies;
  • the presence of intracranial aneurysms clipped with ferromagnetic material;
  • the presence of tattoos on the body with the content of metal compounds.

Relative contraindications are:

  • early pregnancy;
  • fear of confined spaces;
  • severe pain that does not allow you to remain immobile during the study;
  • inappropriate behavior due to drug or alcohol intoxication;
  • the need to monitor vital signs.

Appointment of CT and MRI: examples

Какой из методов диагностики является наиболее informative? Answering this question can not do without examples. A kidney examination may be considered. Computed tomography or MRI? What is best for the kidneys? In case of complicated acute inflammatory processes, the doctor prescribes ultrasound. This primary diagnostic method allows to assess the size of the kidneys, the structure of the parenchyma, the state of perirenal fiber. Computed tomography is used to assess and refine the prevalence of inflammatory changes.

computed tomography or MRI is better for kidney

If during the ultrasounda solid formation or a complicated cyst is detected, then a CT scan with contrast is performed in order to clarify the diagnosis (a contrast agent significantly increases the information content). With ambiguous results, magnetic resonance imaging is shown.

Следующий пример — обследование человека при suspected ischemic stroke. Computed tomography or MRI? What is better for the brain, assessing its condition in a disease called? Computed tomography is performed on the first day. She allows to exclude hemorrhages. But using an MRI is impossible. Magnetic resonance imaging is highly informative only in the subacute (3-14 day) and chronic (more than 14 days) stages.

computed tomography or MRI which is better for the brain

Таким образом, нельзя однозначно сказать, какой of the diagnostic methods is the most informative. Computed tomography or MRI - which is better for the spine, kidneys, brain and other internal organs? The answer to this question is a doctor for each case. Both computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging are two informative methods. A specialist always makes the choice between them, taking into account the clinical picture, the condition of the sick person, the presence of diseases.