/ / Computer network - what is it and how is it built?

Computer network - what is it and how is it built?

When there is one computer, it is calledlocal machine. And if there are a lot of them? Then use the term "computer network". What is it and how does it work? What features are inherent in the system? How can computer networks be classified? All this will be considered in the article.

Computer network: what is it and how does it work?

computer network what is
Так называют системы связи компьютеров или иных units of computing equipment (such as servers, routers, and other equipment of this kind). To transmit data, different physical phenomena are used, such as: electrical and light signals or electromagnetic radiation. It is necessary to speak about computer networks depending on the principle by which they are distinguished. Therefore, further it will be possible to become familiar with what is the basis of such networks.

Territorial division

computer network operation
Here the number of connected units of equipment, construction features, scale and many other parameters, as well as, actually, the operation of a computer network matter. So, let's begin:

  1. BAN - body computer network. Engaged in providing Internet access for devices that are connected or installed in the main machine.
  2. PAN - personal network. It deals with the provision of Internet access, as well as the organization of interaction between different devices belonging to the same owner.
  3. LAN - local network.It is a closed infrastructure with access to the service provider. A similar type can be equally assigned to a small office network and to a group operating in a large plant occupying several hectares. In such cases, a local network is called a network when it does not exceed 10 kilometers in diameter. Due to the fact that it is closed, only a limited number of users who, as a rule, have professional interest, and it is associated with their activities, can access.
  4. CAN - campus network. So called the union of several local, located in the nearest buildings from one arbitrary point.
  5. MAN - city network. Used to connect institutions located within the same city (or several, if there were agreements on this). They link many local unions.
  6. WAN - global network.Covers large geographic regions. It may include separate local, telecommunication networks and devices. This view is open and aims to provide service to any user who asks for it. Sometimes you can still hear her name, such as the worldwide computer network. True, this is used in the sense of uniting everything that is in general. In such cases, no territorial restriction is implied.
  7. Corporate network.An exclusively literary term used to denote associations, parts of which were created using different program, technical, and informational principles.

As you can see, a fairly wide range of functionsmay cover a computer network. What does the concept mean in general - we have already begun to consider: the possibility of data exchange, the operation of automatic systems and many other useful options have been realized thanks to its use.

Speed ​​division

computer network
Also classification is made on the basis ofhow fast data packets are transmitted. In general, there are numerous types, ranging from the slowest to the advanced. But they all come together in three categories:

  1. Low speed connections. This includes data transfer paths that operate with parameters less than 10 Mbps.
  2. Medium speed. These include data transfer paths that operate with parameters in the range of 10-100 Mbit / s.
  3. High speed. These include all data transmission paths that can work with parameters higher than 100 Mbps.

Division according to functional purpose

This classification is used by task type:

  1. Storage Network.
  2. Server company.
  3. Process control network.
  4. House associations.

Division of data transmission media

Everything is clear:

  1. Wired funds. This includes telephone wire, twisted pair, fiber optic and coaxial cable.
  2. Wireless tools. All using radio waves of a certain frequency range.


worldwide computer network
Here in general, and all the general theoretical informationwhich makes it clear what a computer network is. What is - briefly explained. Various classifications were also considered under the article. But this is only general descriptive information, and if you want to learn more, you will need to acquire special literature (or go to university for the relevant specialty). It should be remembered that access to other objects is always carried out through intermediaries. So, from the phone the data goes further, they are processed by the Cityline, Beeline computer network and other providers that provide access to the Internet.