Dental caries is quite seriousa problem that many people face. This process has numerous negative consequences. That is why you need to think about the prevention of the disease, as well as its timely treatment. There are also many options for how to treat tooth decay at home. Each method has its own positive features and characteristics.
Dental caries is a complex pathologicalprocess occurring after teething. Hard tissues become soft, which leads to the formation of cavities. Translated from Latin, this term literally means "decay," often used for various diseases of hard dental tissues, signs of which are crumbling of dentin and enamel.
Dental caries disease appears in differentage and in many different forms. Most often, the problem starts because of the activity of streptococcus mutants, which usually accumulate on the surface of the tooth enamel in the form of plaque. You can remove it with a toothbrush and a special solution for rinsing the mouth. Dentists distinguish two stages of caries: the first, which is characterized by the formation of white or pigmented spots, and the second, when the defect is already visible on the hard tissues of the tooth.
What is dangerous disease?
Although most people thinkcaries is a simple and frivolous situation, which can be dealt with later, things are different. The fact is that problems with teeth directly affect the quality of food processing in the human oral cavity, respectively, on the work of its digestive system. Complications of caries bring a lot of problems from both a functional and aesthetic point of view. These include the following:
- A permanent source of infection can lead to an allergic reaction in a person.
- The disease affects the work of the organs of the circulatory system.
- Serious diseases are a common occurrence among those who have advanced caries. Pulpitis, periodontitis and flux - this is not a complete list of problems.
- In the presence of sick teeth load in the processchewing lies only on one side of the mouth, which leads to poor chewing of food. This, in turn, causes gastritis, heartburn and indigestion.
Aesthetic discomfort is also important. Due to bad teeth, a person feels insecure in society, hesitates to smile, laugh, communicate with people.
Symptoms of the disease
You can recognize the problem by the presence of the following symptoms:
- The appearance of clear dark spots on the teeth. In this case, most often we are talking about such a problem as superficial caries.
- The teeth are rough, that can be felt with the tongue.
- During the meal, the teeth begin to ache, ache, and also sharply react to cold, hot, sweet and sour foods.
- With a toothpick or even tongue, you can easily grope cavities in your teeth.
If you start caries, it can spread to the inside of the tooth, where the nerve endings are located. In this case, when eating, a person will feel severe pain and discomfort.
Causes of the problem
Superficial or moderate caries may appearfor various reasons. This is influenced by the individual characteristics of the body, the stability of dental tissues and the immune system, as well as the lifestyle. In general, we can distinguish the following factors that affect this problem:
- Professional activity. It is proved that people who work in enterprises engaged in the production of acids and alkalis are more likely to encounter the disease than others.
- Age. Most often, children suffer from this disease. Milk decay is quite common throughout the world.
- Geography.Various studies indicate that the region in which a person lives is directly responsible for his predisposition to this problem. This is due to water, in particular, the presence of fluoride in it.
- Половая принадлежность.In women, middle and superficial caries are much more common than in the stronger sex. This is due to the birth of children, feeding a child, as well as a higher craving for sweets.
- Physiology. Each person has the formation of soft plaque and the process of reproduction of bacteria is individual in nature. This affects the stage of caries.
It is also important to consider the genetic aspect. The condition of the enamel, the nature and type of salivation, the level of reproduction of bacteria and other factors are inherited.
It would be wise not to wait until it appearsdisease, and to prevent its occurrence, especially when it comes to caries of the front teeth. In order to keep your teeth healthy, you must adhere to the following rules:
- Thoroughly clean the oral cavity at least twice a day.
- For cleaning, you need to use a properly selected toothbrush and toothpaste.
- Remove tartar regularly.
- Visit the dentist 1-2 times a year for prevention.
Particular attention should be paid to proper nutrition. It is necessary to reduce the use of sweet and starchy foods, eat more fruits, vegetables and products containing calcium.
Dental caries treatment
If a person has serious superficial or moderate caries, then the necessary help of a specialist is required, which usually includes the following procedures:
- Professional plaque removal with tooth enamel. For this, tools with special nozzles, abrasive toothpastes, as well as special hard brushes are used.
- Installation of fillings with the selection of an option with an identical shade of tooth enamel. It depends on the attractiveness of a smile. This is especially true if caries of the front teeth is present.
- The use of anesthesia.In most cases, only painkillers help patients tolerate drilling of tissues that are severely affected by caries. This moment is very important, therefore it is necessary to entrust it only to the professional.
- The process of polishing and additional grinding of teeth.
An important step in the work of the dentist is the removal of tissues that are affected by the work of microorganisms. For these purposes, modern drills are used.
Treatment of caries with folk remedies
If a situation happened that a person discoveredcaries, however, for various reasons, at the moment there is no opportunity to visit the dentist, alternative methods can help. How to treat tooth decay at home? There are many options that will cope with this problem, however, you need to remember that this only works if the disease is at an early stage of development. If the tissue is deeply affected, then you need to contact a specialist.
The use of folk remedies is usually enoughsimple and does not require special skills. All products are quick to prepare and inexpensive, while being highly effective. If you want to achieve the maximum effect, a combination of different treatment options, both folk and professional, will be optimal. It is also important to connect means for prevention, which will stop the process of destruction of dental tissues, will help the body eliminate the problem as soon as possible.
Fruit and Vegetable Treatment
One of the most effective ways to treat tooth decay at home is with vegetables and fruits. The following folk recipes exist:
- Beet. You need to attach the beets to the diseased tooth and keep it for 20-30 minutes. For this, you can also use a grated vegetable.
- Banana. For medicinal purposes, a banana peel is used. It needs to be grated and slightly dried, then applied to the tooth.
For additional effect on beetsor a banana, you can add olive oil, as well as iodized salt. The resulting mixture should be slowly rubbed into the gums. The procedure needs to be repeated 2-3 times a day.
Laundry soap
For medical as well as preventive purposesYou can use ordinary laundry soap. To do this, you need to prepare a soap solution and brush their teeth, like a regular toothpaste. After this, rinse your mouth thoroughly with plenty of water. For each procedure, only freshly prepared soapy water should be used.
The healing effect of laundry soap isthe fact that a huge amount of disinfecting substance will get on the tooth surface, which kills a variety of bacteria. It is thanks to this that this tool has a positive effect with tooth injuries of a putrefactive nature.
Medicinal herbs are an excellent tool to combat this disease. How to treat tooth decay at home in this case? The following options are especially effective:
- Sage.Sage essential oil is detrimental to fungi and bacteria, which is effective in the presence of caries. To do this, 2 tablespoons of a dry plant need to be poured with a glass of boiling water, let it infuse for an hour and regularly rinse their mouth.
- Chinese lemongrass.It has an effect similar to sage. For this, the bark and branches of the plant are poured with hot water, heated for half an hour in a water bath. The broth can be drunk, holding it for a few seconds in the mouth.
- Air. To do this, half the calamus root should be poured with a glass of vodka and a glass of water, insisted for 10 days. The finished product must be diluted with water and rinsing the mouth twice a day.
To increase the healing effect of the herb, you can combine it.
The use of herbal medicines
Various mixtures based on a variety of medicinal herbs can several times enhance the therapeutic effect of plants. The following options are especially effective:
- Mix one tablespoon of grass of chamomile, St. John's wort and calendula, pour two glasses of boiling water and insist for one hour. Means you need to rinse your mouth after each meal.
- The combination of lemon balm, nettle and wild strawberry in equal proportions, which is poured with hot water and simmers for two hours in a thermos. Tincture should be used twice a day to rinse the mouth.
- A mixture of mint and fennel fruits in the samequantities. 50 grams of the mixture should be insisted on half a liter of vodka for three months. A teaspoon of tincture is diluted in a glass of warm water and rinse your mouth after each meal.
These options can be used to treat tooth decay for one month.
Use of propolis
Propolis is considered to be one of the mosteffective means in the fight against tooth decay and other dental problems. For the therapeutic effect, propolis needs to be shut down, placed in a cotton swab and applied to the affected area. Keep the product for 30 minutes.
Propolis has strong antibacterialand antiseptic properties due to the numerous resins and minerals in its composition. Propolis acts very quickly on the affected tooth and slows down the destruction process.
Other means
Other means also help fight tooth decay:
- Fir oil. It is necessary to dip a cotton swab in this product and apply it to a diseased tooth for several minutes.
- Camphor. A good option for caries. With this tool you need to lubricate the gums.
- Garlic. It helps in the presence of pain.To do this, make a paste from garlic cloves and apply it with a cotton swab on the tooth. The paste must be kept until the toothache subsides.
- Bow. The husk needs to be insisted in two glasses of boiling water for 8 hours. With this solution, rinse your mouth three times a day.
- Salt. Salt is great for rinsing your mouth, especially sea salt. To do this, 40 grams of salt should be dissolved in a glass of warm water and keep the solution in your mouth for about three minutes.
Caries is a serious problem that is dangerous.for the whole body. At the initial stage of the disease, various folk remedies will perfectly help. They will help relieve pain, kill bacteria, and also stop the destruction process. But this is only a temporary measure. In order to prevent a more difficult situation, you must definitely contact a specialist.