/ / How to put banks on the back: an algorithm of action, benefit and harm

How to put banks on your back: an algorithm of action, benefit and harm

Disputes about the benefits of cans on the backcontinue to this day. On the formulation of cans for medicinal purposes, many know who lived in the era of developed socialism. In those days, it was a fairly effective, albeit slightly uncomfortable method of treatment. Nowadays, this method is practically not used, but nevertheless, the fashion of recent years has returned this treatment option to everything Soviet. Putting the cans on the back: is this method effective, and what are the sides of the same coin? Let's try to figure it out.

Historical reference

The first mention of the production of cans are datedchronicles that have come down to us since the days of ancient Egypt. On numerous drawings of “painters” of that time depicting healing, historians have discovered characteristic drawings. Small spherical objects depicted on the backs of the wards, and healers with a torch-shaped object in their hands helped the researchers to conclude that, most likely, these devices were banks.

flower banks

Ancient Rome is marked by more extensive information onthis issue. Some records, preserved from one of Andromakh (known healers at the court of Nero, who bore the same name for all), testify to the emperor's addiction to certain glass flasks, which heated him and placed him in the area of ​​the intimate zone. Often, the flasks were pre-filled with some kind of liquid white metal, whose belonging to a certain chemical element can only be guessed at. In those days, it was believed that this metal raises the masculine force and gives a person supernormal abilities. Today, comparing all the available information on the rule of this emperor, it remains only to assume whether these procedures could affect his mental state, or all of these are simple coincidences.

Not far behind, and Asia.In the very heart of the East, in China, various canals of red clay, ceramics, safflower and bamboo were distributed. Eastern healers kept the knowledge of how to put banks on their back, for centuries, passing them through the generations. In the recruitment of each healer of that time was a whole arsenal of devices of different diameters and sizes. It was believed that each segment of the body has its own type of cans, and in addition, much depended on the time of day. The latter mainly concerned the direction of the flame, which, entering the bank, must necessarily be directed toward the sun. It was believed that this way the flame receives vital energy from its God and, if properly inserted into a container, is able to transfer it to a person in need. This tradition in a slightly modified form has reached our days.

vacuum cans

The essence of the procedure

Putting cans on the back predetermines a simpleon the impact of the mechanism: inside creates a vacuum space, which draws in a certain area of ​​the skin. Since its tightening occurs with the help of temperature exposure, chemical and metabolic processes are activated in the skin layer that has come under vacuum, blood circulation and lymph flow are improved, which contributes to the intensive removal of toxins from the subcutaneous layers, and in the case of bronchi, intensive waste is stimulated sputum

Types of medical cans

Medical banks are divided into several types.

  • Ordinary glass with a semicircular bottom is the most effective in terms of its effect, since it provides for both temperature and suction.
  • Banks of polymeric materials exclude directthermal effect. Due to the low melting point of these devices, it is carried out by applying warming materials on the skin surface before staging.
  • Banks with an upper air extractor, or“Chinese banks” is a kind of containers that have a glass base, which allows direct temperature effects, and the air is sucked from above using an electric suction pump.
  • Cosmetic types of cans:bamboo, silicone, etc. They are intended for minor stimulation of the internal structures of the skin. They are considered ineffective as a full-fledged therapeutic device and are mainly used as superficial therapy.
can therapy

Speaking about the features of each type of cans,It should be noted that, along with a large number of varieties, classic glass jars require, in their formulation, more experience than other types. Perhaps this is due to their more effective exposure, as well as certain risks of getting the patient burns.

Indications and contraindications

Posing cans on different parts of the body, including on the back, has its positive and negative sides, which must be considered in order not to harm the body.

The impact of cans on the back has the following effect:

  • muscle fibers relax and fully feed;
  • intracellular respiration is restored;
  • all pathogenic and inflammatory processes are localized;
  • accelerated removal of sputum from the respiratory organs;
  • support immunity of the inner layers of the skin;
  • reduction of pain in osteochondrosis, reduction of its manifestations.
various banks

Indications for setting cans

The benefits of putting cans on your back will be invaluable if used to treat the following problems:

  • Снятие болевого синдрома:with spinal pain, the banks serve as an excellent distraction. The most popular staging cans on the back with osteochondrosis. Skin sensations are transferred to nearby areas, and the procedure itself distracts a person from existing pain, removing the attention focus on them. In addition, banks, creating point areas with elevated metabolic processes, take with them the excess fluid from the painful focus, thereby removing the internal pressure there.
  • Su-jog effect:it is known that each site on the body corresponds to a projection of a particular organ or organ system. Thus, the cerebrospinal part corresponds to the stomach, intestines and biliary tract, the shoulder area to the kidneys, and the lumbosacral region to the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Proper stimulation of these departments has a complex stimulating effect on these organs.
  • Cosmetic effect:vacuum stimulation of certain areas contributes to the accelerated removal of toxins and toxins both from this area and from the body as a whole, because the effect of banks has not a superficial, but a profound effect on the body.
  • Massage effect of cans:tightening inward certain skin areas, the vacuum automatically affects the deep subcutaneous muscle receptors, causing either contraction or relaxation of small muscle fiber groups. Such a manipulation trains the general muscle tone, making the skin firm and taut.
  • Insomnia Banks:It is known that this procedure improves the microcirculation of blood in certain seized cans of skin halos. It should be noted that at the same time the blood flows from the brain, which plays a calming role and gradually immerses the nervous system into sleep.
  • В качестве лечебного мероприятия при кашле (ОРВИ, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.). Due to the deep stimulation of internal tissues, blood and lymph flow, the procedure promotes the dilution and accelerated removal of sputum.
cans on white background

Contraindications to the use of cans

It is important to understand that not all types of therapeutic effects can be shown in certain situations. In which cases the harm from the cans on the back significantly exceeds the benefits?

  • At temperatures above 37 ° C, canning can exacerbate the condition by causing an additional temperature increase, even if non-glass cans are used.
  • In infectious lesions of the epidermis:Since banks imply a deep impact, along with a stimulating effect, pathogenic microorganisms can further penetrate into deeper layers.
  • Tuberculosis: in this case, due to the stimulation of blood flow, further spread of the infectious process is possible, as well as increased reproduction of the pathogens themselves.
  • The presence of blood in the sputum: this condition requires close medical supervision, in addition, the production of cans can increase internal bleeding.
  • Psoriasis: even if the staging area does not cover the lesion and there is currently no recurrence, it is undesirable to place banks due to strong internal tissue stimulation.
  • Oncology: due to enhanced stimulation of lymph, it is possible to accelerate the development of metastases in the body.
  • Other infectious diseases, such as meningitis, in which the production of cans may aggravate the pathogenic clinic.
jars with vacuum

Algorithm of the procedure

Алгоритм постановки медицинских банок на спину is selected on the basis of the state of soft tissues, for which the banks will fully cling, and the procedure will be more effective. Thus, it is preferable to stimulate the upper lateral segments of the back and lower lumbar regions. In order to clearly understand how to put the banks on his back correctly, without causing the patient uncomfortable sensations, it is important to familiarize yourself with the technique of the procedure. It is described below.

How to put banks on your back with bronchitis

  • Carefully inspect all prepared devices for integrity: cracks and chips may cause injury to the patient.
  • Banks should be well washed with soap and warm running water and wipe thoroughly.
  • For staging glass cans you will need matches, a long metal stick, a needle (or fireplace matches), cotton wool, an alcohol solution, a greasy cream, massage oil, or petroleum jelly.
  • For the period of the procedure, the patient fits on the stomach.
  • The upper back (to the lower line of the shoulder blades) is wiped with alcohol for disinfection, after 5-10 minutes you need to wipe the back with a massage cream.
  • Cotton wool is wound on a long needle, moistened thoroughly, soaked to remove excess fluid and ignited.
  • A needle with a torch is placed inside the jar, held for a couple of seconds and sharply set the container on the patient's body. It is necessary to make sure that the bank is firmly stuck.
  • After installing the cans the patient is covered with a blanketand it remains to lie about 20 minutes. However, in some moments, the question of how much to keep the banks on the back should be approached individually, since the sensitivity of the skin is different for everyone. It is necessary to monitor the process every 5 minutes to avoid hematomas.
  • Bank is removed by slightly incliningthe side. For a more comfortable separation process, it is advisable to have cotton buds in order to gently push the stick between the jar and the skin if the suction cup is too tight.
  • Places of staging cans are lubricated with massage oil or cream, and the person remains to lie for another 5-10 minutes, then warmly puts on.
banks on the back

How to put banks on your back with osteochondrosis

This question is asked by many.There are no significant differences between the methods of setting cans on the back with osteochondrosis and bronchitis. Basically, they are reduced to the place of setting and the duration of the procedure in time. In osteochondrosis, the procedure time should not exceed 10 minutes, and the place is determined by the diseased part of the back (banks are set at a distance of 5 cm from it).

Some general guidelines for installing cans

  • You can also put banks on your back. The main thing is to remember that the average procedure time should not exceed 10 minutes, and the number of devices - eight pieces.
  • Adults usually have up to 16 pieces, the time and place where banks are placed on their backs are selected individually. You can not put the devices on the spine and side areas of the back (the region of the liver and kidneys).

What complication can be after staging cans

The most frequent complication from abnormalstaging cans is a burn of the skin. In order to avoid it, it is recommended not to impose banks immediately after processing by fire, but to wait a few seconds. You can also treat your back with some fatty cream containing panthenol (bipanthen). Another common type of complication after staging cans is the formation of hematomas. In this case, along with the bruise, there is an under baking of blood under the influence of the temperature of the cans and the risk of thrombus formation increases.

The use of cans on the back has been described and tested for centuries.This is a truly effective remedy for beginning bronchitis or osteochondrosis, familiar to most people from childhood. However, it is necessary to correctly combine the benefits and harm of each medical event, because it is much easier to harm yourself than to correct the consequences.