/ / What are veneers and lumineers, differences

What are veneers and lumineers, differences

The restoration of teeth is considered one of the mostdifficult options for the correction of appearance, as the bone tissue is very difficult to fix. Modern dentistry offers several ways to create a beautiful white smile, and today the safest of them is the installation of veneers, lumineers.

veneers and lumineers
These are ultra-thin porcelain or ceramic plates, which become protection for the teeth, and hide their minor defects. They are made individually and attached to the front of the tooth.

Safe teeth restoration

Veneers - durable ultra-thin plates (up to 0.5mm), the installation of which achieve the ideal shape of the tooth. The products are glued with a special compound that provides good adhesion with enamel and does not damage it. The material does not dissolve in the acidic environment of the oral cavity, retains its original appearance and properties for 25 years. Veneers and Lumineers are selected in shades in order to make the smile look natural, not “plastic”. Most often, high-quality ceramics are used for manufacturing, which has a smooth surface and minimal porosity. This means that the products retain a white tint for a long time and do not absorb dyes.

veneer and lumineer

Records are divided into direct and indirect.The latter are made on an individual impression and are placed mainly on the front teeth. Such a procedure is not always carried out to obtain a “Hollywood smile”: both veneer and lumineer protect teeth well. The plates are made from a material that is identical in properties to a healthy enamel: microrelief, properties, and the ability to transmit light.

Indications and contraindications for the use of veneers

Veneers help to solve many aesthetic problems, create a dream smile and protect teeth from damage:

  1. Masking defects.Erosion of enamel, darkening, cigarette stains and excessive consumption of coffee, drugs - all this causes discomfort to the person and causes complexes. Veneers mask all the flaws.
  2. Smooth dentition. For violations in the vertical or horizontal plane, veneers help align the teeth.
  3. Damaged teeth. Chips, scratches, cracks and other defects are hidden under the plate.


  1. The patient has caries, periodontitis, pulpitis.
  2. Thin tooth enamel.
  3. Anomaly of the bite.
  4. Incomplete teething.

Veneers or crowns?

It would Seem, crowns are familiar to all, their propertiestested by time, why do we need some kind of veneers or lumineers, and what are the better crowns? In modern cosmetology and medicine, new technologies are constantly being created, designed to improve human life.

veneer or lumineers

What to do with your teeth, everyone decides for himself. We just give a few advantages of installing porcelain plates:

  • The aesthetic characteristics of the jaw is much higher with veneers than with massive crowns.
  • Before installing the plates grind a very thin layer of enamel. For the crown, sometimes even the nerve is touched.
  • Veneer and Lumineer keep the smile natural.
  • The model of the dentition can already be seen in advance during computer diagnostics.

How to maintain a flawless, restored smile?

Following the recommendations of experts, over the years you will smile with pride in your teeth. It is important to follow the simple rules of care:

  • daily oral hygiene;
  • regular meetings with the dentist for preventive purposes;
  • refusal of coffee, cigarettes, nuts, seeds,
  • nails, pencils and other hard objects nibble is also not recommended.

There are no special requirements for the care of linings:the usual brush, paste, thread and rinse for the mouth will be enough. Moreover, veneers and lumineers are located to the formation of stone and plaque less than native teeth.

Lumineers, or perfect teeth

Let us analyze the important difference.Luminir differs from veneer than? In fact, lumyira are the same plates, only much thinner (up to 0.2 mm). The installation does not require turning the enamel, with the use of anesthesia, the procedure is completely painless and is fully carried out for a maximum of three visits to the dentist. Also, temporary structures are not required, as is the case with veneers. When drinking coffee, tea or other coloring products, the design does not change color.

veneers and lumineers what's the difference

Veneers and Lumineers: What's the Difference?The latter are also special in that they prevent the occurrence of caries. The service life of products - up to 20 years. Patients emphasize such an important advantage: a specialist can remove the plates at any time, if necessary. There are practically no contraindications to the installation of lumineers, with the exception of weak enamel and highly distorted bite.

If the correct technique was usedinstallation and quality materials, lining will last at least 15 years. Only the tissue of the tooth itself can change under the plate and around it. For example, if the gums become inflamed, they descend, thereby exposing the roots. From an aesthetic point of view, this is a serious problem, especially when the color correction procedure was carried out. The border of different shades will be very noticeable.

Luminir difference from veneer
If the veneer or lumineers are cracked or damagedanother destruction, then the whole structure changes. Therefore, to follow the recommendations of the doctor is extremely important. It must be remembered that teeth with artificial lining treatment are much more difficult due to the presence of additional elements.

What are the differences on the teeth?

Veneers and Lumineers:What is the difference, and what method of restoration to choose? To answer the question, it is important to know about the features of each type of overlays. The main task of those and other products is to hide the imperfections, making the smile attractive and healthy. Plates exactly repeat the shape of the tooth and are glued to the outside. The main difference (lumineer from veneer, as noted above, is different) is the thickness of the plate, as well as the method of installation.

Lumineers are 10 times thinner and even shine throughThe thickness of the product is affected by the manufacturing technology. In any case, after the installation, the teeth become more well-groomed, the smile is more effective and brighter. Before installing the veneers, the treatment of the tooth is required, it is ground to ensure that the plates are well fixed. When using lumineers, preliminary procedures are not performed, the tooth shape is not altered for their fit.

veneers and lumineers prices

What exactly to choose - veneer or lumineers, dependsfrom the dental problem with which the patient came, financial opportunities and individual preferences. The first will be the ideal solution for eliminating interdental crevices, straightening the series. The second in the best way will correct cracks, chips and will change color of enamel. But despite the fact that the second ultra-thin, dentists warn in advance: these teeth look somewhat massive. Lumineers do not install people with highly curved teeth and stains. They are used to mask the mild curvature and light spots. But what exactly is suitable in each specific case can only be determined by an expert on the basis of the analysis performed.

Cost of products

Cover plates are recommended for installation by anyone whosea smile is not perfect. By acquiring a beautiful smile, the patient also gains self-confidence, becomes more joyful and sociable. It is important to seek services only in specialized clinics. Illiterate lining will not fit tightly to the tooth, increasing the likelihood of infection, which will lead to inflammatory processes. As for the price of products, the cost of veneers and lumineers is completely different. Prices in the price lists of any medical institution are indicated for one tooth. The lowest is from 25,000 rubles to 50,000 rubles. The price also includes such services as consultation, diagnostics, preparation, preliminary treatment if necessary, computer simulation, installation. However, this cost is justified, given the service life of the plate.

Trying on the future "Hollywood" smile

The history of porcelain lining is taken fromHollywood. In the distant 40s, temporary porcelain front teeth were stuck to the actors during filming, to simulate a perfect snow-white smile. Usually this beauty ended near the fangs, but at that time it was enough. The technology of gluing was not as perfect as it is now, therefore, with the “new” teeth, Hollywood stars did not go for long. With the advent of new adhesives, experts give a long-term product warranty.

installing veneers lumineers

Prototype is ordered before installing veneers.future overlays. It is prepared on the basis of hypoallergenic wax. During the first fitting, the patient can already see what kind of smile he will have in the near future. At this stage, all the wishes of the patient are discussed with the dental aesthetics specialist. A photo is taken before and after the implantation of the linings.

Installation of records

Next, the prepared cast jaws givendental technician, which, in fact, makes veneers and lumineers. Depending on how many records are required, and what the production technology is, it takes from one to several weeks. All this time, the patient walks with grind teeth, if such a procedure was carried out, and therefore may experience some discomfort associated with hypersensitivity to the cold and hot, rough surface of the teeth.

Finished plates are made in the form of a tooth,undermined, if necessary, and fully adjusted. Then they simply stick on a special composition to the tooth. The doctor evaluates the finished work, removes the remnants of the gel and checks the bite. Despite the fact that the veneers and lumineers are very thin, they become part of the tooth after adhesion with enamel and are able to withstand the load, calculated on the native hard tissue.