/ / Lumineers: doctors' reviews about the pros and cons

Lumineers: reviews of doctors about the pros and cons

In the dental industry constantly goresearch, introduce new methods of dentistry, correction of deficiencies, bleaching. Lately, instead of all the usual veneers came lumineers. Comments on this innovation in the field of dental cosmetic prosthetics are generally positive. Although some patients at first can complain about some discomfort, which quickly passes.

lumineers reviews
So all the same, what are lumineers?Speaking in a very simple language, lumineers are a peculiar cover, which, with the help of special technology, puts on the patient's healthy tooth. This product is made of high-quality ceramics. It is worth noting that, unlike veneers, lumineers do not require preliminary preparation of the tooth, that is, it does not have to be grinded and reduced in size. The fact is that lumineers are several times thinner than veneers. At least dentists say that the thickness of the product is only 0.2 mm, while the veneers have a wall of more than 0.5 cm.

At any time, lumineers can be removed from the toothor teeth, without causing them any visible or invisible damage. Despite their seemingly thin wall, this "toothbrush" is quite durable. So, according to the tests carried out, the service life can reach twenty years.

Lumineers: reviews dentists about the merits

what are lumineers
So, lumineers, like any cosmetic procedure, have their pros and cons. Most of the advantages are much greater than the disadvantages. The main advantages include:

  • the procedure does not require anesthesia;

  • tooth enamel and tooth integrity as a whole are not violated or deformed;

  • The installation of prosthesis takes little time;

  • teeth are insensitive to cold or hot food;

  • It is possible to remove at any time, while the appearance of the "old" teeth is preserved;

  • there is no restriction in the intake of products, you can use chewing gum and even chew candy-toffee.

What does the installation of lumineers?

At a similar kind of cosmetic prostheticsthe patient receives perfectly even teeth. At the same time he will not have to walk for a long time in braces, which can not be said that they color a person. With the help of lumineers, teeth acquire a healthy shine, they become white, neat and even, get rid of scratches.

Lumineers: reviews of doctors about shortcomings

lumineers shortcomings
The advantages of using the new technology were written a little higher, but there is nothing in the world ideal, and therefore lumineers have drawbacks, although they can hardly be called significant. These include:

  • slightly enlarged tooth, which takes a rounded shape, which makes the smile not quite natural;

  • wrong or unprofessional installationleads to food ingress under the prosthesis, which causes irritation and discomfort. The way out of this situation is obvious - ask for help only from a qualified specialist.

Many believe that the price is slightly too high.Lumineers, reviews about them only increase the popularity and demand. Therefore, the cost will remain at the level of one thousand to one and a half thousand dollars for one tooth.