Bear's bile is the contentsthe gallbladder of one of the largest carnivorous predators. In dried form, it looks like a small bag, inside which is a dense substance of black or dark brown hue, which has a bitter taste and a rather specific smell. To use the bile of a bear, the price of which is about 200 rubles per gram, is shown absolutely to everyone, since it contains a large number of useful enzymes. In addition, this product is able to improve intestinal peristalsis and break down fats to the smallest fractions. The special value that bear bile possesses is that in this wild animal the concentration of curative substances in bile is very high due to the need to store large fat reserves in the cold season.
Modern scientific research has shown that inthe composition of this product contains various amino acids, phospholipids and fat. In addition, bear bile is a natural source of bile pigments and bile acid UDCA. The share of the latter is more than 90%. For comparison, the percentage of UDCA in human bile varies from 50% to 5%.
Regular use of this product in smalldoses are shown to all those who need to cleanse the body of slags and all kinds of parasites (pinworms, withers, ascaris, lamblia, echinococcus), improve lipid metabolism and metabolism, and dissolve cholesterol plaques. To eliminate pain, which often accompanies the disease of the gallbladder, the normalization of the acidity of the gastric juice and the process of bile secretion, neutralization of poisons and faster absorption of fats, the bile of the bear also perfectly suits. Its application is shown even in the case of intractable ulcers and abscesses, spines and hemorrhoids. In addition, it works well for pain in muscles, hypertension, liver cirrhosis, as well as cardiovascular and ENT diseases. There is a positive effect of its use after surgical operations on liver and bone marrow transplantation. There are data that confirm the effectiveness of the use of bear bile for the prevention of cancer.
Among other things, it should be noted thatToday this natural product is one of the best tools for the therapy of gastrointestinal disorders. So, for example, the bile of the bear is actively prescribed for dyskinesia of the bile ducts, since it is able to dilute bile effectively, to eliminate cholestasis, and to prevent the formation of gallstones. In addition, experts recommend using this product for hepatitis A and B, radiation sickness, prostatitis and mild erections in men.
In folk medicine, the dried bile of a bearIt is indicated for use in diabetes mellitus, stomach ulcer, epilepsy, osteochondrosis, teak, alopecia, gout, radiculitis, rheumatism, arthritis, reflux gastritis, cystic fibrosis and colitis. In addition, it should be used after serious infections of an infectious nature in order to maintain general tone and restore immunity.