/ / Bile in the stomach appears in inflammatory processes of the biliary tract.

Bile in the stomach appears in the inflammatory processes of the biliary tract.

In the past, bile was considered the secondimportance after the blood fluid produced by the human body. It is produced by the liver cells and accumulates in the gallbladder, and then through the biliary tract enters the human duodenum, where it participates in digestion. It is in this area of ​​the intestine that the breakdown of fats, carbohydrates and proteins occurs. Bile is a secret that is involved in the emulsification of fats and stimulates the production of digestive enzymes by the pancreas, thereby improving the body's absorption of fat components.

Bile flow starts automatically.about a quarter of an hour after the start of a meal, ends after the stomach is completely free of food. In the healthy state of a person during the digestive process should not be bile in the stomach. The reasons for its presence may be associated with various liver diseases and pathologies of the biliary ducts. Involuntary spasms of the gallbladder, leading to the release of bile, occur when the stomach is full of food or in stressful or emotional situations. Bile in the stomach, or reflux, according to medical terminology, is not only a bitter taste in the mouth, heartburn or an unpleasant belching, its regular release can lead to gastritis.

Therefore, when the occurrence of unpleasant sensationsafter each meal you should be examined. If bile is found in the stomach, the causes must be established and resolved. With proper diagnosis and timely treatment, the prognosis is always positive.

Bile in the stomach can be a symptom of seriousliver disease - cholecystitis. This is an inflammation of the gallbladder caused by microbes in it. The inflammatory process leads first to the stagnation of bile, and then an involuntary spasm and release of a large amount of bile into the stomach. When there is a lot of bile in the stomach, it is a strong irritant to the mucous. Sometimes this can lead to stomach ulcers.

Bile in the stomach can be detected during pregnancy. Also this
impairment can be caused by congenitalpathologies of the biliary tract, sedentary lifestyle and many other factors. For prophylaxis in these cases, it is necessary to monitor the diet, do not overeat at night, do not rest after eating, and try to move or even sit for an hour, try to sleep on your left side and wear loose clothing that does not press on the intestines.

Reflux treatment is strictly prescribed.individually, after the installation of its causes. Of the medicines used are those that lower the acidity of the gastric juice. When a lot of bile is found in the stomach, enveloping medications are required to protect the mucous membrane.

During the period of treatment a prerequisite isstrict adherence to a diet until the complete disappearance of reflux symptoms. Fatty, fried and spicy foods should be eliminated from the diet. Do not drink lemon, orange and tomato juices. Marinades, chocolate products, cakes with creams, salads with mayonnaise are contraindicated.

When bile is found in the stomach, alonefolk remedies will not be able to cure the disease. But various infusions and decoctions will facilitate the condition of the patient and enhance the effect of medical drugs. Such herbs as chamomile, wormwood, mint, lemon balm, flax seeds, motherwort, and plantain are used in broths. It is necessary to prepare them according to the recipe, and you should always consult with your doctor.

Remember that the result of treatment depends entirely on your desire, determination and perseverance.