Exciting hunting for a bear

For a real hunter dangerous bear hunting- a unique event, and a wild beast is extraordinary pride. To participate in such a hunt requires special courage and caution at the same time, because the bear is a very dangerous opponent.

bear hunting on oats

More recently, ten years ago, a brown bearwas considered a "harmful" animal, and the hunt for it was allowed throughout the year. This led to a sharp reduction in the number of wild animals. Therefore, at present, bear hunting can only be carried out with a special permit issued by the hunting inspectorate and only in areas where it is not prohibited.

Oats night hunting

The most widespread is the hunt forbear on oats. Animals visit crops of oats in the period of its milky-wax ripeness, in the middle lane it usually happens in late August - early September. The most convenient is the hunt for bears on small fields that are completely surrounded by forest, or on fields that have narrow stripes jutting into forest landings.

bear hunting

There are two ways of such hunting:an ambulance is organized directly in the field or storage sites are built for stalking. It is important to skillfully build a storage shed, firmly strengthening the future observer's place in a tree not less than three to five meters from the ground. Take care that the shelter is not conspicuous, it is sufficiently disguised and, of course, convenient for the hunter. Reinforce one additional leg pole and the other from the back, so that you can sit comfortably. It may take a long time to wait for the beast, and after a long uncomfortable sitting it is very difficult to make the right shot. It makes sense for more practical hunters to equip several labs, since it is impossible to foresee the direction of the wind. In addition, it should be ensured that the shelter is not visible from the side in the moonlight, and the beast does not notice the hunter against the sky. Depending on all this, a storage shed is chosen to wait for the bear. About two hours before sunset you need to sit in an ambush in the field or take refuge in a storage shed. Anticipating where the beast will go from, it is impossible to cross its path. You can try to deceive the bear in the following way: go to the labazu together, and after one hunter climbs up, the second must go away. Perhaps the cunning beast will believe that people are gone. Ventilate the clothes in advance and give up cigarettes this evening. Usually, the bear appears unexpectedly, so at any second you need to be ready to shoot. When an animal is wounded in the morning, surveillance is organized with dogs.

bear hunt

Russian bear hunt in the den

True Russian is no less fascinating.bear hunting in the den. The beast is not always settling down in remote places for the winter. Now, when lumberjacks are actively working everywhere in the forests, often a bear makes a den near roadways, clearings and villages. It is better to hunt in January, February, when, according to the hunters, “the bear is lying down”. The bear is driven out of its den with the help of straightened dogs.

Hunters occupy convenient places at a distanceeight to twelve meters from the den. If the dogs fail to scare the beast, or the hunt is carried out without them, the bear is picked up by one of the hunters, thrusting a long pole or tree with the branches half cut off. This is very dangerous, as the beast can quickly jump out. It is possible that the place of the bear’s bed is not precisely defined, then a raid is organized. Beaters carefully comb through thickets, windfalls and other places, shouting and tapping with sticks on trees. To help take the dogs.

Any bear hunt is very exciting and dangerous. Do not forget that the beast is very aggressive and strong, especially the wounded. Therefore, caution never hurts. Have a good hunting!