/ / Gangrene of the lower extremity

Gangrene of lower limb

Gangrene of the lower extremity isnecrosis of a certain part of the leg, accompanied by cyanosis of the skin or discoloration to a black tint. This is due to the abrupt cessation of oxygen supply or its supply in an amount insufficient for normal circulation.

The causes of gangrene include the impact of external andinternal factors. An external factor is considered to be mechanical damage to the limb, getting a burn or frostbite of the foot, the effect of radiation or hazardous chemicals, such as acid, arsenic. The internal factors leading to the occurrence of gangrene include vascular occlusion due to the formation of a blood clot, soft tissue spasm, infection penetration.

Gangrene of the lower extremity may be dry orwet. The first type involves the drying up of a limb due to a sharp cessation of blood flow. When wet gangrene foot festers and becomes soft. In this case, the person is tortured with convulsions, and then limp appears.

The first sign of gangrene is expressed in numbness.limbs, partial loss of sensitivity, with the appearance of pallor of the skin. Inactivity at this stage leads to a change in skin color to blue, black or even green. With dry gangrene, the patient experiences acute pain in the leg. The affected area of ​​the body is folded and gradually rejected. There are cases when a putrefactive microflora is formed, as a result of which the gangrene of the lower extremity is transformed into a wet form. Then the general condition of the patient is significantly deteriorating, because the foot begins to emit an unpleasant odor due to the collapse of the tissue and hurt terribly.

In medical practice, the most commongangrene in diabetes. With constant movement on the foot, a small ulcer may form, which the patient usually does not even notice due to the reduced sensitivity of the skin. Such a neoplasm, as a rule, exists for quite a long time, slowly developing and penetrating deep into the skin. As soon as the ulcer reaches the bone or tendons, it damages them, which leads to further tissue death. The most common cause of leg amputation is diabetes mellitus, therefore, in the presence of this disease, you must carefully monitor the feet and be regularly examined by a doctor.

When choosing a method of treatment of gangrene specialistbased on the degree of development of the disease. If the stage of the disease allows, then you can wait a little with amputation and try to save the leg by shunting the arteries. This is an extremely difficult microsurgical operation, thanks to which the patient can keep the leg. If this procedure is successful, it means that the blood flow to the leg is restored and the dead tissue can be treated with a medication method. For the full return of all functions, a person undergoes a course of massage, exercise therapy and physiotherapy without fail.

Gangrene of the lower extremity is a problem withwhich can be fought. And in the fight all the methods are good, so try traditional medicine does not hurt. Previously, the first signs of gangrene were disposed of with a compress with clove oil. Bacteria fermented milk products can also be a serious help in getting rid of the disease. To do this, several times a day to apply gauze dipped in yogurt. The broth of the cherry fruit is used as an external remedy, for its preparation it is necessary to boil for about half an hour over low heat pharmaceutical medicine in proportion: 1 tablespoon of fruit per glass of water. When wet gangrene well help juniper leaves, they are applied to the affected area, like powder.