/ / Drug "Collargol" (nasal drops): instructions for use

The drug "Collargol" (drops in the nose): instructions for use

С насморком, пожалуй, сталкивался каждый человек, even rarely ill. Most often, when a cold appears in the nasal mucosa, the inflammatory process begins to develop, which is a kind of protective reaction of the organism. In this case, rhinitis should be treated as soon as possible, since, among other things, it causes a lot of inconvenience. Among other drugs, a solution of colloidal silver is often used in ENT practice. It is part of many medicines. For example, it may be noted drug "Collargol" - a drop in the nose.

This remedy is recommended for acute andchronic rhinitis, enlarged adenoids in children. Since the pure form of the drug is not used for medicinal purposes, in pharmacies it is usually diluted with water to obtain a solution from 2 to 5% (depending on the destination).

The preparation contains colloidal silver andalbumin, designed to better combine molecules with each other. Thanks to these substances, the drops have anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and astringent effects. When instilled into the nose, an improvement in the patient’s condition is noted, and the effect occurs as soon as possible. When buying a solution in pharmacies, a doctor's prescription is not required.

Drug "Collargol" (nasal drops) instructionpermits to use from an early age. This is due to the fact that this drug has a minimum of contraindications, however, as well as side effects. So, the drug is not used in therapy if the patient has an individual intolerance to the components that it contains (silver and albumin).

Side effects of the drug "Collargol" (drops innose) instruction does not indicate. However, it should be borne in mind that the silver contained here refers to heavy metals, which tend to linger in the body for a long time, since they are poorly derived. A high concentration of this substance can lead to such consequences as the development of argyrosis (the appearance of a gray skin tone) and other diseases. Therefore, in most cases, the tool is not recommended for frequent and long-term use.

Drops "Collargol" for children should be used only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Most often, the duration of treatment does not exceed fivedays Apply the product 2-3 times a day. Dosage and exact treatment regimen prescribed by a doctor. The drug is well combined with many drugs, including antibiotics, so it can be used in complex therapy.

How to use during pregnancy andlactation means "Collargol" (drops in the nose), the instruction does not say anything, therefore, the question of the feasibility of drug treatment at this time must be decided by the doctor.

If the solution does not give when instillation into the noseno effect, and the discharge is only amplified, it is necessary to contact an ENT diseases specialist, who will select a more effective drug with anti-inflammatory effect.

Лекарство "Колларгол" (капли в нос) инструкция recommends storing in a dark container, in a place protected from sunlight. The diluted solution must be used within a month. It can help the drug in the treatment of purulent rhinitis. Before applying it, you should rinse the nose with saline or sea water based products (for example, Aqua Maris, Aqua Lor, etc.).

Most patients who useddrug for the treatment of rhinitis, note its high efficiency. With proper use of drops from uncomplicated forms of rhinitis can be eliminated in a few days. However, do not self-medicate, and before instillation of the drug should consult with a specialist.

In other forms (ointments, poorly diluted solutions) the drug is used for the treatment of conjunctivitis, urethritis, chronic cystitis, some infectious diseases.