Medicine "Zyrtec" (drops) - instructions forapplication indicates this - is a histamine competitive antagonist that blocks histamine H1 receptors. The drug helps to alleviate and prevent the development of an allergic reaction. The tool has antiexudative and antipruritic effects. The drug is active in the early stages of an allergic reaction; at a late stage, the agent helps to limit the release of inflammatory mediators, reduces the migration of basophils, neutrophils, eosinophils. The drug "Zyrtec" (drops) - instructions for use contains such data - reduces the permeability in the capillaries, reduces spasms in smooth muscles, prevents the development of puffiness in the tissues. Therapeutic dosages almost do not provoke a sedative effect.
Instructions for use drops "Zyrtec". Indications
Prescribe medication for allergic rhinitis,conjunctivitis seasonal and year-round type. The drug effectively reduces the intensity and eliminates such manifestations as conjunctival hyperemia, lacrimation, sneezing, itching. The indications include urticaria, idiopathic in a chronic course, including allergic dermatitis, hay fever. The tool is prescribed for angioedema, pruritus, as part of a combined treatment for atopic bronchial asthma.
Not recommended remedy "Zyrtec" (drops) -Instructions for use warns about this - during pregnancy, intolerance, while feeding. Caution is used when moderate or severe heart failure in the chronic course. Dose adjustment may be required for elderly patients, children. Do not prescribe the drug to patients up to a year.
The drug "Zyrtec" (drops). Instructions for use. Adverse reactions
The drug provokes disorders in the digestive tract,dry mouth, dizziness, drowsiness, headaches. In some cases, allergic reactions may worsen: urticaria, angioedema, rash, itching.
Dosing regimen
Before taking, dissolve the drops in water.For patients from the age of six, the dosage is 10 milligrams once or five milligrams twice a day, for children from two to six years, 5 mg 1 p./day or 2.5 mg / 2 p / day.
The medicine "Zyrtec" (drops). Instructions. Price. additional information
When taking the drug in therapeutic dosesmarked enhancement of ethanol action. However, when using the product, it is recommended to stop using alcohol-containing products. On the basis of treatment, it is recommended to use caution when driving vehicles and engaging in activities that require special concentration of attention. When overdosing increases the intensity of side effects. Symptomatic treatment. Hemodialysis in case of poisoning is ineffective. The cost of medication in pharmacies from 200 rubles.