/ Medication "Katakhrom". Instructions for use

The medicine is "Katachrom". Instructions for use

katkhrom drops Price

Drops "Katahrom", the price of which is the sumfrom 150 rubles, characterized as a combined tool. The drug helps to improve energy metabolism in the lens, stimulate tissue regeneration. Nicotinamide, adenosine and cytochrome C are present in the preparation. The agent is produced in the form of a transparent red solution. Drops "Katakhrom" (reviews of experts confirm this) have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and nourishing properties. Cytochrome C is an important component of the biochemical process of reducing the oxidation of the tissues of the eyeball. Adenosine is a precursor of ATP, is involved in the metabolism in the lens.

Means "Katahrom." Instructions for use. Purpose

The drug is indicated for cataracts of a different nature of occurrence (used for treatment and prevention).


Not recommended drug for intolerancecomponents. During pregnancy and lactation, it is not prescribed, because information on the use of the drug "Katahrom" (instructions for use confirms this) is not enough. Appointment is allowed in the presence of vital indications and after assessing the ratio of the expected harm and the expected benefits of therapy.

Adverse Reactions

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With local use of the drug "Kathrom"(instructions for use warns about this) is likely to develop a burning sensation, tingling in the eyes, contact dermatitis, allergies in the conjunctiva. As practice shows, these effects are rarely manifested, as a rule, do not last long and are eliminated when therapy is stopped. Hypotension, nausea, flushing, shortness of breath, dizziness are noted as systemic side effects. Contained nicotinic acid contributes to the expansion of blood vessels. In this regard, patients have a feeling of heat, pulsations in the temporal region, fainting. Systemic effects are extremely rare. The drug is generally well tolerated.

katahra instructions for use

The medicine is "Katachrom". Instructions for use

The drug is used topically, conjunctivally. The recommended dose is 1-2 drops three times a day.

additional information

Cases of overdose against the background of localno use registered. The drug can be administered to children after assessing the ratio of the risk of unwanted effects and the expected effect. Therapy is carried out under the supervision of a doctor. It is undesirable to use medicine when using soft contact lenses. This is due to the likelihood of accumulation of the drug on their surface, which subsequently may adversely affect the condition of the eyes. Remove lenses before instillation. It is allowed to install them back no earlier than 15 minutes after instillation. In practice, there was no clinically significant interaction of the drug "Katahrom" (instructions for use confirms this) with other means. After opening the bottle with the solution allowed its use within a month. Store the drug should be at a temperature of 8 to 15 degrees. In case of deterioration of the condition or in the absence of results of the use of the agent, a doctor should be visited.