/ / What is endorphins, where they are produced and how they "work"

What is endorphins, where they are produced and how they "work"

To date, a variety of people are interested in what is endorphins. The fact is that these biologically active substances are also called hormones of "happiness".

What is endorphins

Where are they produced?

Now it is already known that these hormonesare produced by the cells of the limbic system, the pituitary gland, and also the hypothalamus. If the activities of these entities are disrupted, a reduction in the level of production of these important substances may occur.

What are these hormones for?

Information on what endorphins are todaycan be obtained fairly easily, although they were discovered quite recently. At the same time, many scientists consider the moment of their discovery extremely important, especially for the medicine of the future. The thing is that the hormone endorphin is able to have a truly amazing effect on the body. Of the simplest effects of these biologically active substances, it should be noted a decrease in the severity of pain, as well as a decrease in the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract. If the second of them has a relatively small value, then in the huge usefulness of the first one can not be doubted. The fact is that a high level of endorphins quite often significantly reduces the severity of pain. Moreover, it is believed that in conditions of deficiency of such hormones, a person may develop chronic pain syndrome (in the presence of an additional damaging factor).

Hormone endorphin

It should be noted that over the past decadeinterest in these biologically active substances has increased significantly. About what is endorphins, trying to learn more and more people. This is due not so much to the effects described above, as to others - much more unusual and useful. It is a question of the fact that under the conditions of a normal level of endorphins, the risk of development of oncological processes is significantly reduced.

Almost every person who constantly suffers from depression wants to know what endorphins are. The fact is that these hormones "happiness" really good cheer up.

Despite the large number of already known effects, scientists note that most of the amazing properties of endorphin are still a secret.

How to increase the production of a hormone?

Often when a person is worried about the question of what endorphins are, he first of all wants to know how it is possible to increase the level of production of these hormones.

Level of endorphins

Actually, this is not so difficult. It is enough just to lead a full-fledged way of life and avoid unpleasant situations. Perfectly increase the level of endorphins stable sexual relations.

If a person wishes not only to learn thatsuch endorphins, but also to raise their level, he must listen to his own body. It is the satisfaction of his natural needs and leads to the sufficient development of these miraculous hormones in the blood.

In addition, today there is already a syntheticanalogue of endorphins, however its use is very limited. To date, it is known that they can be used for anesthesia, but for this, such a substance must be injected directly into the brain.