Infrared sauna is a cabin or specialroom with infrared emitters. Usually this cabin is made of wood. Tree when heated produces phytoncides. These biologically active substances have antiseptic properties.
The air in the infrared sauna does not heat up, butnormal cabin temperature is 40-45 ° C. Due to this, the human body warms up, but the heart does not have a strong effect. The removal of toxins from the body through sweat, which is intensely excreted by human skin.
Infrared sauna cabins are equippedemitters, waves that penetrate into the human body to a depth of four centimeters. The small size of the cabin itself allows it to be installed even at home. One session does not take much time.
Infrared sauna: contraindications.
First of all, you should not visit the infrared cabin if you are a cancer patient or you have benign tumors, as well as a suspicion of neoplasms.
People with acute purulent processes also can not visit the infrared sauna.
In the presence of infections or diseases accompanied by fever, it is not necessary to attend the procedure, because it can give a new round of disease.
Infrared sauna, contraindications of which include cachexia, the active form of tuberculosis, as well as the labile form of diabetes with periodic or persistent acidosis.
In chronic alcoholism and general atherosclerosis, which is accompanied by an organic lesion of somatic organs, doctors do not recommend visiting the infrared sauna.
Also, if you have within three monthsthere is post-thrombophlebic syndrome, you have a tendency to profuse bleeding, then you should refrain from going to the sauna until full recovery.
Various contangial diseases and infections, bacilli and parasites in the body also complement the list of contraindications.
Infrared sauna, the contraindications of which are notinclude heart disease, allows people with ailments of the cardiovascular system to enjoy their warmth. But the patient must consult a doctor before visiting the infrared cabin.
In the sauna, the infrared waves warm up the whole bodyhuman, accelerates blood and lymph flow. Due to this, metabolism improves, tissues are better supplied with oxygen. Under the influence of infrared waves in the blood increases the level of red blood cells and hemoglobin, which are responsible for the "breathing" of the blood.
As a result, immunity increases, prevention of infectious diseases is carried out. The pores expand, there is a free release of toxins from the body.
Infrared sauna, contraindications of whichdescribed above, very effective in dealing with fatigue. Many people use the cabin as a way to relax, get rid of headaches and muscle tension. The analgesic effect is not only on the nerve roots, but also nearby tissues.
Endorphins or "hormones of happiness" intenseproduced by heat. Therefore, there is an improvement not only in physical condition, but also psychological. Thus, an infrared sauna can serve as a prevention of nervous stress and depression.
With regular visits to the infrared cabin improvesmemory and brain activity, urinogenital, immune and nervous systems normalize their work. In Japan, doctors have proven that sauna has a beneficial effect on arthritis, muscle spasms, digestive disorders, obesity, ear diseases, scoliosis, menopause syndrome, insomnia, adhesions, rheumatism.
Infrared waves are a kind of therapy that charges the human body with energy and gives a good mood. In addition, stimulated metabolic processes, increases the overall tone.