Для лечения молочницы современные гинекологи prescribe a variety of means. Some of them are intended for ingestion, others are introduced directly into the vagina. Also, manufacturers of medicines produce drugs in the form of gels, ointments and solutions. One of these is "Clotrimazole" (pills). When thrush is a different way to apply them. Methods of using the drug in one way or another will be presented to your attention. From the article you will learn about the features of the drug and reviews about it.
What is this preparation?
Medication "Clotrimazole."Available in a wide variety of forms. This is a domestic drug that has a fairly affordable price. In comparison with other medicinal compositions that eliminate thrush, the described remedy costs several times less.
This article will talk aboutClotrimazole (pills). When thrush, the way to use the drug is usually the only one. The drug must be injected directly into the vagina. Depending on the symptoms, the use of the drug may vary.
Indications for use
What life situations ariseneed to use the described medication? The drug is administered exclusively by the gynecologist and cannot be used independently. The indications for treatment are the following cases:
- thrush or fungal infection of the genital tract;
- candidiasis of the skin and mucous membranes;
- trichomonas vaginitis;
- sanitation of the birth canal before various interventions and so on.
Often, the drug is prescribed simultaneously with drugs for oral administration. In this situation, you should always study the instructions and correctly combine the medicines.
Are there any contraindications?
About what “Clotrimazole” has (tablets withthrush) method of use, you will learn further. For a start, it is worth considering the contraindications. These are always hypersensitivity to the components or a high probability of an allergic reaction. With special care, you need to use the drug for non-sexually active women, expectant mothers, women of the weaker sex during lactation.
If during the treatment period there are adverse reactionsthen you need to stop treatment and visit a doctor as soon as possible. The doctor will change your correction scheme if necessary. The most frequently occurring unpleasant consequences are spasms in the lower intestine, generalized erythema, itching, rash, and burning sensation at the site of use.
"Clotrimazole" - tablets for thrush: method of use
Depending on the severity of the disease andthe severity of symptoms capsules are always appointed in an individual dose. However, if your doctor did not give personal recommendations, then during treatment it is worth adhering to the information contained in the instructions for use.
Annotation says drug treatmentheld no more than one week. In this case, a single dose per day is 100 milligrams of clotrimazole. This amount is contained in a single vaginal tablet. The capsule is inserted deep into the vagina. Before that, you must wash your hands. It is further recommended to take a horizontal position for proper distribution of the medication. In the absence of effect or a result that is not clearly expressed, the course of the drug can be repeated after a while. Consider different situations. What is the drug "Clotrimazole" (tablets) for thrush? Reviews will be described below.
During pregnancy
Often, future moms are faced with suchdisease like thrush. There is a relapse due to a decrease in the body’s immune defense. Until the moment of birth, it is necessary to eliminate the problem, as the future baby may become infected. What is the drug "Clotrimazole" (tablets for thrush) method of use during pregnancy?
In the first trimester of the term use of thisdrug is prohibited in any form. At this point, the formation of fetal organs occurs. Any external influence can negatively affect his future health. If there is a need to use the composition, the correction is postponed until the 16th week. After this period, the medication described is prescribed only by a doctor after comparing the expected benefits and negative effects. For future mothers, the drug “Clotrimazole” is recommended one capsule every other day. In this case, the total duration of therapy is 10 days. This scheme allows you to avoid the effects of drugs on the fetus.
During lactation
Often after birth, the problem returns toto the woman. Pathology can also be combined with inflammatory processes. In this case, it is advisable to take other medication with the drug "clotrimazole" (tablets). With thrush the method of use (for HB) is no different from the usual scheme. The capsule is inserted into the vagina once a day. In this case, the daily dose is 100 milligrams of clotrimazole.
To maximize protect the newbornbaby from the effects of the drug, it is advisable to introduce a means after feeding. If at night the child does not ask for the breast, then it is possible without any fear to use the medicine at bedtime.
Features of use in the stronger sex
How to take "clotrimazole" (tablets)with thrush? Method of use for men is somewhat different from the female. The representatives of the weaker sex inject the drug into the vagina. Men simply have nowhere to insert it. In these situations, it is recommended to dissolve the tablet in one teaspoon of water. As a result, you get a mushy mass. It should be applied to problem areas of the genital organs, and then apply a bandage. It is recommended to keep such a compress for 2 hours. For ease of use of the drug by the male sex, the manufacturer produces "Clotrimazole" in the form of an ointment and cream.
Is it always necessary to apply medicine to a man?It often happens that a woman has manifestations of thrush, and her partner does not. The stronger sex, in fact, rarely suffers from thrush. However, if the woman is undergoing treatment, the correction is indicated to the man. All due to the fact that the partner can become a carrier of infection.
The drug "Clotrimazole" for thrush: how to take (reviews)
Opinions of consumers in this issue are foundthe most diverse. Some women believe that before the introduction of the capsule must necessarily syringe. This manipulation will help clean the vagina and eliminate plaque. In fact, doctors categorically prohibit such a procedure. Douching can carry an infection to the uterus, and this is fraught with more serious problems.
Some of the weaker sexuse the drug during menstruation. So you can not do. Of course, there will be no harm from this, but you will not get any benefit either. If at the time of treatment the menstrual period began, then it is worth stopping the correction for a few days, and then continuing as usual.
Some men are confident that the drugyou need to grind, and then enter into the urethra. This is not worth doing. After such manipulations, there is a burning sensation, discomfort and inconvenience. The medicine is applied only on the upper skin.
Instead of concluding
Did you hear about antifungal medication?"Clotrimazole". Method of application for thrush presented to your attention. Remember the only important thing. Before using the medication, consult a doctor and take the analysis. Only laboratory tests can certainly determine if you have thrush. The doctor with their help will select for you a suitable tool.